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Details of provenance, owner, donor or other name

Waterfield, Robin (1914-2002); bookseller, publisher, missionary, and author; Robin Waterfield Ltd, 36 Park End Street, Oxford, c. 1974; now at 52 High Street, Oxford; see Sheila Markham, A Book of Booksellers: Conversations with the Antiquarian Book Trade (London, 2004), 241–6. ♦ Categorisation: Type: Person. Gender: Unknown. Dates: 1914 to 2002. Period: 20th century to 21st century.

1 entry:

  • T-137(1) Thomas Aquinas — Glossa continua super evangelia (Catena aurea). — Venice: Bonetus Locatellus, for Octavianus Scotus, 4 June 1493. Folio.

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