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Bod-Inc: A-365


Historia Romana [Pars I].


Analysis of Content

A1r P[etrus] Candidus [Decembrius: Preface addressed to] Nicolaus V, Pont. Max. Incipit: ‘[A]ppiani Alexandrini historiam seu ueterum incuria seu temporum iniquitate deperditam et ueluti longo postliminio ad nos redeuntem . . .’

A1v Appianus: Historia Romana. Translated by Petrus Candidus Decembrius. Incipit: ‘[R]omanorum historiam scribere adorsus necessarium in primis mihi existimaui terminos præponere quibus nationibus imperent Romani . . .’


Imprint: Scandiano: Peregrinus de Pasqualibus, 10 Jan. [1495]. Folio.

Remarks: The colophon reads ‘M.CCCCLCXV.IIII. Iduū Ianuarii'.


Collation: A–M6 N8.


ISTC: ia00930000

GW: GW 2292;

Hain: HC (+ Addenda) 1310;

Goff: Goff A‑930;

BMC: BMC VII 1118;

Proctor: Pr 7325;

Others: BSB‑Ink A‑653; CIBN A‑484; Oates 2727; Rhodes 118; Sack, Freiburg, 252; Sheppard 6062.

LCN: 14268986


Copy number: A-365(1)

Variants: D1r, headline: ‘LIBYCVS'; D6v headline: ‘LIEBR'; D3, printed with type 108 R; E1r, last marginal note: ‘Ingreditur | Scipio carta | ginem'.

Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century quarter calf; gold-tooled spine.

Size: 305 × 210 × 19 mm.

Size of leaf: 301 × 202 mm.

Erased note on N8v: ‘Liber est ad tempora(?) . . . pro[ ]rii'. Occasional sixteenth/seventeenth-century marginal notes.

Initials are supplied in red.

Provenance: Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex (1773-1843); book-plate; sale, pt IV, lot 237. Date of acquisition unknown; most books with neighbouring shelfmarks were acquired during the 1840s.

SHELFMARK: Auct. Q 4.9.

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