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Burellus (Bureau), Laurentius (d.1502); of Dijon, Burgundy, Bishop of Sisteron, French Alps; see Gams 632; DBF VIII 687; IBF (2nd edn), II 935; for two other works owned by him, see CIBN A-553 and L-124; and Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris: Eusebius De praeparatione euangelica. Treviso, 1480 (Pellechet 4544) with inscription of purchase dated 1487 and a note stating that this book also passed to the Carmelites at Dijon; see also the dedication of B-229. ♦ Categorisation: Type: Person. Gender: Unknown. Period: unknown century.

2 entries:

  • B-158(1) Berchorius, Petrus — Repertorium morale (ed. Johannes Beckenhub). — [Nuremberg]: Anton Koberger, 4 Feb. 1489. Folio.
  • C-242(1) Cicero, Marcus Tullius — Orationes. — Venice: Christophorus Valdarfer, [not after 9 Nov.] 1471. Folio.

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