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Details of provenance, owner, donor or other name

Bartolomeo di Juliano (late fifteenth century); of Cremona, living (studying?) in Pisa (a Bartholomaeus Iuliani Gerini de Florentia (fl. 1490), student of civil law, mentioned in Verde III:I 152 no. 209; Bartholomaeus Iuliani Nicholai Ridolfi di Florentia (fl. 1481), studying `literae humanae', is mentioned in Verde III:I 161 no. F/49). ♦ Categorisation: Type: Person. Gender: Unknown. Period: 15th century.

1 entry:

  • T-026(1) Terentius Afer, Publius — Comoediae. — [Venice: Vindelinus de Spira, c.1473]. Folio.

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