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Albericus de Rosate (c.1290-1360) ; from Rosciate, near Bergamo, Lombardy; DBI I 656-7; Coing, Privatrechtsgeschichte, 272; Marco Petoletti, `Alberico da Rosciate lettore della Commedia’, in Maestri e traduttori bergamaschi fra medioevo e rinascimento, ed. Claudia Villa and Francesco Lo Monaco (Bergamo, 1998), 51-84, especially the biographical references at p. 66; also L. Prosdocimi, `Alberico da Rosciate e la giurisprudenza italiana del sec. XIV’, Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 29 (1956), 67-74. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century.

— author (1 entry)

  • J‑253 Justinianus — Digestum vetus [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius and the Summaria of Petrus Fossanus]. — Venice: Andreas Torresanus de Asula, 26 Mar. 1491. Folio.
— [pseudo-] (1 entry)
  • M‑034 Maletis, Albericus de — De testibus. — Pavia: Leonardus Gerla, 15 Mar. 1497. Folio.

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