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Berthout, Guillaume (d.1301/2) ; provost of S. Petrus, Louvain 1269/70; Bishop of Utrecht 1296-1301; Leonine I*/1 85*–87*; DHGE XXII, 855-6; C. Renardy, Le maîtres universitaires dans le diocèse de Liège. Répertoire biographique (1140-1350) (Paris, 1981), no. 270; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century.

— author (1 entry)

  • T‑128 Thomas Aquinas — Expositio libri Posteriorum et libri Peryermenias, et al. — Venice: Johannes de Colonia and Johannes Manthen, 1477. Folio.

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