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Authors, translators, editors and dedicatees Incunables
Abû `Alî al-Husayn b. `Abd Allâh b. Sînâ see Avicenna
Abû al-Kâsim Khalaf b. `Abbâs Zahrâwî see Abulcasis
Abû Bakr al-Hasan ibn al-Khasîb see Albubather
Abū Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyyā Al-Rāzī see Rhasis
Abd al-`Aziz b. `Uthman al-Kabîsî al-Hasan see Alchabitius
Aben Ezra, Abraham (Abraham ibn Ezra, 1092-1167) rabbi. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Male. Dates: 1092 to 1167. Century: 11th century AD to 12th century AD. Period: Medieval. Characterisation: religious. Profession:... show more
— author (3 entries) • A‑002 G‑030 • Heb 1
Abernethy, Robert (fl. 1468) ; BA Paris 1468, vicar of Kirriemuir, Forfar, diocese of St Andrews: Chartularium universitatis Parisiensis. Liber receptorum nationis Anglicanae (Alemanniae)... show more
— author (1 entry) • A‑017
Abietiscola, Petrus see Danhauser, Petrus
Abiosus, Johannes Baptista (1463–c.1523) from Bagnoli (Naples); studied in Ferrara 1490-2; active in Treviso 1496-9; mathematician; DBI I 52-3; M. Pastore Stocchi, `G.B. Abioso... show more
— author (1 entry) • A‑003 — dedicatee (1 entry) • P‑003
Abirnethy see Abernethy
Abû ‘l-Hasan `alî ibn `alî ibn Ja`afar al-misrî’ see Hali
Abû Marwân `Abd al-Malik b. Abi `l-`Alâ’ Zuhr see Avenzohar
Abû Ma`shar Dja`far b. Muhammad `Umar al-Balkhî see Albumasar
Abû Nasr Muhammad b. Muhammad b. Tarkhân b. Awzalagh al-Fârâbî see Alfarabius
Abraham bar Isaac ben David ; corrector. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • Heb 17
Abraham ben Samuel ben Aldelma . ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • Heb 63
Abraham ben Schem Tob see Abraham Tortuosiensis
Abraham Judaeus of Tortosa see Abraham Tortuosiensis
Abraham Tortuosiensis ; translator. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (4 entries) • A‑004 S‑179A S‑180 S‑181
Abstemius, Laurentius (c.1435/40-1515/17) ; of Macerata, Marche, printer, acquainted with Carlo Malatesta of Rimini; 1476 librarian of Federicus de Montefeltro in Urbino; DBI... show more
— author (1 entry) • S‑190 — editor (1 entry) • S‑190
Abudraham, David . ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • Heb 31
Abulcasis (d.c.1013) ; LMA I 68. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • A‑004 G‑275
Abulkasim see Abulcasis
Abu ‘l-Walîd Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Rushd see Averroes
Abu Zayd Hunain Ibn IsHâq see Johannitius
Acciaiuolus, Andreola (fourteenth century) ; widow of Carlo Artus Count of Monteodorisio, and wife of Bartolomeo II of Capua, Count of Altavilla; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender:... show more
— author (3 entries) • B‑376 B‑377 B‑378
Acciaiuolus, Angelus (d. after 1467) ; DBI I 77; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (10 entries) • P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268
Acciaiuolus, Donatus (1429-1478) ; from Florence; DBI I 80-2. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (9 entries) • A‑007 B‑575 B‑576 P‑390 P‑391 P‑392 P‑393 P‑394 P‑395 — dedicatee (10 entries) • P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268 — translator (8 entries) • B‑575 B‑576 P‑390 P‑391 P‑392 P‑393 P‑394 P‑395
Acciaiuolus, Jacomus/Jacopus (fl. 1421-1484) ; son of Angelus; from Florence, `compagno’ in the household of Ercole I d’Este; T. Tuohy, Herculean Ferrara. Ercole d’Este,... show more
— author (1 entry) • M‑142
Acciaiuolus, Zenobius (1461-1519) OP. Librarian of the Vatican Library under Leo X. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Male. Dates: 1461 to 1519. Century: 15th century AD to... show more
— author (2 entries) • P‑422 P‑423 — editor (2 entries) • P‑422 P‑423
Acciarinus, Tydeus (b. 1430/40) ; from Ascoli Piceno(?), Marche; active in Split, Dalmatia, 1461/2, `magister et rector’ in Dubrovnik from 1471/2-80; then `praeceptor’ in... show more
— author (2 entries) • P‑422 P‑423 — dedicatee (3 entries) • E‑024 P‑422 P‑423
Acciarius Utianensis, Michael (fl. 1479-1508) ; from Uzzano, Tuscany; Daniela Delcorno Branca, `Un discepolo del Poliziano: Michele Acciari’, Lettere italiane, 28 (1976) 464-81. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown.... show more
— author (2 entries) • P‑422 P‑423 — dedicatee (1 entry) • E‑024
Accipacio, Nicolaus (d.1447) ; Cardinal-priest of S. Marcellus 1439-1447; Eubel II 8; DC 58; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • P‑390 P‑391
Accoltis, Franciscus de (c.1416-1488) ; DBI I 104-5. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • A‑008 A‑009
Accursius (c.1185-1263) ; glossator; DBI I 116-21; LMA I 75. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (52 entries) • J‑230 J‑231 J‑232 J‑233 J‑234 J‑235 J‑236 J‑237 J‑238 J‑239 J‑240 J‑241 J‑242 J‑243 J‑244 J‑245 J‑246 J‑247 J‑248 J‑249 J‑250 J‑251 J‑252 J‑253 J‑254 J‑255 J‑256 J‑257 J‑258 J‑259 J‑260 J‑261 J‑262 J‑263 J‑264 J‑265 J‑266 J‑267 J‑268 J‑269 J‑270 J‑271 J‑272 J‑273 J‑274 J‑275 J‑276 J‑277 J‑278 J‑279 J‑280 J‑281 — [pseudo-] (9 entries) • J‑275 J‑276 J‑277 J‑278 J‑279 J‑280 J‑281 J‑282 J‑283
Accursius Pisanus, Bonus (1400–c.1478) ; DBI XI 464-5. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (30 entries) • A‑010 A‑011 A‑012 A‑013 A‑043 A‑044 C‑275 C‑276 C‑277 C‑470 C‑471 C‑473 C‑474 C‑475 C‑476 D‑025 D‑026 H‑224 L‑039 L‑040 O‑041 O‑042 O‑044 O‑045 O‑046 O‑069 O‑073 S‑117 V‑011 V‑014 — dedicatee (9 entries) • C‑275 C‑276 C‑277 C‑278 C‑279 C‑280 C‑281 C‑282 H‑224 — editor (9 entries) • O‑041 O‑042 O‑044 O‑045 O‑046 O‑069 S‑117 V‑011 V‑014
Acerbus, Thomas (end of fifteenth century) ; IBI I 7. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • B‑559 B‑560
Achillinus, Alexander (1463-1512) ; DBI I 144-5; DSB I 46-7. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑014
Acro, Helenius [pseudo-] . ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (10 entries) • A‑015 H‑203 H‑204 H‑205 H‑210 H‑211 H‑212 H‑213 H‑216 H‑218
Actiolus see Acciaiuolus
Acursius, Traianus ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • C‑247
Adam (and Eve) ; subject. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑016
Adam de Aldersbach (d.1408) ; OP; Kaeppeli I 4. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (4 entries) • A‑017 A‑018 A‑019 A‑020
Adam Magister (fl. 1230-1260) ; OP; Schulte II 727-8; Kaeppeli I 4; VL I 47-50. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (4 entries) • A‑017 A‑018 A‑019 A‑020
Adam Werner von Themar (c.1470-1537) ; Georg Ellinger, Geschichte der neulateinischen Literatur Deutschlands im sechzehnten Jahrhundert (Berlin, 1929-33), I 385; Cowie II 765. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown.... show more
— author (3 entries) • B‑518 S‑112 T‑243
Ad Boves, Petrus (Pierre Auxboeufs, Pierre-aux-Bœufs; fl. 1390-1430) ; OFM; Hervé Martin, `Un Prédicateur franciscain du xve siècle, Pierre-aux-Boeufs, et les réalités de son temps’, in Mouvements franciscains... show more
— author (1 entry) • P‑180
Adelardus Bathoniensis (c.1080–c.1152) ; author of works on metaphysics, mathematics, and natural philosophy; Sharpe, Latin Writers, no. 47. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (3 entries) • A‑021 A‑022 A‑117 — translator (2 entries) • E‑036 E‑037
Adelardus Bathoniensis, nephew of ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • A‑021 A‑022
Adelsheim, Gottfried von, Jr (fifteenth/sixteenth century) ; Cowie II 700; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • S‑112
Adolphus (c.1423-1475) ; Count of Nassau-Wiesbaden-Idstein, Archbishop of Mainz 1461-75; Gatz, Bischöfe, 4-6. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (21 entries) • H‑128 J‑041 J‑042 J‑043 J‑044 J‑045 J‑046 J‑047 J‑048 J‑049 J‑050 J‑051 J‑052 J‑053 J‑054 J‑055 J‑056 J‑057 J‑058 J‑059 J‑060 — dedicatee (1 entry) • P‑299
Adrianus Carthusiensis (d.1411) ; OCart. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (3 entries) • A‑023 A‑024 A‑025
Adrianus de Brielis (fl. 1470) ; editor. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • H‑086
Adurnus, Augustinus (d.1502) ; DBI I 285-6; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • S‑304
Adurnus, Johannes (d.1500) ; DBI I 301-2; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • S‑304
Adventus ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (7 entries) • S‑243 S‑244 S‑245 S‑246 S‑247 S‑248 S‑249
Advocatus, Hieronymus (1467-1519) ; DBI IV 710-1; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (5 entries) • L‑159 L‑161 L‑162 L‑163 L‑164
Aegidius Corboliensis (c.1140-1224) ; LMA I 175-6. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑027
Aegidius de Assisio (d.1262) ; VL I 76-8. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑026
Aegidius de Lessinia (fl. second half thirteenth century) ; OP; Kaeppeli I 13-15. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • T‑141
Aegidius Delphus (Gillis van Delft, d.1524) ; professor of theology at Cologne and Paris, rector and later dean of the University of Paris; EdH 147. ♦ Categorisation: Gender:... show more
— author (7 entries) • A‑040 A‑396 B‑597 P‑128 P‑129 P‑130 P‑131 — dedicatee (5 entries) • F‑018 P‑128 P‑129 P‑130 P‑131 — editor (2 entries) • A‑396 B‑597
Aegidius Insulensis (Gilles de Lille, fl. 1496) ; Rice 38. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • F‑004
Aegidius Nuceriensis, Johannes (Jean Gilles of Noyers, d. after 1536) ; studied in Paris, teacher of grammar, compiled book of proverbs 1519; composed some verses published (1530), and an elegy... show more
— author (5 entries) • T‑044 T‑045 T‑046 T‑049 T‑050
Aegidius Romanus (Aegidius Columna, c.1243-1316) ; commentator on Aristotle; LMA I 178. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (13 entries) • A‑028 A‑029 A‑030 A‑031 A‑032 A‑033 A‑034 A‑035 A‑036 A‑037 A‑038 A‑039 A‑131
Aegidius Romanus [pseudo-] . ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • M‑228 M‑229
Aegidius Viterbiensis (1465/9-1532) ; OESA; DTC VI 1365-71; J. W. O’Malley, Giles of Viterbo on Church and Reform (Leiden, 1968); Aegidius Viterbiensis is... show more
— author (3 entries) • A‑029 A‑038 P‑236
Aelianus, Claudius (165/70-230/5) ; Greek writer of the Second Sophistic movement; author of works of popular moral philosophy; OCD 18. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century:... show more
— author (1 entry) • E‑022
Aelianus Tacticus (first–second century AD) ; Greek military author; OCD 18. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (3 entries) • A‑041 S‑120 S‑121
Aelius Lampridius (probably a pseudonym); one of the authors to whom the Historia Augusta is attributed; RE XII 586. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century:... show more
— author (3 entries) • S‑117 S‑118 S‑119
Aelius Spartianus see Aelius Lampridius
Aemilianus, Carolus (fifteenth century) ; `adolescens eruditus patritius Venetus’; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑095
Aemilius, Gregorius (fl. 1488) . ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • B‑588
Aemilius, Quintus [pseudo-] . ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • C‑269
Aeneas Gazeus (late fifth century) ; Christian `rhetor’; RE I, 1021. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • E‑022
Aeschines (c.390–after 330 BC) ; Greek orator; OCD 25-6. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (4 entries) • C‑208 C‑233 C‑234 C‑235 — [pseudo-] (1 entry) • E‑022
Aesopus ; legendary author of Greek fables; OCD 29. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (30 entries) • A‑042 A‑043 A‑044 A‑045 A‑046 A‑047 A‑048 A‑049 A‑050 A‑051 A‑052 A‑053 A‑054 A‑055 A‑056 A‑057 A‑058 A‑059 A‑060 A‑061 A‑062 A‑063 A‑064 A‑065 A‑066 A‑067 A‑068 A‑069 A‑070 P‑411
Agatha, S. BS I 320-35. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑071
Agathemeros, Alexander (Alessandro Bondini, d. after 1505) ; DBI XI 735-6. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑384
Agostino da Pavia see Augustinus de Novis Papiensis
Agricola, Daniel (d.c.1540) ; OFMObs; DHGE I 1022; DSAM I 255; The History of Franciscan Preaching and of Franciscan Preachers, 1209-1927: A Bibliographical... show more
— author (2 entries) • C‑462 C‑463
Agricola, Rudolphus (1443?–1485) ; Cowie II 700-1. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (3 entries) • A‑071A H‑094 T‑243 — dedicatee (1 entry) • S‑112 — translator (2 entries) • H‑094 I‑046
Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius (c.64-12 BC) ; friend and supporter of Octavian/Augustus; OCD 1601-2; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • H‑036
Agroecius (fifth century) ; Bishop of Sens; author of treatise on orthography; OCD 47. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (4 entries) • D‑084 D‑086 D‑087 D‑088
`Ahmad Ibn-Muhammad al-Fargânî see Alfraganus
Aicardus, Andreas (fl. 1465-1468) ; A. Pezzana, Memorie degli scrittori e letterati Parmigiani raccolte dal padre Ireneo Affò e continuate da Angelo Pezzana (Parma,... show more
— author (2 entries) • P‑364 P‑365
Aimericus de Placentia (Giliani, d.1327) ; OP; Master-general 1304; T. Alfonsi, `Il padre Aimerico Giliani e Pier de’ Crescenzi’, in Pier de’ Crescenzi (1233-1321): Studi... show more
— author (6 entries) • C‑477 C‑478 C‑480 C‑481 C‑482 C‑483
Alabantus, Antonius (d.1495) ; from Bologna; OSM; General of the Servites 1485; taught at Florence 1466, then at Bologna, Padua, and Pisa; DBI... show more
— author (1 entry) • U‑010 — dedicatee (2 entries) • M‑327 U‑010
Alamannus, Andreas (b. 1421) ; `prior populi Florentini’; Lauro Martines, The Social World of the Florentine Humanists: 1390-1460 (Princeton, 1963), 345-6; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown.... show more
— author (10 entries) • P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268
Alami, Solomon. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • Heb-Post 6
Alanus de Insulis (c.1125-1203) ; LMA I 268-70. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (13 entries) • A‑072 A‑073 A‑074 A‑075 A‑076 A‑077 A‑078 A‑079 A‑080 A‑485 A‑485A B‑001 G‑092 — [pseudo-] (1 entry) • B‑418
Alanus de Rupe (c.1428-1475) ; OP; Kaeppeli I 21; DSAM I 269-70. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • F‑095
Albanus, S.; King of Hungary ; BS I 661. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑081
Albanzani, Donato degli (fl. before 1328–after 1411) ; DBI I 611-13; translator. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • P‑173
Albergati, Nicolaus (1375-1443) ; Cardinal; DC 204; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (13 entries) • P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268 P‑390 P‑391 X‑001
Albericus de Rosate (c.1290-1360) ; from Rosciate, near Bergamo, Lombardy; DBI I 656-7; Coing, Privatrechtsgeschichte, 272; Marco Petoletti, `Alberico da Rosciate lettore della Commedia’,... show more
— author (1 entry) • J‑253 — [pseudo-] (1 entry) • M‑034
Albericus (fl. 1200) ; Sharpe, Latin Writers, no. 82. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • F‑071 F‑072
Albertanus Causidicus Brixiensis (c.1190–after 1250) ; VL I 151-4; DBI I 669. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (10 entries) • A‑082 A‑083 A‑084 A‑085 A‑086 A‑087 A‑088 A‑089 A‑090 G‑157
Alberti `Carrariensis’, Johannes Michael (1438-1490) ; from Bergamo; `Carrariensis’ derives from the fact that the author wanted to associate himself to the Carrara family of... show more
— author (1 entry) • A‑091
Albertus, Bernardus. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑092
Albertus de Bonstetten ; see GW IV col. 559. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • M‑213
Albertus de Orlamünde (thirteenth century) ; OP; Kaeppeli I 31. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑131
Albertus de Padua (1282-1328) ; G. Vedova, Biografia degli scrittori padovani, 2 vols (Padua, 1832-6), II 34-5. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑094
Albertus de Placentia (fifteenth century) ; OFM; master of theology, University of Bologna; Iter italicum, II 89 and 482 (Rimini, Biblioteca civica Gambalunga, MS. 4... show more
— author (1 entry) • J‑085
Albertus de Saxonia (c.1316-1390) ; first Rector of the University of Vienna and Bishop of Halberstadt (1366-90); author of treatises on logic, mathematics, and... show more
— author (2 entries) • A‑095 B‑606
Albertus, Leo Baptista (1404-1472) ; DBI I 702-13. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (3 entries) • A‑092 C‑164 L‑177 — dedicatee? (10 entries) • P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268
Albertus, Magister ; author of linguistic works. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑093
Albertus Magnus (c.1200-1280) ; OP; professor of theology, author of commentaries on the works of Aristotle; VL IV 298-301. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown... show more
— author (60 entries) • A‑096 A‑097 A‑098 A‑099 A‑100 A‑101 A‑102 A‑103 A‑104 A‑105 A‑106 A‑107 A‑108 A‑109 A‑110 A‑111 A‑112 A‑113 A‑114 A‑115 A‑116 A‑117 A‑118 A‑119 A‑120 A‑121 A‑121A A‑122 A‑123 A‑124 A‑125 A‑126 A‑127 A‑128 A‑129 A‑130 A‑131 A‑131A A‑132 A‑133 A‑134 A‑135 A‑135A A‑136 A‑137 A‑138 A‑139 A‑140 A‑141 A‑142 A‑143 A‑144 A‑145 A‑146 A‑147 A‑148 A‑149 A‑150 T‑140 T‑141 — [pseudo-]? (2 entries) • H‑128 J‑071 — [pseudo-] (53 entries) • A‑096 A‑097 A‑101 A‑103 A‑104 A‑105 A‑106 A‑107 A‑108 A‑109 A‑110 A‑111 A‑112 A‑113 A‑114 A‑115 A‑116 A‑117 A‑119 A‑120 A‑121 A‑123 A‑126 A‑127 A‑128 A‑129 A‑130 A‑131 A‑132 A‑133 A‑134 A‑135 A‑135A A‑136 A‑137 A‑138 A‑139 A‑140 A‑141 A‑142 A‑143 A‑144 A‑145 A‑146 A‑147 A‑148 C‑120 H‑128 J‑071 J‑146 T‑140 T‑141 T‑189
Albertus Parrhisius (fifteenth century) ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (10 entries) • P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268
Albertus Vercellensis (Avogadro, c.1150-1214) ; Bishop of Vercelli 1185-1205; Patriarch of Jerusalem 1205-14; V. Mosca, Alberto Patriarca di Gerusalemme, Textus et studia historica Carmelitana,... show more
— author (1 entry) • P‑183
Albertus VI von Hapsburg (1418-1463), Duke of Austria and Styria ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • H‑009
Albert Valentinus, Michael (d.1502) ; from Valencia; IBEP I 32; editor. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • R‑054
Albinianus Trecius, Petrus (fl. 1479-1513) ; DBI II 3. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (7 entries) • B‑104 B‑106 B‑468 B‑475A G‑183 G‑205 G‑234 — dedicatee (2 entries) • G‑183 G‑234 — editor (4 entries) • B‑475A D‑122 G‑183 G‑234
Albinus (fl. 400) ; RE I 1315, PLRE I 35-6. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • D‑152
Albinus (fl. 150) [pseudo-] ; Platonist; OCD 50. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (5 entries) • A‑151 A‑369 A‑370 A‑371 J‑093
Albizius, Normanus de’ (fifteenth century) ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (10 entries) • P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268
Albizius, Rainaldus de’ (1370-1442) ; from Florence; Cosenza V 35; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (10 entries) • P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268
Albizzo, Francesco d’. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • L‑045
Albo, Joseph. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • Heb 51
Albornoz, Aegidius (d.1367) ; Cardinal; DC 213-314; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • L‑107 — editor (1 entry) • C‑435
Albrecht; author of `Jüngerer Titurel’ ; VL I 158-73; now not considered to be identified with Albrecht von Scharfenberg, for whom see VL I 200-6. ♦ Categorisation:... show more
— author (1 entry) • A‑151A
Albrecht (1443-1500), Duke of Saxony ; LMA I 322-3. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • E‑027
Albrecht IV (1447-1508), Count Palatine, Duke of Bavaria ; LMA I 315-6; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑283
Albrecht von Bayern (fl. 1479-1506) ; Bishop of Strasbourg 1479-1506; Gatz, Bischöfe, 16-17; editor. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • B‑530
Albubather (fl. 900) ; Enc. Islam, III 835. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑152
Albuchasis see Abulcasis
Albumasar (787-886) ; author of works on astronomy and astrology, influential for twelfth- and thirteenth-century western philosophy; Enc. Islam, I 139-40. ♦ Categorisation: Gender:... show more
— author (5 entries) • A‑153 A‑154 A‑155 A‑156 A‑157
Albwinus de Säben-Brixen. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (3 entries) • N‑060 N‑061 N‑062
Alchabitius (Abd al-`Aziz b. `Uthman al-Kabîsî al-Hasan) (d.c.967). ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑158
Alcimus, Alethius . ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (24 entries) • V‑075 V‑077 V‑078 V‑081 V‑083 V‑087 V‑088 V‑089 V‑090 V‑091 V‑092 V‑093 V‑094 V‑095 V‑096 V‑098 V‑100 V‑101 V‑102 V‑103 V‑104 V‑105 V‑106 V‑107
Alcinius see Alcimus
Alcinous (second century AD?) ; author of handbook on Platonism; OCD 54. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (5 entries) • A‑151 A‑369 A‑370 A‑371 J‑093
Alciphron (fl. second–third century AD) ; Greek writer of Second Sophistic movement; author of letters supposedly written by Athenians of fourth century BC; OCD 54. ♦ Categorisation:... show more
— author (1 entry) • E‑022
Alcock, Johannes, Bishop of Ely (d.1500) ; Sharpe, Latin Writers, no. 558; DHGE. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • A‑159 A‑160
Alcuinus (c.735-804) ; scholar, teacher, writer, educated at York, employed at court of Charlemagne, 796 Abbot of St.Martin’s at Tours; ODCC 35-6;... show more
— author (3 entries) • A‑578 A‑579 H‑145
Aldegatus, Marcus Antonius. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • B‑487
Aldemoresco, Franceschella (fifteenth century) ; daughter of the Grand Admiral of Naples, Luigi Aldemoresco (d.1414); dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • M‑142
Alderotti, Taddeo see Thaddeus de Florentia
Aldobrandinus de Tuscanella (d. after 1293) ; from Toscanella i.e. Tuscania (Viterbo), Latium; OP of the Roman province; lector at the convent of Pisa in 1287,... show more
— author (2 entries) • T‑140 T‑141
Aleardus, Franciscus (fifteenth century) ; from Verona; Cosenza V 45; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (10 entries) • P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268
Aleman, Ludovicus de (d.1450) ; Bishop of Maguelone 1418-23; Bishop of Arles 1423-50; Cardinal-priest of S. Cecilia 1426-50; papal legate to Bologna 1424-8; G.... show more
— author (1 entry) • S‑062
Alexander Anglicus see Alexander Carpentarius
Alexander Aphrodisiensis (fl. c.200) ; commentator on Aristotle; OCD 61. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • A‑162 A‑163 — [pseudo-] (5 entries) • A‑163 A‑384 N‑017 P‑422 P‑423
Alexander Benedictus see Benedictus, Alexander
Alexander Carpentarius (fl. 1429) ; Emden, BRUO 360; DNB; Sharpe, Latin Writers, no. 97. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • A‑166 A‑167
Alexander de Hales (c.1185-1245) ; OFM; theologian and philosopher; CHLMP 856; LMA I 377-8; Sharpe, Latin Writers, no. 99. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (4 entries) • A‑168 A‑169 A‑170 N‑054 — [pseudo-] (1 entry) • A‑168
Alexander de Nevo (c.1419-1484) ; from Vicenza; canon in Vicenza and Treviso; professor of canon law, Padua, 1456; Belloni 107-10; Lowry, Jenson, passim. ♦ Categorisation: Gender:... show more
— author (4 entries) • A‑176 G‑234 N‑029 N‑030 — dedicatee (2 entries) • D‑203 G‑236 — editor (2 entries) • B‑464 G‑324
Alexander de Perusio (fourteenth century). ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • P‑178
Alexander de Roes (fl. 1280-1288). ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • F‑077 J‑215
Alexander de Villa Dei (b. c.1170); Lexicon grammaticorum, 18; LMA I 381. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (22 entries) • A‑177 A‑178 A‑179 A‑180 A‑181 A‑182 A‑183 A‑184 A‑185 A‑186 A‑187 A‑188 A‑189 A‑190 A‑191 A‑192 A‑193 A‑194 A‑195 A‑196 A‑197 A‑198 — [pseudo-] (6 entries) • A‑199 A‑200 B‑305 B‑310 B‑311 B‑312
Alexander (fl. 1460); Cardinal ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (10 entries) • P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268
Alexander III (c.1100-1181) ; Pont. Max. 1159-81; formerly Rolandus Bandinelli; ODCC 38; Kelly, Popes, 176-7. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • M‑006 P‑183
Alexander Justinus; Cosenza II 1878; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑617
Alexander Magnus. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • E‑022 — dedicatee (1 entry) • E‑022 — [pseudo-] (6 entries) • A‑171 A‑172 A‑173 A‑174 A‑175 G‑052
Alexander VI (1431-1503), Pont. Max. 1492-1503 ; formerly Cardinal Rodericus de Lanzol-Borja; DBI II 196-205; Kelly, Popes, 252-4. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (10 entries) • A‑161 C‑116 C‑117 C‑186 C‑187 I‑019 P‑286 P‑287 P‑288 P‑421 — dedicatee (34 entries) • B‑046 B‑047 B‑048 B‑090 B‑151 B‑152 B‑153 C‑116 C‑117 C‑186 C‑187 C‑377 E‑031 E‑032 G‑064 G‑191 J‑188 M‑063 M‑132A M‑132B M‑162 M‑163 M‑180 M‑310 P‑422 P‑423 S‑061 S‑362 T‑294 T‑295 W‑017 W‑018 W‑019 Z‑011 — editor (as Rodericus de Lanzol-Borja) (1 entry) • P‑043
Alexander V (1340-1410); Pont. Max. 1409-10 ; OFM; formerly Pietro Filargis, also called Pietro di Candia; Kelly, Popes, 236-7; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (3 entries) • G‑085 P‑526 P‑531
Alexandre, Clemens (fifteenth/sixteenth century) ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • V‑107
Alexandre, Ladislaus (fifteenth/sixteenth century) ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • V‑107
Alexandris, Carolus de (fl. 1475). ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑201
Alexis, Guillaume (second half of fifteenth century) ; DSAM I 303-4. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • C‑030
Alexius Sulpitianus, Paulus ; editor of pseudo-Ciceronian Synonyma. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • C‑347
Alfarabius (870/2-950) ; author of works on logic, linguistics, metaphysics, psychology, and political philosophy; Enc. Islam, II 778-81; Schulthess–Imbach 378-9. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown.... show more
— author (1 entry) • A‑425
Alfasi, Isaac ben Jacob. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • Heb 36
Alfraganus (d. after 861) ; DSB IV 541-5. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑201A
Alfredus de Sareshel (Shareshill) (fl. 1200) ; Sharpe, Latin Writers, no. 108; translator. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • A‑386 A‑388
`Alî ibn `Isâ, al-Kahhal see Jesus Filius Hali
`Alî Ibn Ridwân see Hali
Alinora, Queen of England (Eleanor, wife of Henry II; 1122-1204) . ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • P‑183
Allardeau, Johannes (fl. 1466-1496) ; Bishop of Marseilles 1466-96; Charrier and Thuasne, both ad indicem; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • G‑005
Allegrettus Salensis Lombardus. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (3 entries) • B‑584 B‑585 B‑586
Alliaco, Petrus de (Petrus Bruxellensis, Pierre d’Ailly; c.1350-1420/1) ; DSB I 84; VL VII 496-9. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (10 entries) • A‑203 A‑204 A‑205 A‑206 A‑207 A‑208 A‑209 A‑210 D‑093 J‑187
Alligretus, Dionysius (fifteenth century) ; Charrier and Thuasne, both ad indicem; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • G‑005
Allington, Robert (d. after 1395) ; Sharpe, Latin Writers, no. 1420. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • L‑102
Allius (Agli), Peregrinus (1440-1469) ; DBI I 401-2. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • P‑390 P‑391 — translator (6 entries) • P‑390 P‑391 P‑392 P‑393 P‑394 P‑395
Allizeschi, Bernardino see Bernardinus Senensis
Almadianus Viterbiensis, Petrus (fifteenth century) ; `phi. cult’ [`cultor’ in physics or philosophy, with verse in the entry suggesting physics]. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • Z‑014
Almansor (938-1002) ; LMA VI 202. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • P‑533
Almeida, Diego (fifteenth century). ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • C‑114
Almeida, Ferdinandus de (fl. 1459-1500) ; Bishop of Ceuta 1493-1500, papal legate to France, and Bishop-elect of Nevers; Gams 470. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑212
Aloisi, Jacobo Baptista see Alovisius Ravennas, Jacobus Baptista
Alovisius (fifteenth century) ; patrician of Venice; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • P‑003
Alovisius Ravennas, Jacobus Baptista (d.c.1510) ; from Ravenna; OESA, professor of theology in the Venetian convent of S. Stephanus in 1498; P. P. Ginanni, Memorie... show more
— author (2 entries) • A‑095 P‑058 — editor (1 entry) • P‑058
Alovixiis, Johannes Baptista see Alovisius Ravennas, Jacobus Baptista
Alphonsus Boni Hominis (d. before 12 Aug. 1353) ; OP; Kaeppeli I 48-55. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (6 entries) • P‑047 S‑049 S‑050 S‑051 S‑053 T‑264 — translator (10 entries) • P‑047 S‑046 S‑047 S‑048 S‑049 S‑050 S‑051 S‑052 S‑053 T‑264
Alphonsus (d.1389) ; Bishop of Jaén; Arne Jönsson, Alfonso of Jaén: His Life and Works with Critical Editions of the Epistola Solitarii,... show more
— author (2 entries) • B‑348 B‑349
Alphonsus de Cartagena (1384-1456) ; known as Alfonso de Santa Maria, translator of Seneca for King Juan II of Castile; J. N. H. Lawrance,... show more
— author (1 entry) • S‑150 — translator (1 entry) • S‑150
Alphonsus de Salamina ; editor. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • F‑096
Alphonsus de Soto (fifteenth century) ; archdeacon in Ciudad Rodrigo and treasurer in Salamanca; professor of law at Rome for five years under Innocentius VIII;... show more
— author (2 entries) • G‑233 I‑018 — editor (3 entries) • G‑233 O‑013 O‑014
Alphonsus de Spina (d. after 1491) ; LThK I 333. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (4 entries) • A‑222 A‑223 A‑224 A‑225
Alphonsus II of Aragon, Duke of Calabria and King of Sicily see Aragona, Alphonsus
Alphonsus (1475-1491), Prince of Portugal. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • C‑114
Alphonsus V (1432-1481); King of Portugal; LMA I 405-7; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • G‑005
Alphonsus X (1221-1284); King of Castile and León 1252-84 ; LMA 396-7. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑220 — [pseudo-] (2 entries) • A‑220 A‑221
Alsarabius see Abulcasis
Alt, Georg (c.1450-1510) ; A. Wilson, The Making of the Nuremberg Chronicle (Amsterdam, 1976), 163-5, and VL VIII 619; translator. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century:... show more
— author (1 entry) • S‑110
Altobello ; subject. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑226
Altovitus, Franciscus (fl. 1493) ; Santoro, Uffici, 141; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • B‑345
Alvarotus, Jacobus (1385-1453) ; doctor of civil law at Padua; Belloni 211-14. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑227 — dedicatee (2 entries) • A‑227 A‑463
Alvarotus, Johannes ; editor. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • M‑321
al-Zahrâwî see Abulcasis
Alzano, Bartholommeo de (fl. 1500) ; OP; Prior of the convent of San Pier Martire of Murano, Venice; IBI I 47; P. Humfrey, `Fra’ Bartolommeo,... show more
— author (1 entry) • C‑120
Amadeus de Talaru (fl. 1415-1444) ; Archbishop of Lyons 1415-44; Gams 571; Eubel I 330, II 10. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (3 entries) • G‑086 G‑087 G‑088
Amadeus, Johannes Franciscus (fifteenth century) ; poet from Modena; Tiraboschi, Biblioteca modenese, III 429; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • P‑002
Amalfi, Duke of (fifteenth century) ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • M‑142
Amaltheus, Paulus (1460-1517) ; IBI I 48. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • D‑160
Amasis [pseudo-] ; name of Egyptian pharaoh, sixth century BC; OCD 69. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • E‑022
Amboise, Georgius de (1460-1510) ; Cardinal-priest of S. Sixtus; Eubel II 25; LMA I 518-19; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑503
Ambrogius see Ambrosius
Ambroise de Cambrai or Cambray see Ambrosius Cambraius
Ambrosiaster (fourth century) ; name given to author of commentaries on 13 Pauline letters; OCD 72, ODCC 51. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • A‑228 A‑553
Ambrosinus de Alemania, (fl. 1498) OP; editor. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • R‑071
Ambrosius Autpertus (d.c.780) ; OSB; LMA I 525. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (5 entries) • A‑228 A‑504 A‑568 A‑569 G‑192
Ambrosius Cambraius (d.1496) ; Bishop of Aleth 1455-60; Charrier, Collard, Thuasne, all ad indicem; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • G‑005 — [pseudo-] (1 entry) • G‑005
Ambrosius de Alemania (d.1515) ; OP; Guyot, 171-4. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • P‑202 — editor (1 entry) • P‑202
Ambrosius de Cora (also Coriolanus or Romanus; surname Massarius, d.1485) ; of Cura, Viterbo, Latium; OESA; DHGE II 1116-19; Perini II 194-7. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (5 entries) • C‑440 C‑441 C‑442 C‑443 C‑444 — dedicatee (2 entries) • A‑233 A‑501
Ambrosius de Woestine ; from Woestijne, west Flanders; OSB, monk of St Martin of Tours. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑237A
Ambrosius (fifteenth century ; `iureconsultus’; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (10 entries) • P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268
Ambrosius (c.340-397) ; Bishop of Milan; author of letters, works of biblical exegesis, hymns, orations; OCD 71; ODCC 49-50. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century:... show more
— author (15 entries) • A‑228 A‑229 A‑230 A‑231 A‑232 A‑233 A‑234 A‑235 A‑236 A‑237 A‑556 A‑557 B‑522 J‑034 J‑035 — dedicatee (2 entries) • A‑228 A‑237 — [pseudo-] (11 entries) • A‑228 A‑229 A‑230 A‑233 A‑236 A‑237 E‑053 H‑219 J‑034 J‑035 R‑072
Ambrosius Regiensis (fifteenth century). ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • C‑473
Amerbach, Johannes (c.1440-1513) ; NDB I 247-8. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (7 entries) • A‑529 A‑530 R‑055? R‑056? R‑057? R‑058? V‑129 — dedicatee (3 entries) • A‑228 C‑105 T‑249
Amerinus Delphin, Aegidius see Delphin Amerinus, Aegidius
Amidaeus, Johannes (fifteenth century) ; `iureconsultus’; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (10 entries) • P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268
Ammannati Piccolomini, Jacobus (1422-1479) , Cardinal of Pavia; DBI II 802; P. Cherubini, ‘L’epistolario del Cardinal Jacopo Ammannati Piccolomini’, Archivio storico italiano, 150 (1993),... show more
— author (2 entries) • P‑422 P‑423 — dedicatee (4 entries) • E‑024 L‑115 P‑422 P‑423
Ammianus Marcellinus (c.330-395) ; Roman historian; OCD 73-4. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑239
Ammonius Hermiae (fl. first quarter, sixth century AD) ; Neoplatonist writer and author of commentaries on Aristotle; K. Verrycken, The Metaphysics of Ammonias Son of Hermias, in Aristotle... show more
— author (1 entry) • A‑240
Ammonius [pseudo-] ; fifteenth-century manuscripts ascribe to him authorship of Byzantine lexicon of `synonyma’, customarily called `De adfinium vocabulorum differentia’; De adfinium... show more
— author (1 entry) • C‑472
Amsterdamis, Hervicus de see Hervicus de Amsterdamis
Anacharsis (fl. sixth century BC) ; legendary Scythian prince to whom sayings and letters are attributed; OCD 79. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • E‑022
Anastasius I (d.401) ; Pont. Max. 399-401; LMA I 572; Kelly, Popes, 36-7. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (10 entries) • H‑081 H‑082 H‑083 H‑084 H‑087 H‑088 H‑089 H‑090 H‑091 H‑092
André, Bernard see Andreas Cecus, Bernardus
Andrea de’ Magnabotti da Barberino (c.1370-after 1431) ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • A‑243 A‑244
Andrea di Ser Lancia, Ser ; translator. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • V‑110
Andreae, Antonius (c.1280–c.1320) ; Lohr (1971), 363. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (6 entries) • A‑245 A‑246 A‑247 A‑248 A‑249 B‑418
Andreae, Jacobus (fifteenth century) ; of Ferrara; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • T‑020
Andreae, Johannes (fifteenth century). ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • O‑038
Andreae, Johannes (fifteenth century) ; `abbas’; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (10 entries) • P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268
Andreae, Johannes (c.1271-1348) ; from Bologna; Schulte 205-29; Dictionnaire du droit canonique VI 89-92; DBI LV 667-72. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (50 entries) • A‑250 A‑251 A‑252 A‑253 A‑254 A‑255 A‑256 A‑257 A‑258 A‑259 A‑260 A‑261 A‑262 B‑460 B‑461 B‑462 B‑463 B‑464 B‑465 B‑466 B‑467 B‑468 B‑469 B‑470 B‑471 B‑472 B‑473 B‑474 B‑475 B‑476 B‑477 C‑359 C‑360 C‑361 C‑362 C‑363 C‑364 C‑365 C‑366 C‑367 C‑368 C‑369 C‑370 C‑371 C‑372 C‑373 C‑374 C‑375 C‑376 P‑178 — [pseudo-] (1 entry) • A‑250
Andreae, Nicolaus (fifteenth century?) ; Franz, Messe, 607. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑263
Andreas Capellanus (end of twelfth/beginning of thirteenth century) ; LMA I 604-7. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑264
Andreas Cecus, Bernardus (d.c.1522) ; French poet, biographer of Henri VII; Charrier, Collard, Thuasne, all ad indicem; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • G‑005
Andreas Constantinopolitanus (d.c.1458) ; OP; Archbishop of Rhodes 1431-47; Archbishop of Nicosia 1447-58; Eubel II 148, 224; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (10 entries) • P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268
Andreas de Escobar (1367-1437) ; DHGE XV 861-2. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (9 entries) • A‑265 A‑266 A‑267 A‑268 A‑269 A‑270 A‑271 A‑272 A‑273
Andreas Ferrariensis (fifteenth century) ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (10 entries) • P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268
Andreas (fl. 1496) ; a poet from Trier; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • U‑012
Andreas Prenestinus (fifteenth century) . ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • O‑002
Andreas Trapezuntius (d.1496) , son of Georgius; John Monfasani, George of Trebizond: A Biography and a Study of his Rhetoric and Logic (Leiden,... show more
— author (1 entry) • G‑071
Andreas Victorius (fifteenth century). ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑495
Andrelinus Forliviensis, Publius Faustus (c.1462-1519) ; Italian poet; DBI III 138-41; Charrier, Collard, Thuasne, all ad indicem; ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (14 entries) • A‑274 A‑275 A‑276 A‑277 A‑278 A‑279 A‑280 A‑281 B‑448 E‑045 G‑005 G‑007 G‑008 G‑009 — dedicatee (3 entries) • A‑276 G‑005 G‑012
Angelbertus de Marnef (fifteenth century) ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • B‑002
Angeli, Jacobus (fl. 1428-1455) ; studied medicine in Montpellier 1428; Chancellor of the University of medicine there 1433-55; Wickersheimer I 321; Thorndike IV 80-87;... show more
— author (4 entries) • G‑085 G‑086 G‑087 G‑088
Angeli, Jacobus (Jakob Engelin or Engelhart, c.1364–before 1409) ; from Ulm; VL II 561-2; Thorndike–Kibre 887; Thorndike IV 80-7. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑282
Angeli, Jacobus (real surname Sostegni, c.1360-1410) ; from Scarperia (Florence); pupil of Salutati and Giovanni Malpaghini of Ravenna; friend of Chrysoloras, who taught him Greek; DBI... show more
— author (2 entries) • P‑526 P‑531 — translator (12 entries) • P‑390 P‑391 P‑392 P‑393 P‑394 P‑395 P‑526 P‑527 P‑528 P‑529 P‑530 P‑531
Angeli, Johannes (1453?–1512) ; Wolfram Schmitt, `Engel (Angeli), Johann(es)’, VL II 523-4; ADB I 457; Jim Bennett and Domenico Bertolini Meli, Astronomy Books... show more
— author (2 entries) • A‑283 A‑284 — editor (7 entries) • A‑153 A‑154 A‑155? A‑157 A‑210 B‑416 R‑041
Angelus Adrianus see Probus, Angelus
Angelus, Bartholomaeus (fifteenth century). ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • B‑588
Angelus Carletus see Angelus de Clavasio
Angelus de Clavasio (Carletti; 1411-1495) ; from Chivasso, Piedmont; OFMObs; Vicar-general of Observant Franciscans 1478; DHGE III 19-20. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (11 entries) • A‑285 A‑286 A‑287 A‑288 A‑289 A‑290 A‑291 A‑292 A‑293 A‑294 L‑195 — dedicatee (1 entry) • L‑195
Angelus (fifteenth century) ; `iusperitus’; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • P‑003
Angelus (fifteenth century) ; patrician of Rome; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • P‑003
Angelus Fossumbrunus (fl. 1394-1402) ; Thorndike–Kibre 699. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • G‑309
Angelus Reatinus see Sabinus, Angelus
Angelus Veterbinus see Sabinus, Angelus
Anianus Celedensis (fifth century) ; Rachel Skalitzky, `Annianus of Celeda: His Text of Chrysostom’s Homilies on Matthew’, Aevum, 45 (1971), 208-33, esp. at 209-11. ♦ Categorisation:... show more
— author (1 entry) • A‑588 — translator (1 entry) • A‑588
Anianus (fl. ?1250-1300). ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • A‑295 A‑296
Anibaldis; see Annibaldeschis Henricus de Orsoe (H. Boetterman de Orsoy) ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Male. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • P‑446
Anjou, Carolus II de (1254-1309); King of Naples 1285-1309 and Jerusalem ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (8 entries) • C‑476 C‑477 C‑478 C‑479 C‑481 C‑482 C‑483 C‑484
Anjou, Carolus IV de (d.1481); titular King of Naples ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • G‑006
Anjou, Renatus de (1409-1480); Duke of Bar and Lorraine, titular King of Naples 1435-42 ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (12 entries) • G‑005 P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268 U‑012
Anna, S.; mother of BVM ; BS I 1270-95. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • A‑297 A‑298
Annibaldeschis, Annibaldus de (d.1272) ; also known as de Anibaldis; Cardinal-priest of SS. XII Apostoli; Eubel I 8; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (9 entries) • T‑130 T‑131 T‑132 T‑133 T‑134 T‑135 T‑136 T‑137 T‑138
Annius, Johannes (Giovanni Nanni, Johannes Viterbiensis; 1432?–1502) ; OP; Roberto Weiss, `Traccia per una biografia di Annio da Viterbo’, Italia medioevale e umanistica, 5 (1962), 425-41; Edoardo... show more
— author (7 entries) • A‑299 A‑300 A‑301 A‑302 F‑065 F‑066 X‑001
Anonymus Mediolanensis. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑230
Anonymus Neveleti. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (19 entries) • A‑051 A‑052 A‑053 A‑056 A‑057 A‑058 A‑059 A‑060 A‑061 A‑062 A‑063 A‑064 A‑065 A‑066 A‑067 A‑068 A‑485 A‑485A A‑486
Anselmus de Brievere (fifteenth/sixteenth century) ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • V‑107
Anselmus (fourteenth/fifteenth century), brother ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (3 entries) • G‑086 G‑087 G‑088
Anselmus (c.1033-1109) ; Prior of Bec, Archbishop of Canterbury; author of philosophical and theological works, letters. ODCC 73-4; Sharpe, Latin Writers, no.... show more
— author (9 entries) • A‑303 A‑304 A‑305 A‑306 A‑307 A‑510 A‑585 A‑586 M‑170 — [pseudo-] (43 entries) • A‑303 A‑304 A‑305 A‑505 A‑506 A‑507 A‑508 A‑510 A‑584 B‑075 B‑076 B‑077 B‑078 B‑079 B‑080 B‑081 B‑082 B‑083 B‑084 C‑411 H‑128 J‑041 J‑042 J‑043 J‑044 J‑045 J‑046 J‑047 J‑048 J‑049 J‑050 J‑051 J‑052 J‑053 J‑054 J‑055 J‑056 J‑057 J‑058 J‑059 M‑170 T‑063 T‑064
Anselmus Laudunensis [pseudo-] . ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (3 entries) • B‑314 B‑315 B‑316
Anselmus Nepos, Georgius (surname Anselmi, d.1528) ; from Parma; called himself `nepos’ to distinguish himself from his uncle, Georgius Anselmus `senior’ (d. after 1449); DBI III 378-9. ♦ Categorisation:... show more
— author (1 entry) • G‑171 — dedicatee (1 entry) • Q‑021
Antenoreus, Carolus (Antinori, d.1503) ; of Florence, younger brother of Nicolaus Antenoreus, pupil of Poliziano; Aldo Manuzio Editore, 321 n. 14; DBI III 463;... show more
— author (1 entry) • T‑089
Anthonius, Cardinal-priest of S. Chrysogonus ; perhaps to be identified with either (1) Antonius Martini de Clavibus, Bishop of Porto (d.1447), or (2) A. de... show more
— author (1 entry) • N‑040
Anthonius (fl. 1418) ; described as Cardinal of Verona; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (4 entries) • G‑085 G‑086 G‑087 G‑088
Anthonius presbyter (fourteenth century) ; from Cremona; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • S‑210
Antichristus. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • A‑309 A‑310
Antimachus, Marcus Antonius (c.1473–c.1552) ; professor of Greek; IBI I 76. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (3 entries) • O‑051 O‑052 O‑053
Antipater Sidonius (fl. c.120 BC) ; writer of Greek epigrams; OCD 111; T. B. L. Webster, Hellenistic Poetry and Art (London, 1964), esp. 204-8, and... show more
— author (7 entries) • O‑040 O‑042 O‑043 O‑044 O‑045 O‑046 O‑047
Antipater Thessalonicensis (fl. 11 BCAD 12) ; writer of Greek epigrams, working in Rome; OCD 111. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • A‑383 M‑331
Antiquarius, Jacobus (1444/5-1512) ; from Perugia; ducal secretary to Ludovicus Sforza, Duke of Milan; Santoro, Uffici, 51 and 55; CE I 62; DBI... show more
— author (6 entries) • E‑024 P‑286 P‑287 P‑288 P‑422 P‑423 — dedicatee (19 entries) • B‑228 B‑229 B‑230 B‑231 B‑345 C‑036 E‑024 F‑090 F‑091 P‑009 P‑274 P‑275 P‑286 P‑287 P‑288 P‑422 P‑423 T‑005 T‑006
Antiquarius, Nicolaus ; nephew of Jacobus; editor. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑230
Antonella d’Aquino (fl. 1445) ; Marchioness of Pescara, 1452 wife of Innigo d’Avalos, Chamberlain of the king of Naples; C. de Lellis, Famiglie nobili... show more
— author (1 entry) • M‑142
Antonini, Egidio see Aegidius Viterbiensis
Antoninus Florentinus (Pierozzi, 1389-1459) ; OP; Peter Francis Howard, Beyond the Written Word: Preaching and Theology in the Florence of Archbishop Antoninus 1427-59, Istituto... show more
— author (41 entries) • A‑312 A‑313 A‑314 A‑315 A‑316 A‑317 A‑318 A‑319 A‑320 A‑321 A‑322 A‑323 A‑324 A‑325 A‑326 A‑327 A‑328 A‑329 A‑330 A‑331 A‑332 A‑333 A‑334 A‑335 A‑336 A‑337 A‑338 A‑339 A‑340 A‑341 A‑342 A‑343 A‑344 A‑345 A‑346 A‑347 A‑348 G‑092 J‑152 M‑317 R‑047
Antoninus Pius [pseudo-]. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • A‑299 A‑300
Antonius Brixianus, Johannes (fifteenth century) ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (10 entries) • P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268
Antonius Capanorensis (fifteenth century) ; from Capánnori, Lucca, Tuscany; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (10 entries) • P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268
Antonius de Balocco see Antonius de Vercellis
Antonius de Bitonto (c.1385-1465) ; OFM; DBI III 539; Caelestinus Piana, ‘Antonius de Bitonto O.F.M., praedicator et scriptor saec. xv’, Franciscan Studies, 13 (1953),... show more
— author (4 entries) • A‑349 A‑350 A‑351 N‑054
Antonius de Butrio (Budrio, Emilia Romagna, c.1338-1408) ; professor of canon law at Bologna; DBI III 540-3; Schulte II 289-94; A. Amanieu, `Antoine de Butrio’, Dictionnaire de... show more
— author (3 entries) • B‑620 B‑621 P‑019 — subject (1 entry) • B‑142
Antonius de Cauchorio (fl. 1494) ; doctor of arts and medicine, orator for Pandolfo Malatesta in Venice; Iter italicum, II 540 (Modena, Archivio di stato,... show more
— author (1 entry) • J‑153
Antonius de la Cerda (d.1459) ; Bishop of Messina 1447-9; Bishop of Lerida 1449-59; Cardinal-priest of S. Chrysogonus 1448-59; Eubel II 10; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown.... show more
— author (11 entries) • A‑043 A‑045 A‑046 A‑047 D‑074 D‑075 P‑308 P‑331 S‑108 S‑109 S‑110
Antonius de Massa (d.1435) ; OFM Minister-general 1424-30; Bishop of Massa 1430-5; DBI III 555-6. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • Q‑001
Antonius de Raymundia. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑356
Antonius de Vercellis (Antonius de Balocco; d.1483) ; DHGE III 760. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑357
Antonius (fifteenth century) ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • D‑027
Antonius (fifteenth century) ; plebanus Cremonensis. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • B‑345
Antonius Frascaria (fifteenth century) ; editor. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • K‑003
Antonius Illuminatus de Monte Novo (fifteenth century). ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • M‑047
Antonius Iuanus (fl. 1480) ; `cancellarius communis Pistorii’. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • P‑236
Antonius Nebrissensis (Antonio Martínez de Jarava, c.1444-1522) ; from Lebrija, Andalusia; Lexicon grammaticorum, 669-71; Felix G. Olmedo, Nebrija (1441-1522), debelador de la barbarie, comentador eclesiastico, pedagogo, poeta... show more
— author (4 entries) • A‑352 A‑353 A‑354 A‑355
Antonius Raudensis (c.1398–c.1450) ; from Rho, Lombardy; OFM; DBI III 574-6. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (13 entries) • L‑002 L‑003 L‑004 L‑005 L‑006 L‑007 L‑008 L‑009 L‑010 L‑011 L‑012 L‑013 L‑014 — dedicatee (10 entries) • P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268 — subject (3 entries) • V‑027 V‑030 V‑038
Antonius, secretary(?) of Bonifacio III Paleologo (d.1494), marchese di Monferrato ; possibly Giovanni Antonio Ripa, `proconsole’ of Bonifacius III, 1488; Vincenzo de Conti, Notizie storiche della città di Casale e... show more
— author (1 entry) • P‑236
Antonius Securanus Fivizanensis (fifteenth century) ; Cosenza IV 3241. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑626
Antonius Siculus (fifteenth century) ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • C‑379
Antonius, S., of Egypt (the Great, 251-356) ; BS II 106-36; ODCC 80-1; subject. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • V‑057 V‑058
Anton von Pforr (d.1483) ; priest of Rottenburg; VL I 402-5; translator. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • J‑116
Anwykyll, John (d.1487) ; grammarian; Sharpe, Latin Writers, no. 565. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • A‑358 T‑053
Apicius (fl. first century AD) ; supposedly Marcus Gavius Apicius, cookery writer; OCD 121. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • A‑359 A‑360
Apollonius ; author of epitaph for Cicero. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (13 entries) • C‑287 C‑307 C‑308 C‑309 C‑310 C‑311 C‑312 C‑314 C‑315 C‑316 C‑317 C‑318 C‑337
Apollonius Dyscolus (fl. second century AD) ; Alexandrian grammarian; OCD 128. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • G‑051
Apollonius, Gabriel (fifteenth century) ; a pupil of Andreas Brentius. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • Z‑003 — editor (1 entry) • Z‑003
Apollonius Rhodius (fl. third century BC) ; Greek epic writer, librarian of the `Museion’, author of ‘Argonautica’; OCD 124-6. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑361
Apollonius Tyanensis [pseudo-] ; Apollonius of Tyana was a Neopythagorean holy man (fl. first century AD); OCD 128. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • E‑022 P‑239
Apostolides, Aristobolus see Apostolios, Aristobolus
Apostolios, Aristobolus (1461-1535) ; son of Michael Apostolios; 1514 Archbishop of Monemvasia, Greece, assuming name of Arsenios; head of Greek College in Florence;... show more
— author (1 entry) • T‑089
Apostolis, Michael (b. c.1422) ; D. J. Geanakoplos, Greek Scholars in Venice: Studies in the Dissemination of Greek Learning from Byzantium to Western Europe... show more
— author (1 entry) • H‑137
Appianus (fl. second century AD) ; Greek writer of Roman history; OCD 130. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (5 entries) • A‑363 A‑364 A‑365 A‑366 A‑367
Applanus Mediolanensis, Constantius (fifteenth century) ; canon regular. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑368
Appulus, Franciscus (fl. 1498) ; OFMObs; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • P‑421
Apuleius Madaurensis, Lucius (c.125–after AD 170) ; Greek prose writer, Platonic philosopher and orator; OCD 131. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (4 entries) • A‑369 A‑370 A‑371 A‑372 — [pseudo-] (1 entry) • H‑036 — [pseudo-]; translator (3 entries) • A‑369 A‑370 A‑371
Apuleius Minor [pseudo-]. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑373
Aquaviva, Andreas Matthaeus (1458-1529) ; Marquis of Bitonto; royal seneschal; DBI I 185-7; C. Bianca, La biblioteca di Andrea Matteo Acquaviva, in Gli Acquaviva... show more
— author (3 entries) • G‑001 P‑471 T‑228
Aquaviva, Johannes Antonius de (d.1463) ; M. Monaco, Gli Aquaviva di Nardò. Un capitolo di storia baronale nel Salento, in Gli Acquaviva d’Aragona Duchi di... show more
— author (1 entry) • P‑471
Aquaviva, Julius [Antonius] de (d.1481) ; Duke of Atri, `condottiero’; R. Jurlaro, Realtà e mito di un barone morto in guerra Giulio Antonio Acquaviva, in... show more
— author (1 entry) • M‑142
Aquilinus ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • D‑152
Aragona, Alphonsus de (d.1520) ; Archbishop of Saragoza (1478-1520); Gams 20; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • G‑167
Aragona, Alphonsus II de (1448-1495) ; first son of King Ferdinandus I, Duke of Calabria 1458, King of Naples, Aragon, and Sicily 1494-5; LMA I... show more
— author (12 entries) • A‑003 A‑363 A‑364 A‑366 A‑367 D‑043 M‑142 P‑422 P‑423 P‑437 S‑193 V‑114
Aragona, Alphonsus III de (d.1291) ; King of Aragon 1285-91; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • G‑336
Aragona, Alphonsus I(V) de, il Magnanimo (1369-1458) ; King of Aragon and Sicily 1416, of Naples 1442; LMA I 401; A. F. C. Ryder, Alfonso the Magnanimous,... show more
— author (27 entries) • J‑287 P‑240 P‑241 P‑242 P‑243 P‑245 P‑246 P‑247 P‑248 P‑249 P‑251 P‑252 P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268 P‑278 P‑297 P‑328 P‑329 V‑038
Aragona, Beatrix de (1457-1508) ; daughter of King Ferdinandus I; wife of Matthias Corvinus; Queen of Hungary; DBI VII 347-9; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century:... show more
— author (3 entries) • C‑064 J‑085 M‑142
Aragona, Carolus de ; `Aragonum primogenitus’ based in Palermo; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • P‑434
Aragona, Catharine de (1485-1536), wife of Henry VIII; Queen of England ; DNB. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • C‑124
Aragona, Eleonora de (1450-1493) ; daughter of King Ferdinandus I; wife of Ercole I d’Este; Duchess of Ferrara; L. Chiappini, Eleonora d’Aragona prima duchessa... show more
— author (1 entry) • M‑142
Aragona, Enricus de (d.1478) ; natural son of King Ferdinandus I, Marquis of Gerace 1473; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • M‑142
Aragona, Federicus de (1451-1504) ; second son of King Ferdinandus I; Prince of Taranto, `dux Hispaniae’; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (5 entries) • M‑142 P‑534 P‑536 P‑537 P‑537A
Aragona, Ferdinandus I de (d.1494) ; King of Naples 1458-94; Stokvis III 708. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • B‑136 — dedicatee (8 entries) • J‑287 M‑030 M‑031 M‑032 M‑033 M‑142 P‑372 P‑373 — subject (1 entry) • P‑471
Aragona, Ferdinandus V et Elisabeth [i.e. Isabella]; on behalf of. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • G‑075
Aragona, Ferdinandus V (1452-1516); King of Castile, Aragon, and Leon; King of Spain 1512-16. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • F‑015 — dedicatee (3 entries) • A‑212 A‑299 M‑108 — subject (2 entries) • V‑061 V‑062
Aragona, Franciscus [Philippus] de (1451-1486) ; son of Ferdinandus I, King of Naples; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (18 entries) • C‑023 M‑142 O‑060 O‑061 O‑062 O‑063 O‑064 O‑065 O‑066 O‑067 O‑068 P‑481 S‑286 S‑287 S‑288 S‑289 S‑292 S‑294
Aragona, Isabella de (d.1524) ; Duchess of Milan, wife of Gian Galeazzo Sforza; Stokvis III 772; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • C‑122
Aragona, Isabella de (1451-1504); Queen of Castile, Aragon, and Leon; Queen of Spain ; wife of Ferdinand V of Aragon. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • F‑015 — dedicatee (6 entries) • A‑212 A‑299 G‑005 M‑108 M‑323 P‑542 — subject (1 entry) • V‑061
Aragona, Johannes de (1456-1485) ; son of King Ferdinandus of Sicily, Cardinal of S. Adrianus 1477-83; DC 1104; DBI III 697-8; Albinia de la... show more
— author (11 entries) • C‑060 C‑061 C‑062 C‑080 C‑081 C‑082 C‑083 C‑084 C‑085 M‑142 S‑323
Aragona, Pedro de (1334-1369) ; eldest son of Alphonsus XI, King of Castile, Toledo, Leon; later Pedro I, King of Castile 1350-69; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender:... show more
— author (1 entry) • A‑033
Arator (fl. 540) ; `subdiaconus ecclesiae Romanae’; ODCC 95-6, R. Hillier, Arator on the Acts of the Apostles (Oxford 1993). ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century:... show more
— author (1 entry) • A‑374
Aratus (fl. third century BC) ; Greek poet, author of ‘Phaenomena’ on constellations and weather signs; OCD 136-7. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (4 entries) • A‑639 C‑208 F‑061 M‑065
Arbues, Petrus (d.1486) ; inquisitor of Saragoza (subject). ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • C‑387
Arcelius (Arcella), Franciscus (fifteenth century) ; Antonius Beccadelli’s brother-in-law; Cosenza I 249; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • B‑136 M‑142
Archilocus Graecus [pseudo-]. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • A‑299 A‑300
Archintus, Ambrosius (d.1518?) ; Saxius 234-6. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • P‑322 P‑323 — editor (2 entries) • P‑322 P‑323
Archita Tarentinus ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • P‑345 P‑346
Arcimbolda, Margarita (fl. 1458) ; subject. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (3 entries) • P‑274 P‑275 P‑276
Arcimboldus, Guido Antonius (fl. 1488-1497) ; Archbishop of Milan (1488-97); Gams 796; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (11 entries) • H‑123 P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268
Arcimboldus, Johannes (c.1430-1488) ; Cardinal-priest of S. Nereus and S. Archileus, Cardinal of S. Prassede 1473; Cardinal of Novara; DBI III 771-3; DC... show more
— author (14 entries) • G‑003 H‑126 M‑286 P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268 S‑334
Arcimboldus, Nicolaus (c.1404-1459) ; DBI III 779-81; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (10 entries) • P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268
Arduinus (fifteenth century) ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • P‑003
Arend de Keysere (fl. 1480-1490) ; printer in Ghent and Oudenaarde; NBW VI 504-7; BMC IX p. lviii. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • G‑301 H‑042
Argellata, Petrus de (Petrus de la Cerlata, Petrus de Largelata; d.1423) ; doctor and philosopher, professor at the University of Bologna; GW II p. 544. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (3 entries) • A‑376 A‑377 A‑378
Argilagues, Franciscus (fl. c.1470-1508) ; Jon Arrizabalaga, Luis García-Ballester, and José Luis Gil-Aristu, `Del manuscrito al primitivo impreso: la labor editora de Francesc Argilagues... show more
— author (4 entries) • A‑457 A‑458 P‑191 P‑192 — editor (2 entries) • P‑191 P‑192
Argyropoulus, Johannes (c.1415-1487) ; DBI IV 129-31. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • A‑388 A‑396 — translator (6 entries) • A‑386 A‑388 A‑389 A‑394 A‑395 A‑396
`Ariete’ (fifteenth century) ; a friend either of Masuccio Salernitano or of Facino Ugolotto; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • M‑142
Ariostis, Alexander de (d.c.1486) ; OFM. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • M‑220?
Aristarchus (c.310-230 BC) ; Greek astronomer; OCD 159; Sir Thomas Heath, Aristarchus of Samos: the Ancient Copernicus (Oxford, 1913, repr. 1959), esp. 299-316;... show more
— author (1 entry) • N‑017
Aristeas [pseudo-]. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (7 entries) • A‑381 A‑382 B‑245 B‑253 B‑337 B‑338 H‑081
Aristides (117 or 129-189) ; Greek writer of the Second Sophistic movement; author of six books of Sacred Discourses, and other works; OCD 160-1. ♦ Categorisation:... show more
— author (1 entry) • C‑377
Aristodorus ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • P‑345 P‑346
Aristophanes (fl. 427-388 BC) , writer of Greek comedy; OCD 163-5. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑383
Aristophanes Grammaticus (c.257-180 BC) ; literary editor, textual critic, and lexicographer, head of library at Alexandria; OCD 165. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • A‑383 E‑038
Aristoteles (384-322 BC) ; Greek philosopher; OCD 165-9. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (69 entries) • A‑036 A‑384 A‑385 A‑386 A‑387 A‑388 A‑389 A‑390 A‑391 A‑392 A‑393 A‑394 A‑395 A‑396 A‑397 A‑398 A‑399 A‑400 A‑401 A‑402 A‑403 A‑404 A‑405 A‑406 A‑407 A‑408 A‑409 A‑410 A‑411 A‑412 A‑413 A‑414 A‑415 A‑416 A‑417 A‑418 A‑419 A‑420 A‑421 A‑422 A‑423 A‑424 A‑425 A‑426 A‑427 A‑428 A‑429 A‑430 B‑382 B‑383 B‑602 B‑603 B‑604 B‑605 E‑022 G‑015 G‑016 G‑017 G‑077 G‑172 G‑173 M‑237 N‑017 P‑193 P‑194 R‑079 V‑121 V‑122 V‑124 — subject (70 entries) • A‑007 A‑030 A‑034 A‑035 A‑036 A‑037 A‑038 A‑118 A‑162 A‑163 A‑168 A‑245 A‑246 A‑247 A‑248 A‑249 A‑432 A‑487 A‑488 A‑489 A‑490 A‑491 A‑492 A‑493 A‑494 A‑495 A‑509 A‑511 A‑632 B‑138 B‑139 B‑215 B‑382 B‑383 B‑556 B‑557 B‑558 B‑597 B‑600 B‑601 B‑602 B‑603 B‑604 B‑605 C‑001 C‑378 D‑061 D‑119 D‑160 D‑176 D‑177 F‑003 F‑022 G‑014 G‑015 G‑016 G‑017 G‑019 G‑067 G‑068 G‑077 G‑172 G‑173 J‑111 J‑112 J‑113 J‑169 P‑193 P‑194 V‑044 — [pseudo-] (27 entries) • A‑163 A‑384 A‑386 A‑387 A‑388 A‑394 A‑397 A‑399 A‑412 A‑416 A‑418 A‑419 A‑420 A‑421 A‑422 A‑423 A‑424 A‑427 A‑428 A‑429 A‑430 B‑577 B‑578 B‑579 P‑274 P‑275 P‑276
Armandus de Auzeria (d.1352) ; OSB; from Lauzières; Abbot of S. Salvator of Lodève 1329; Abbot of S. Andreas of Avignon 1341; Gallia Christiana,... show more
— author (1 entry) • V‑127
Arnaldus, Anthonius (fifteenth century) ; from Barcelona `baccalarius clericus barcinon. in utroque iure’; editor. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • P‑070
Arnaldus de Bruxella (d. after 1492) ; DBI IV 250-1; editor. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • M‑221
Arnold de Vaernewyck see Bostius, Arnoldus
Arnoldus a Lude de Tungeris (d.1540) ; GW records as Arnoldus de Tongern; Lohr (1967), 369 no. 1. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑432
Arnoldus Dammonis (Arnoldus Nicolaus de Damme/de Remerswal) ; editor. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • H‑004
Arnoldus de Boschus see Bostius, Arnoldus
Arnoldus de Eldris (fifteenth century) ; canon of S. Servatius; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • H‑041
Arnoldus de Geilhoven (Arnoldus de Hollandia, Arnoldus de Rotterdam; Arnoldus Ghenlonensis; d.1442). ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑431
Arnoldus de Villa Nova (c.1238/40-1311) ; Catalan physician, philosopher, and theologian; Wickersheimer I 45-99; Juan A. Paniagua, Estudios y notas sobre Arnau de Vilanova (Madrid,... show more
— author (8 entries) • A‑428 A‑433 A‑434 A‑435 P‑195 R‑024 R‑025 R‑026 — translator (2 entries) • A‑636 A‑636A — [pseudo-] (10 entries) • A‑434 A‑435 R‑024 R‑025 R‑026 R‑027 R‑028 R‑029 R‑030 R‑031
Arnoldus von Bevern (d.1478) ; OCist; Abbot of Campus Sanctae Mariae (Marienfeld), Westfalia, 1443-1478; W. Werland, Marienfelder Chronik zur Geschichte der Zisterzienserabtei und der... show more
— author (1 entry) • R‑099
Arnulphus, Bishop of Lisieux (1141-1181) ; Carolyn Poling Schriber, The Dilemma of Arnulf of Lisieux: New Ideas versus Old Ideals (Bloomington, Ind., 1990); The Letters... show more
— author (1 entry) • P‑183
Arnulphus de Boeriis (late twelfth century) ; OCist. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • B‑173 L‑025
Arrianus, Flavius (fl. second century BC) ; Greek historian of the age of Alexander the Great; OCD 175-6. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • C‑164
Arrigo da Settimello see Henricus de Septimello
Arrigonus, Simon (fifteenth century) ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (10 entries) • P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268
Arrigus, Gregorius (fifteenth century) ; `iureconsultus’; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (10 entries) • P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268
Arrivabenus, Georgius (fl.1480-1520) ; printer in Venice; DBI IV 324-5; Needham, `Venetian Printers’, shop no. 103. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • P‑457
Arrivabenus, Johannes Petrus (1439-1504) ; Bishop of Urbino 1491-1504; D. S. Chambers, `Giovanni Pietro Arrivabene (1439-1504): Humanistic Secretary and Bishop’, Aevum, 58 (1984), 397-438;... show more
— author (3 entries) • E‑024 P‑422 P‑423
Arrivabenus, Petrus (d.1513) ; OFM; C. Cenci, `Fr. Pietro Arrivabene da Canneto e la sua attività letteraria’, Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 61 (1968), 289-344;... show more
— author (1 entry) • J‑161 — editor (1 entry) • M‑269
Arsocchi, Francesco (b. c.1450) ; born in Siena, family del Monte dei Grandi; lived in Siena and Florence; DBI IV 344-5; Cosenza I 317. ♦ Categorisation:... show more
— author (1 entry) • V‑114
Artemidorus, of Tarsus (fl. first century BC) ; grammarian and literary editor; OCD 182; DNP II 50. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • T‑078
Arthur, Prince of Wales (1486-1502) ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • F‑061 V‑109
Asclepiades ; author in Anthologia Latina. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (39 entries) • C‑287 C‑307 C‑308 C‑309 C‑310 C‑311 C‑312 C‑314 C‑315 C‑316 C‑317 C‑318 C‑337 V‑072 V‑075 V‑077 V‑078 V‑081 V‑083 V‑087 V‑088 V‑089 V‑090 V‑091 V‑092 V‑093 V‑094 V‑095 V‑096 V‑098 V‑100 V‑101 V‑102 V‑103 V‑104 V‑105 V‑106 V‑107 V‑110
Asclepias [pseudo-]. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (13 entries) • C‑287 C‑307 C‑308 C‑309 C‑310 C‑311 C‑312 C‑314 C‑315 C‑316 C‑317 C‑318 C‑337
Ascoli, Cecco d’ see Cicchus Esculanus
Asconius Pedianus, Quintus. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑463 — [pseudo-] (1 entry) • A‑463
Ashenden, John see Eschuid, Johannes
Asinius Pollio, Gaius (76 BCAD 4) ; OCD 192; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • V‑080
Asmenius; author of epitaph for Cicero. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (13 entries) • C‑287 C‑307 C‑308 C‑309 C‑310 C‑311 C‑312 C‑314 C‑315 C‑316 C‑317 C‑318 C‑337
Asmenius [pseudo-]. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (13 entries) • C‑287 C‑307 C‑308 C‑309 C‑310 C‑311 C‑312 C‑314 C‑315 C‑316 C‑317 C‑318 C‑337
Asmodianus; author in Anthologia Latina. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (26 entries) • V‑072 V‑075 V‑077 V‑078 V‑081 V‑083 V‑087 V‑088 V‑089 V‑090 V‑091 V‑092 V‑093 V‑094 V‑095 V‑096 V‑098 V‑100 V‑101 V‑102 V‑103 V‑104 V‑105 V‑106 V‑107 V‑110
Astesanus de Ast (d.c.1330) ; OFM; DBI I 463-5. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (19 entries) • A‑465 A‑466 A‑467 A‑468 A‑469 A‑470 A‑471 A‑472 A‑473 A‑474 A‑475 N‑023 N‑024 N‑025 N‑026 N‑027 N‑028 N‑029 N‑030
Athanasius; Bishop of Alexandria (c.298-373) ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (13 entries) • A‑477 A‑478 A‑479 H‑107 H‑108 H‑111 H‑112 H‑113 H‑114 H‑116 H‑117 H‑119 H‑120 — [pseudo-] (9 entries) • A‑477 A‑478 C‑110 J‑034 J‑035 P‑422 P‑423 T‑088 T‑264
Athanasius; dedicatee of Diomedes. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (4 entries) • D‑084 D‑086 D‑087 D‑088
Athanasius Constantinopolitanus. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • P‑434 — translator (1 entry) • P‑434
Athenagoras (second century AD) ; Greek Christian apologist; OCD 202; Athenagoras, Legatio and De Resurrectione, ed. William R. Schoedel (Oxford, 1972), pp. ix–xi; Leslie W.... show more
— author (2 entries) • A‑480 N‑017
Attavanti, Paulus see Paulus Florentinus
Attendulus, Mansuetus (fifteenth century) ; `abbas’; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (10 entries) • P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268
Attendulus, Raymundus (fifteenth century) ; `eques auratus’; subject. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (3 entries) • P‑274 P‑275 P‑276
Auber, Johannes (fifteenth century) . ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • V‑086
Auctores octo. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (3 entries) • A‑485 A‑485A A‑486
Augurellus, Johannes Aurelius (1440-1524) ; from Rimini; DBI IV 578-81. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑497
Augustinus, Aurelius (354-430) ; Bishop of Hippo; ODCC 128-30. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (131 entries) • A‑504 A‑505 A‑506 A‑507 A‑508 A‑509 A‑510 A‑511 A‑512 A‑513 A‑514 A‑515 A‑516 A‑517 A‑518 A‑519 A‑520 A‑521 A‑522 A‑523 A‑524 A‑525 A‑526 A‑527 A‑528 A‑529 A‑530 A‑531 A‑532 A‑533 A‑534 A‑535 A‑536 A‑537 A‑538 A‑539 A‑540 A‑541 A‑542 A‑543 A‑544 A‑545 A‑546 A‑547 A‑548 A‑549 A‑550 A‑551 A‑552 A‑553 A‑554 A‑555 A‑556 A‑557 A‑558 A‑559 A‑560 A‑561 A‑562 A‑563 A‑564 A‑565 A‑566 A‑567 A‑570 A‑571 A‑572 A‑573 A‑574 A‑575 A‑576 A‑577 A‑578 A‑579 A‑580 A‑581 A‑582 A‑583 A‑584 A‑585 A‑586 A‑587 A‑588 A‑589 A‑590 A‑591 A‑592 A‑593 A‑594 A‑595 A‑596 A‑597 A‑598 A‑599 A‑600 A‑601 A‑602 A‑603 A‑604 A‑605 A‑606 A‑607 A‑608 A‑609 A‑610 A‑611 A‑612 B‑053 C‑443 C‑444 H‑081 H‑082 H‑083 H‑084 H‑085 H‑086 H‑087 H‑088 H‑089 H‑090 H‑091 H‑092 H‑093 H‑097 H‑123 H‑143 H‑145 J‑060 P‑216? R‑047 T‑264 — dedicatee (33 entries) • A‑233 A‑236 A‑556 A‑557 E‑053 E‑054 E‑055 E‑056 E‑057 E‑058 E‑059 E‑060 E‑061 H‑081 H‑082 H‑083 H‑084 H‑085 H‑086 H‑087 H‑088 H‑089 H‑090 H‑091 H‑092 H‑093 H‑101 O‑026 O‑027 O‑028 O‑029 O‑030 O‑031 — [pseudo-] (116 entries) • A‑233 A‑303 A‑304 A‑305 A‑444 A‑445 A‑446 A‑447 A‑504 A‑505 A‑506 A‑507 A‑508 A‑509 A‑510 A‑511 A‑551 A‑553 A‑555 A‑556 A‑557 A‑564 A‑565 A‑566 A‑567 A‑568 A‑569 A‑570 A‑571 A‑572 A‑573 A‑574 A‑575 A‑576 A‑577 A‑578 A‑579 A‑580 A‑581 A‑582 A‑583 A‑584 A‑585 A‑586 A‑587 A‑588 A‑589 A‑590 A‑591 A‑592 A‑593 A‑594 A‑595 A‑596 A‑597 A‑598 A‑599 A‑600 A‑601 A‑602 A‑603 A‑604 A‑605 A‑606 A‑607 A‑608 A‑609 A‑610 A‑611 A‑612 B‑172 B‑346 B‑347 C‑176 C‑443 C‑444 C‑445 C‑504 E‑053 E‑054 E‑055 E‑056 E‑057 E‑058 E‑059 E‑060 E‑061 G‑192 H‑023 H‑081 H‑082 H‑083 H‑084 H‑086 H‑087 H‑088 H‑089 H‑090 H‑091 H‑092 H‑095 H‑101 H‑143 H‑144 H‑219 I‑034 J‑060 J‑123 K‑004 K‑005 L‑025 M‑170 P‑521 R‑047 R‑091 U‑013 — [pseudo-]? (2 entries) • A‑509 A‑511
Augustinus de Ancona (c.1270/3-1328) ; DBI I 475-8. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (4 entries) • A‑498 A‑499 A‑500 A‑501
Augustinus de Bugella see Augustinus de Meschiatis de Bugella
Augustinus de Casali Maiori (fl. 1497) ; OFM; from Casalmaggiore (Cremona), Lombardy; bachelor of theology in Bologna; DHGE V 434; editor. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • J‑085
Augustinus de Meschiatis de Bugella (fl. 1500) ; from Biella, Piedmont; OESA; `lector in conuentu Patauino fratrum eremitarum’. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑037
Augustinus de Novis Papiensis (fl. 1497) ; CRL; general rector of the Augustinian canons of the Congregation of the Lateran, 1497; G. Soranzo, L’umanista canonico regolare... show more
— author (1 entry) • A‑503 — dedicatee (3 entries) • A‑503 B‑489 L‑110 — editor (1 entry) • A‑121
Augustinus de Ratisbona (fl. 1495-1497) ; OESA, theologian at Paris; editor. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (5 entries) • A‑553 G‑313 G‑314 G‑317 H‑129
Augustinus Käsebrod Moravus Olomucensis (d.1513) ; J. G. Boehme, De Augustino Olomucensi et Patera eius aurea (Dresden and Leipzig, 1758); Thorndike IV 463; H.-B. Harder,... show more
— author (5 entries) • A‑221 A‑502 A‑628 B‑353 T‑214 — dedicatee (3 entries) • A‑221 A‑628 T‑214
Augustinus Narinensis (fifteenth century) ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (10 entries) • P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268
Augustinus Tactensis (fifteenth century) ; L. Gualdo Rosa, `Niccolò Loschi e Pietro Perleone e le traduzioni dell’orazione pseudo isocratea “A Demonico”……’, Atti dell’istituto veneto... show more
— author (1 entry) • I‑045
Augustinus Ticinensis (end of fifteenth/sixteenth century) ; `Vita Sancti Guarini’; LThK IV 1261; Acta Sanctorum Februarii (Antwerp, 1658), I 915. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑509
Augustinus Triumphus see Augustinus de Ancona
Augustinus Urbinas (fifteenth century) ; poet. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • T‑228
Augustus, Caesar see Augustus, Emperor
Augustus, Emperor (Gaius Octavius, 63 BCAD 14) ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (4 entries) • C‑378 V‑082 V‑149 V‑150 — [pseudo-] (10 entries) • V‑072 V‑075 V‑077 V‑078 V‑079 V‑081 V‑083 V‑084 V‑086 V‑107
Aulus ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (3 entries) • S‑348 S‑352 S‑357
Aurbach (Auerbach or de Urbach), Johannes (fl. 1406-1422) ; jurist and theologian; VL X 117-21; DSAM VIII 266-7. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (9 entries) • A‑496 A‑613 A‑614 A‑615 M‑294 M‑295 M‑296 M‑297 M‑298
Aurelianus, Jacobus (fifteenth/sixteenth century) ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • P‑003
Aurelius Venetus, Marcus (d.1478) ; from Negroponte; 1472 secretary of the Consiglio dei Dieci; relative of Nicolaus Sagundinus; P. O. Kristeller, Supplementum Ficinianum, 2... show more
— author (4 entries) • A‑163 P‑389 T‑029 T‑031
Aurelius Victor, Sextus (fl. 360-390) ; author of De Caesaribus; OCD 222. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑616 — [pseudo-] (5 entries) • A‑616 A‑617 A‑618 A‑619 A‑620
Aureolanus, Petrus (fifteenth century) ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • G‑245
Aureoli, Petrus (c.1280-1322) ; DTC XII 1810-81; DBF IV 683-4. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑621
Aureolus Vicentinus, Johannes Maria (fifteenth century) ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • C‑253 C‑254
Auriga, Alanus (Chartier, 1385/95-1430) ; C. J. H. Walravens, Alain Chartier: études biographiques, suivies de pièces justificatives, d’une description des éditions et d’une édition des ouvrages... show more
— author (2 entries) • D‑043 P‑266
Aurillandus, Michael (fifteenth century) ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • F‑018
Aurispa, Johannes (1376-1459) ; DBI IV 593-5, supplemented by references in Partner 219. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (3 entries) • H‑077 H‑078 H‑079 — dedicatee (10 entries) • P‑259 P‑260 P‑261 P‑262 P‑263 P‑264 P‑265 P‑266 P‑267 P‑268 — translator (6 entries) • H‑077 H‑078 H‑079 L‑174 L‑175 P‑470
Ausonius, Decimus Magnus (c.310-393). ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (56 entries) • A‑622 A‑623 A‑624 A‑625 A‑626 A‑627 O‑040 O‑042 O‑043 O‑044 O‑045 O‑046 O‑047 S‑117 S‑118 S‑119 S‑194 S‑195 S‑337 S‑338 S‑339 S‑340 S‑341 S‑342 S‑343 S‑344 S‑347 V‑072 V‑075 V‑077 V‑078 V‑080 V‑081 V‑082 V‑083 V‑086 V‑087 V‑088 V‑089 V‑090 V‑091 V‑092 V‑093 V‑094 V‑095 V‑096 V‑098 V‑099 V‑100 V‑101 V‑102 V‑103 V‑104 V‑105 V‑106 V‑107 — dedicatee (1 entry) • A‑626 — [pseudo-] (4 entries) • A‑625 A‑626 C‑163A V‑076 — [pseudo-]? (1 entry) • B‑001
Autrecourt, Nicolaus de see Nicolaus de Ultricuria
Auxentius, Arian Bishop of Milan (355-74) ; Gams 795. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • H‑123
Avantius Veronensis, Hieronymus (d. after 1534) ; Aldo Manuzio editore II 322; S. Bertelli, `Noterelle machiavelliane: Ancora su Lucrezio e Machiavelli’, Rivista storica italiana, 86 (1964),... show more
— author (4 entries) • A‑628 L‑184 S‑289 T‑214 — dedicatee (1 entry) • A‑625 — editor (2 entries) • L‑184 S‑289
Avendeuth (thirteenth century) ; translator. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • A‑633
Avenzohar (Abû Marwân `Abd al-Malik b. Abi `l-`Alâ’ Zuhr, Abhomeron, Abumeron, Abumaruan); Enc. Islam, III 977-78. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (2 entries) • A‑629 A‑630
Averoldus, Johannes Paulus (fl. 1499) ; patrician of Brescia; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (1 entry) • P‑394
Averroes (Abu ‘l-Walîd Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Rushd; 1126-1198) ; author of commentaries on Aristotle and the legal Decisive Treatise; Enc. Islam, III 909-20. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (10 entries) • A‑386 A‑387 A‑425 A‑629 A‑630 A‑631 A‑632 G‑015 G‑016 M‑025
Avianus (fl. AD 400) ; Roman fabulist; OCD 226. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (4 entries) • A‑051 A‑052 A‑053 A‑054
Avicenna (Abû `Alî al-Husayn b. `Abd Allâh b. Sînâ; 980-1037) ; author of works on philosophy and medicine; Enc. Islam, III 941-7. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (9 entries) • A‑633 A‑634 A‑635 A‑636 A‑636A A‑637 A‑638 D‑063 • Heb 2
Avienus, Rufius (Rufus) Festus (fl. mid-fourth century AD) ; author of Latin didactic poems on geographical topics and a Latin translation of Aratus’ Phaenomena; OCD 226. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown.... show more
— author (27 entries) • A‑639 F‑061 V‑075 V‑077 V‑078 V‑081 V‑083 V‑087 V‑088 V‑089 V‑090 V‑091 V‑092 V‑093 V‑094 V‑095 V‑096 V‑098 V‑099 V‑100 V‑101 V‑102 V‑103 V‑104 V‑105 V‑106 V‑107
Avignon, Celestines ; dedicatee. ♦ Categorisation: Gender: Unknown. Century: unknown century. — author (3 entries) • G‑086 G‑087 G‑088