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Details of provenance, owner, donor or other name

Bandini, Angelo Maria (1726-1803); librarian of Biblioteca Laurenziana, Florence; see DBI V 696-706. ♦ Categorisation: Type: Person. Gender: Unknown. Dates: 1726 to 1803. Period: 18th century to 19th century.

3 entries:

  • B-161(1) Berlinghieri, Francesco — Geographia [Italian and Latin]. — [Florence: Nicolaus Laurentii, Alamanus, before Sept. 1482]. Folio.
  • L-029(1) Landinus, Christophorus — Disputationes Camaldulenses. — [Florence: Nicolaus Laurentii, Alamanus, c.1480]. 4°.
  • P-471(1) (not an owner) Processo — Processo contro Pirro del Balzo principe di Altamura, Antonello Sanseverino principe di Salerno, Gerolamo Sanseverino principe di Bisignano, congiurati contro Ferdinando d'Aragona Re di Sicilia [Italian]. — Naples: [Francesco del Tuppo], 30 June 1488. Folio.

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