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Marcellus (Marcello), Valerius (d.1461); of Venice; the son of Jacobus Antonius Marcellus; R. Fabbri, `Le “Consolationes de obitu Valerii Marcelli” ed il Filelfo’, in Miscellanea di studi in onore di Vittore Branca III. Umanesimo e rinascimento a Firenze e Venezia, 2 vols, Biblioteca dell’“Archivum Romanicum”, Serie I – Storia – Letteratura &ndash Paleografia, 180 (Florence, 1983), III* 227-50, at 231; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century.

— author (1 entry)

  • G‑245 Gregorius Tifernas, Publius — Opuscula, et al. — Venice: Bernardinus Venetus, de Vitalibus, 11 June 1498. 4°.

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