Bod-Inc: A-339
Antoninus Florentinus
Confessionale: Omnis mortalium cura [or] Specchio di coscienza.
Analysis of Content
[a1v] [Title.] Incipit: ‘Iesus Maria Dominicus incomenza uno confessionale uulgar del reuerendissimo padre beato fratre Antonino arziuescouo de Fiorenza . . .’
[a2r] Antoninus Florentinus: [Prologue.] Incipit: ‘[O]mnis mortalium cura, quam multiplicium studiorum labor exercet, diuerso quidem calle procedit . . . [Boethius, Cons. Phil., III,2,2]. Dice sancto Seuerino in el libro de la philosophica consolatione, che tutta la cura e sollicitudine de li homini mortali . . . molto efficacemente’ See A‑336.
[a2v] Antoninus Florentinus: ‘Spechio de conscientia.’ [Also known as Confessionale: Omnis mortalium cura]. Incipit: ‘Quanto a la prima dico che se uole schiuare el peccato . . . a faza a faza l'altissimo dio uederai, qui benedictus est in secula amen’ See A‑336; also Orlandi 310 no. 3.
[h2r] Antoninus Florentinus: Trattato dell'excomunicazione. ‘De excomunicatione'. Incipit: ‘[D]echiaratione de la excomunicatione menore et de lo participare cum excomunicati . . . loro solemni prouilegii’ See Kaeppeli I 96-8.
[i4r] ‘Li dieci comandamenti.’ Incipit: ‘Chi uita eterna uole aquistare | Li dieci comandamenti de dio debe obseruare | Lo primo uno dio adorando sempre amare'; 14 lines of mnemonic verse.
[i4v] Thomas Aquinas: [Oratio.] ‘Questa oratione compose sancto Thomaso de Aquino la quale diceua quando andaua a celebrare' [Latin]. Incipit: ‘[O]mnipotens et misericors deus, ecce accedo ad sacramentum preciosissimi corporis et sanguinis unigeniti filii tui, domini nostri Jesu Christi . . .’ ed. Spiazzi (1954), II 275ff.
[i4v] ‘Oratione che se fa dopo la comunione' [Latin]. Incipit: ‘[S]it, Iesu dulcissime, sacratissimum corpus tuum et sanguis dulcedo et suauitas animae . . .’
[i5r] ‘Credo uulgar facto in rima.’ Incipit: ‘[C]redo in un padre omnipotente dio | Del celo creatore e de la terra'; 7 tercets and 1 line.
[i5r] [Verses to the reader.] Incipit: ‘Ne te detineat saeui fera regia ditis | Haec lege quae facili sunt modo scripta manu'; 2 elegiac distichs.
[i5v] ‘Rubrice' [= List of contents.]
Imprint: Bologna: [Balthasar Azoguidus], 1472. 4°.
Collation: [a–h10 i8].
ISTC: ia00843000
GW: GW 2173;
Hain: HR 1217;
Proctor: not in Pr;
Others: Quaquarelli, ‘Azzoguidi', p. 62; Sheppard 5288.
LCN: 14267754
Copy number: A-339(1)
Wanting the blank leaves [i1] and [i7-8].
Leaf [a1] cut out, mounted, and bound in reverse; [a2] mounted.
Binding: Parchment; marbled pastedowns.
Size: 237 × 169 × 24 mm.
Size of leaf: 231 × 158 mm.
Occasional early notes, pointing hands and ‘nota' marks.
Decoration on [a1v]: Eighteenth-century decoration; two frames, the outer one in black ink, the inner one in gold, forming a panel. In the panel, two floral decorations in gold, with plants in green and red. Decoration on [a2r]: Contemporary Bolognese decoration; border, edged in gold, with reserved white vine-stem scrolling, defined in yellow, on a background of red, blue, and green, with white dots in groups of three. Two gold-edged roundels, one contains a brown duck, with a blue wing, on a background of blue sky and green ground; the second contains, on the same background, the coat of arms described below. In the panel formed within the border is the text, beginning with a three-line initial ‘O' in gold, over a red background, decorated delicately in white, and incorporated into the border; see Pächt and Alexander II, 113 no. pr. 123. Some two- and three-line initials, and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue.
Provenance: Unidentified coat of arms on [a2r]: azure, a lion passant [argent?] in bend between two cotices gules, with a mitre above the shield. Holkham Hall, Norfolk, Earls of Leicester. Purchased in 1953.
SHELFMARK: Holk. d.33.
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