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Details of provenance, owner, donor or other name

Dudley (or Sutton), Edward (d.1586); 4th Lord Dudley; see The Complete Peerage, ed. G. E. C., IV (London, 1916), 481-2. ♦ Categorisation: Type: Person. Gender: Unknown. Period: unknown century.

2 entries:

  • B-364(1) Boccaccio, Giovanni — Decamerone [Italian]. — Venice: Johannes and Gregorius de Gregoriis, 20 June 1492. Folio.
  • M-142(1) Masuccio Salernitano — Novellino [Italian]. — Venice: Johannes and Gregorius de Gregoriis, de Forlivio, 21 July 1492. Folio.

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