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Guarnerius, Franciscus (d.1478) ; humanist, secretary of Cardinal Marco Barbo; DBI LX 427-8; Giovanni Mercati, Per la cronologia della vita e degli scritti di Niccolò Perotti, Studi e testi, 44/1 (1925), 90; Giuseppe Billanovich, `Il Petrarca e i retori latini minori’, Italia medioevale e umanistica, 5 (1962), 103-64, at 130-1; Sesto Prete, Il codice di Columella di Stefano Guarnieri, Fonti e Studi, 2 (Fano, 1974); dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century.

— author (3 entries)

  • C‑036 Campanus, Johannes Antonius — Opera (ed. Michael Fernus). — Rome: Eucharius Silber, for Michael Fernus, 31 Oct. 1495. Folio.
  • P‑099 Perottus, Nicolaus — Commentariolus in prohemium Historiae naturalis Plinii, et al. — [Venice: Printer of Cicero, ‘De officiis' (H *5268), c.1482]. Folio.
  • P‑107 Perottus, Nicolaus — Cornucopiae linguae latinae (ed. Aldus Manutius), et al. — Venice: Aldus Manutius, Romanus, July 1499. Folio.

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