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Spencer, Charles (1674-1722), 3rd Earl of Sunderland; the Sunderland Library was divided into two in 1749 and part was moved to Blenheim Palace; see Catalogue of the Books in the Library at Blenheim Palace (Oxford, 1872); Bibliotheca Sunderlandiana. Sale Catalogue of the Truly Important and Very Extensive Library of Printed Books Known as the Sunderland or Blenheim Library (London: Puttick & Simpson, 17-27 Apr. 1882); DNB; A. K. Swift, The Formation of the Library of Charles Spencer... A Study in the Antiquarian Booktrade, unpublished D.Phil. thesis, University of Oxford, 1981; Katherine Swift, `Bibliotheca Sunderlandiana: The Making of an Eighteenth-century Library', in Bibliophily, ed. Robin Myers and Michael Harris, Publishing History Occasional Series, 2 (1986), 63-89; Clare A. Simmons, `Charles Spencer, Third Earl of Sunderland (1674-1722)', in Pre-Nineteenth-century British Book-collectors and Bibliographers, ed. William Baker and Kenneth Womack, DLB 213 (Detroit, Washington DC, and London, 1999), 321-7. ♦ Categorisation: Type: Person. Gender: Unknown. Dates: 1674 to 1722. Period: 17th century to 18th century.

12 entries:

  • A-617(1) Aurelius Victor, Sextus — De viris illustribus. — [Rome: Johannes Gensberg, not before Sept. 1474]. 4°.
  • B-052B(1) Barberiis, Philippus de — Chronica summorum pontificum imperatorumque. — Rome: Johannes Schurener, de Bopardia, 10 Feb. 1476. 4°.
  • F-038B(1) Festus — De historia Romana (ed. Angelus Tifernas). — [Rome: Johannes Gensberg, c.1474]. 4°.
  • L-155(1) Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus — Pharsalia. — [Milan]: Antonius Zarotus, 25 May 1477. Folio.
  • O-040(3) Ovidius Naso, Publius — Opera: Steiner tradition 5 ‘Accursius'. — Parma: Stephanus Corallus, 1 July 1477. Folio.
  • P-248(1) Phalaris — Epistolae [Latin] (trans. Franciscus Griffolinus Aretinus). — Pavia: Franciscus de Sancto Petro, 21 Aug. 1479. 4°.
  • Q-021(1) Quintilianus, Marcus Fabius — Declamationes Minores (ed. Thaddaeus Ugoletus). — Parma: Angelus Ugoletus, 3 July 1494. Folio.
  • S-028(1) Sallustius Crispus, Gaius — Opera: Bellum Catilinae (comm. Laurentius Valla); Bellum Iugurthinum, et al. (ed. Pomponius Laetus). — Venice: Philippus Pincius, 11 May 1491. Folio.
  • S-294(2) Statius, Publius Papinius — Silvae (comm. Domitius Calderinus), et al. — [Venice: Printer of Cicero, ‘De officiis' (H *5268), c.1481-2]. Folio.
  • T-089(2) Thesaurus — Thesaurus Cornu copiae et Horti Adonidis [Greek and Latin] (ed. Aldus Manutius and Urbanus Bolzanius). — Venice: Aldus Manutius, Romanus, Aug. 1496. Folio.
  • V-009(1) Valerius Maximus, Gaius — Facta et dicta memorabilia. — [Brescia: Henricus de Colonia and Statius Gallicus, before Nov. 1474]. Folio.
  • V-090(1) Vergilius Maro, Publius — Opera (comm. Maurus Servius Honoratus), et al. — Venice: Petrus de Plasiis, Cremonensis, Bartholomaeus de Blavis de Alexandria, and Andreas Torresanus de Asula, 1 Aug. 1480. Folio.

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