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Abernethy, Robert (fl. 1468) ; BA Paris 1468, vicar of Kirriemuir, Forfar, diocese of St Andrews: Chartularium universitatis Parisiensis. Liber receptorum nationis Anglicanae (Alemanniae) ed. A. L. Gabriel and G. C. Boyse (Paris, 1964), 452; Chartularium universitatis Parisiensis. Liber procuratorum nationis Anglicanae (Alemanniae), ed. C. Samaran, A. A. van Moé, and S. Vitte (Paris, 1935), vol. III 107 n.’3 on his appointment as vicarius: `Eidem Roberto concedebatur in dioc. Sancti Andreae vacaria per obitum’ (Reg. Later. Innocentii VIII, an. II, t. 3, fol. 246, nunc deficiens [Indice 336, fol. 216]); also col. 144 lines 9-10; Sharpe, Latin Writers, no. 1417. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Male. Century: 15th century AD. Geographical area: Scotland. Period: Contemporary. Characterisation: religious. Profession: clergy.

— author (1 entry)

  • A‑017 Adam, Magister — Summula sacramentorum Raymundi de Pennaforte metrificata. — Paris: Georg Wolf and Johann Philippi, 20 Apr. 1494. 4°.

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