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Rochabonella, Petrus (d.c.1491); doctor in arts and medicine 1449; Acta graduum academicorum gymnasii Patavini ab anno 1406 ad annum 1450, ed. C. Zonta and I. Brotto (Padua, 1922), no. 2348; professor of medicine, Padua, 1465; of philosophy 1467; of medicine 1475; P. Verrua, `Cinque orazioni dette dall’umanista Francesco Negri nello studio di Padova’, Archivio Veneto-Tridentino, 1 (1922), 194-236, at 228-33; Cosenza IV 3073; editor. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century.

— author (1 entry)

  • A‑635 Avicenna — Canon medicinae (Lib. I–V), et al. — Padua: Johannes Herbort, de Seligenstadt, 1476. Folio.

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