Bod-Inc: A-167
Alexander Carpentarius
Destructorium vitiorum.
Analysis of Content
aa1r [Title-page.]
aa2r [Table of contents.] Incipit: ‘[I]ste liber qui destructorium viciorum nuncupatur octo partes continet principales . . .’
aa8r ‘Tabula.’
a1r Alexander [Carpentarius]: Destructorium vitiorum. Incipit: ‘[O]mne peccatum ut dicit beatus Augustinus contra faustum est dictum vel factum vel concupitum contra legem dei . . .’ See A‑166.
Imprint: Paris: Pierre Levet, for Johannes de Coblenz, Pierre Levet and Michel Morin, 11 Apr. 1497. Folio.
Collation: aa8 bb cc6 dd a–k8 l6 m–o8 p–r6 s8 t6 v x8 y z6 A–D8.6 E–G8 H–L6.8 M8.
ISTC: ia00394000
GW: GW 868;
Hain: HC 653;
Goff: Goff A394;
Proctor: Pr 8069;
Others: CIBN A‑209; Oates 2995-6; Sheppard 6286.
LCN: 13888110
Copy number: A-167(1)
M8 backed.
Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century half calf; upper board detached; title on fore-edge.
Size: 303 × 220 × 40 mm.
Size of leaf: 293 × 208 mm.
Early marginal notes. On M8v in a sixteenth-century hand (possibly that of Feld): ‘As oft as you seyd v pater nosters, v aues and a crede and this prayar foloyng thou shal have goddis blessyng and iii thowsand v hundreth and xx deys of pardon if thow be oute of dedly syn. The pardon of our lady psaltar as we fynd be dyverse auctorytes is lx thowsand yers to theym that sey hyt devotly and be oute of dedly syn. Hoc est nescire [siue] Ihesu plurima scire | Sy ihesum bene scis satis est si cetera nescis.’
Provenance: Edward Feld (fl. 1505-1520); inscription: ‘Liber magistri Edwardi Feld pcm ii(?)s iiijd’. Richard Taylor (fl. 1505-1524); inscription: ‘Nunc liber Richardi Taylor. Benedictus Deus in donis suis'. [ ] Lightfoot (fl. 1819). Inscription on M8r: ‘Bought by me 3d April 1819'. Mary Broughton (nineteenth century). Purchased in 1896 from a reader; see Annual Report of the Curators of the Bodleian Library, Oxford University Gazette, 18 May 1897, 508.
SHELFMARK: Inc. c. F1.1497.1.
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