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Bod-Inc: A-342

Antoninus Florentinus

Summa theologica. Pars III.


Analysis of Content

a2r ‘Tabula titulorum seu capitulorum uel rubricarum.’

a6r Antoninus Florentinus: ‘Prologus.’ Incipit: ‘  “[A]stitit regina a dextris tuis in vestitu deaurato circumdata varietate”, Psalmista 44 [Ps 44,10]. Uerba ista prophete loquentis ad dominum deum . . .’ See Bloomfield 499.

a9r Antoninus Florentinus: Summa theologica. Pars III.1. Incipit: ‘  “[B]eatus es et bene tibi erit, uxor tua sicut vitis abundans in lateribus domus tue . . .” [Ps 127,2-3]. Dicit sacrosanctum concilium vniuersale ecclesie . . .’ See Kaeppeli I 80-2 no. 239; Orlandi 295-7 no. (A) 1. See also William T. Gaughan, Social Theories of Saint Antoninus from his Summa Theologica, Catholic University of America, Studies in Sociology, 35 (Washington, DC, 1950); Peter Howard, ‘  “Non parum laborat formica ad colligendum unde vivat": Oral Discourse as the Context of the “Summa theologica” of St Antoninus of Florence', Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum, 59 (1989), 89-148; Peter Howard, ‘Diversity in Discourse: The Preaching of Archbishop Antoninus of Florence before Pope, People and Commune', in Medieval Sermons and Society: Cloister, City, University. Proceedings of International Symposia at Kalamazoo and New York, ed. Jacqueline Hamesse, Beverly Mayne Kienzle, Debra L. Stout and Anne T. Thayer, Fédération Internationale des Instituts d'Études Médiévales, Textes et études du moyen âge, 9 (Louvain-la-Neuve, 1998), 283-307.

2a2r ‘Tabula titulorum seu capitulorum.’

2a5r Antoninus Florentinus: Summa theologica. Pars III.2. Incipit: ‘  “[R]eligiositas custodiet cor”, eccle 2 [Sir 1,18]. Status religionis denominatur a virtute quadam morali que dicitur religio . . .’ See Kaeppeli I 80-2 no. 239; Orlandi 296-7 (A) 1.


Imprint: Venice: Nicolaus Jenson, 1477. Folio.


Collation: Part 1: a12 b–z [et] [con] [rum] A–F10 G8 H8 I6 K8; part 2: a12 b–e10 f12 g–n10 o–q12 r–z [et] [con] [rum] A–E10.

Remarks: GW collates H10 in part 1.


ISTC: ia00872000

GW: GW 2185 (3,1);

Hain: HC *1243;

Goff: Goff A‑872;

BMC: BMC V 177;

Proctor: Pr 4102;

Others: BSB‑Ink A‑595; Lowry, Jenson no. 50; Sheppard 3279.

LCN: 14267774, 14267823


Copy number: A-342(1)

Part 1 only. Wanting the blank leaves a1 and K8, and the whole of part 2.

Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf; marbled pastedowns.

Size: 278 × 200 × 55 mm.

Frequent marginal notes.

Provenance: Purchased for ‘Fl. 9' from Gilhofer & Ranschburg, Catalogue 3 (1885), no. 13; see Library Bills (1885), no. 210.

SHELFMARK: Auct. 3Q 5.26.

Copy number: A-342(2)

Part 2 only. Wanting a8 and the whole of part 1.

Binding: Contemporary German (Frankfurt, Johannes Fabri) blind-tooled leather over wooden boards. Fillets form three concentric frames, the middle one containing a worn cresting roll, the inner one with a vine-stem roll. The inner rectangle is bordered by a small vine-stem roll and a floral roll, and is decorated with merrythoughts, in the centres of which is either a fleuron or, on the lower cover only, the shield mark of Johannes Fabri, for which see Adolf Schmidt, ‘Zur Geschichte deutscher Buchbinder im 16. Jahrhundert', Beiträge zum Rollen- und Platteneinband im 16. Jahrhundert, ed. Ilse Schunke, Sammlung bibliothekswissenschaftlicher Arbeiten, 46 (Leipzig, 1937), 84-5. Similar bindings in Munich, BSB 4° Inc. c.a. 47a and 2° Inc. c.a. 196. On the spine a circular rose stamp, with other stamps too badly worn for identification. On the upper cover a contemporary manuscript title label.

Size: 293 × 213 × 80 mm.

Size of leaf: 265 × 183 mm.

Two leaves from an eleventh-century German epistolary, containing portions of epistles from Pentecost to the twelfth Sunday after Pentecost, and one leaf, formerly a pastedown, from a fourteenth-century missal, containing the order of the mass from the end of the canon to the prayers after mass, were removed from the binding in 1919. These leaves are now MS. Lat. liturg. b. 7, fols 2, 3, 6.

Early marginal notes. Manuscript title on front endleaf.

Six- to eight-line initials are supplied in interlocked red and blue; three- and six-line initials, and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue. Capital strokes in red.

Provenance: Reinhardus de Sickingen (†1482), Bishop of Worms 1445-82. Wimpfen, Baden-Württemberg, Dominicans, Sancta Crux, 1480; gift from Sickingen; inscription inside the upper cover: ‘Istum librum dedit conuentui generosus et nobilis dominus Reinhardus de Sickingen episcopus Wormaciensis Anno domini 1480'; also book-label [seventeenth-century?] inside the upper cover: ‘Liber Bibliothecae Conventus Wimpinensis Ordinis Praedicatorum'; and sixteenth-century(?) inscription on a2r: ‘Conuentus Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Wimpinae'. Purchased from Joseph Baer & Co. for £3. 15. 0; see Library Bills, 25 Feb. 1905.

SHELFMARK: Inc. c. I4.1477.1.

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