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Details of one author, translator, editor or dedicatee

Guidotto da Bologna (d.1282) ; DBI LXI 466-70; Francesco Bruni, `Documenti senesi per Fra Guidotto da Bologna’, Medioevo romanzo, 3 (1976), 229-35; GW 11841-3. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century.

— author (1 entry)

  • C‑221 Cicero, Marcus Tullius — Rhetorica ad C. Herennium [Italian] Rhetorica nova. — [Venice: Nel Beretin Convento della Ca Grande, c.1475]. 4°.
— translator (1 entry)
  • C‑221 Cicero, Marcus Tullius — Rhetorica ad C. Herennium [Italian] Rhetorica nova. — [Venice: Nel Beretin Convento della Ca Grande, c.1475]. 4°.

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