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Goddard, Roger (sixteenth/seventeenth century). ♦ Categorisation: Type: Person. Gender: Unknown. Period: 16th century to 17th century.

3 entries:

  • F-060(2) Firmicus Maternus, Julius — Matheseos libri viii (ed. Antonius Laurus). — Venice: Simon Bevilaqua, 13 June 1497. Folio.
  • H-002(2) Haly, Filius Abenragel — Liber in iudiciis astrorum (ed. Bartholomaeus de Alten). — Venice: Erhard Ratdolt, 4 July 1485. Folio.
  • P-533(1) Ptolemaeus Alexandrinus, Claudius — Quadripartitum cum commento Hali (trans. Aegidius de Thebaldis), et al. (ed. Hieronymus Salius Faventinus). — Venice: Bonetus Locatellus, for Octavianus Scotus, 20 Dec. 1493. Folio.

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