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Budé, Guillaume (1467-1540); French Hellenist and humanist; secretary to Louis XII; was in part responsible for the foundation of the Collège de France, with Francis I; founded the Bibliothèque de Fontainebleau (where he was Librarian from 1522 until his death in 1544) which was the origin of the Bibliothèque Nationale; published widely on Roman law, ancient weights and measures, and the Greek language; see David O. McNeil, Guillaume Budé and Humanism in the Reign of Francis I (Geneva, 1975). ♦ Categorisation: Type: Person. Gender: Unknown. Dates: 1467 to 1540. Period: 15th century to 16th century.

2 entries:

  • B-220(1) Beroaldus, Philippus — Declamatio philosophi, medici, oratoris. — Bologna: Benedictus Hectoris, 13 Dec. 1497. 4°.
  • P-380(1) Plinius Secundus, Gaius Caecilius (Pliny the younger) — Epistolae (ed. Philippus Beroaldus). — Bologna: Benedictus Hectoris, 19 Oct. 1498. 4°.

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