Search index of authors, translators, editors and dedicatees:

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Search index of authors, translators, editors and dedicatees

You can search by:

  • Name
  • Biographical summary
  • Associated works (you can search by Bod-Inc number, primary author, title or imprint).
  • Categorisation as follows:
    • Century, e.g. 15th century AD, 2nd century BC, unknown century
    • Period: classical; patristic; medieval; humanist; contemporary
    • Geographical area, e.g. Scotland
    • Place, e.g. Bologna
    • Gender: male; female; unknown; not applicable
    • Characterisation: no characterisation/lay; religious; aristocracy; royalty; unknown;
    • Profession: school teacher; business; scholar; university lecturer; student; civil servant; bookseller etc.; unknown
    (November 2014: please note that the categorisation process is ongoing, and not yet complete.)


  • To bring up the index entry for Cicero, choose Name of author, translator, editor, dedicatee from the drop-down list of fields, and enter Cicero as your search term.

  • To list other authors, plus translators, editors and dedicatees, associated with works primarily by Cicero, choose Primary author of related item from the drop-down list, and enter Cicero as your search term.

  • To find all authors, translators, editors and dedicatees associated with incunable no. C-316, choose Bod-Inc number from the drop-down list of fields, and enter C-316 as your search term.

  • To list authors, translators, editors and dedicatees associated with any work with the title Breviarium medicinae, choose Title of related item from the drop-down list, and enter Breviarium medicinae as your search term.

  • To bring up entries for people described in this index as doctors, choose Biographical details and references from the drop-down list of fields, and enter doctor as your search term.

  • To list authors, translators, editors and dedicatees associated with items printed in Venice, choose Imprint of related item from the drop-down list, and enter Venice as your search term.

  • To search more than one field at once, choose All fields from the drop-down list, enter both/all of your search terms in the box, e.g. doctor Venice.

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