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Protzer, Johannes (d.1528); of Nuremberg; see Georg Andreas Will, Nürnbergisches Gelehrten-Lexicon, III (Nuremberg and Altdorf, 1757), 250, and VII (1806), 213; Dennis E. Rhodes, `A Fifteenth-century German Book Collector in Italy: Johann Protzer', in Hellinga Festschrift/ Feestbundel/ Mélanges, ed. A. R. A. Croiset van Uchelen (Amsterdam, 1980), 435-9; Wagner 85-6; Albrecht Schmidt, `Die Bibliotheken der Stadt Nördlingen', Zeitschrift des Historischen Vereins für Schwaben und Neuburg, 47 (1927), 106-78; Peter Amelung, `Nochmals zur Bibliothek Protzers', Gb Jb (1981), 277-83; Anthony Hobson, `A German Student in Italy: his Books and Bindings', in Mélanges d'histoire de la reliure offerts à Georges Colin, ed. Claude Sorgeloos (Brussels, 1998), 87-99; Protzer bequeathed his books to three libraries in his home town of Nördlingen, the majority, including 101 volumes of Roman law, to the Ratsbibliothek; the hasp-mark indicates that the library was a chained one. ♦ Categorisation: Type: Person. Gender: Unknown. Dates: unknown year to 1528. Period: unknown century to 16th century.

6 entries:

  • B-519(1) Brant, Sebastian — De origine et conversatione bonorum regum et de laude civitatis Hierosolymae. — Basel: Johann Bergmann, de Olpe, 1 Mar. 1495. 4°.
  • D-066(1) Dio Chrysostomus — De regno. — Bologna: Franciscus (Plato) de Benedictis, 1493. 4°.
  • H-150(1) Horae [German] — [Nuremberg: Friedrich Creussner, c.1495?]. 16°.
  • J-240(1) Justinianus — Institutiones [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius]. — Venice: Baptista de Tortis, 1 July 1489. Folio.
  • J-278(1) Justinianus — Novellae constitutiones, et al. (all with Glossa ordinaria). — Venice: Baptista de Tortis, 7 May 1489. Folio.
  • N-104(1) Niger, Franciscus — Grammatica. — Venice: Theodorus Herbipolensis, Francus, for Johannes Lucilius Santritter, 21 Mar. 1480. 4°.

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