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Pelacanis de Parma, Blasius de (c.1347-1416); professor, University of Pavia 1374-8, 1388-1407; Bologna 1379-82, 1387-8; Padua 1407-11; first prior of college of arts and medicine in Parma 1412; Piana, Ricerche, 315-23; D. Buzzetti and others, L’insegnamento della logica a Bologna nel XIV secolo, Studi e memorie per la storia dell’università di Bologna, NS 8 (Bologna, 1992), 610-11. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century.

— author (1 entry)

  • O‑024 Oresme, Nicolaus — De latitudinibus formarum. — Padua:

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