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Details of provenance, owner, donor or other name

Betts, John (+1598); Fellow of Trinity Hall, Cambridge; the purchase of Betts' library is recorded in Merton College Register on 24 Jan. 1598/9. ♦ Categorisation: Type: Person. Gender: Unknown. Period: unknown century.

2 entries:

  • B-493(1) Bouhic, Henricus — Distinctiones super V libris Decretalium. — Lyons: Johannes Siber, for Jacques Buyer, 1498. Folio.
  • O-006(1) ‘Odofredus' Beneventanus — Super utraque censura, et al. (ed. Petrus Milbotus, Petrus Tepe, Johannes Pabeyranus). — Avignon: [Pierre Rohault] for Dominicus Anselmus, 28 Feb. 1500/1. Folio.

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