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Bod-Inc: A-408


Logica nova: Copulata novae logicae Aristotelis.


Analysis of Content

a2r Monte, Lambertus de: [Commentary on Analytica priora.] Incipit: ‘[C]irca inicium libri analeticorum priorum Arestotelis queritur primo, que est racio istius libri ad libros precedentes . . .’ See Lohr (1971), 310-12 no. 2 and N. J. Green-Pedersen, The Tradition of the Topics in the Middle Ages. The Commentaries on Aristotle's and Boethius' ‘Topics’ (Munich, 1984), 417.

a3v Aristoteles: Analytica priora. [Translated by Boethius.] See A‑385.

h1r Monte, Lambertus de: [Commentary on Analytica posteriora.] Incipit: ‘[C]irca inicium libri Analeticorum posteriorum Arestotelis queritur primo, vtrum de syllogismo demonstratiuo sit scientia tamquam de subiecto scientie libri Posteriorum . . .’ See Lohr (1971), 310-12 no. 2.

h1v Aristoteles: Analytica posteriora. [Translated by Jacobus Venetus.] Lemmata from the text inserted in the commentary. See also A‑385.

p2v Monte, Lambertus de: [Commentary on Topica.] Incipit: ‘[C]irca inicium libri Thopicorum queritur primo, vtrum de sylogismo dyaletico sit scientia . . .’ See Lohr (1971), 310-12 no. 2.

p3r Aristoteles: Topica. [Translated by Boethius.] See A‑385.

2a1r Monte, Lambertus de: [Commentary on De sophisticis elenchis.] Incipit: ‘[C]irca inicium libri Elenchorum Arestotelis queritur primo, utrum de elenco sophistico sit scientia . . .’ See Lohr (1971), 310-12 no. 2.

a1v Aristoteles: De sophisticis elenchis. [Translated by Boethius.] See A‑385.

f6r [Colophon with note on the commentator.]


Imprint: [Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, c.1488]. Folio.


Collation: 1a–h8 i6 k l8 m6 n–p8 q r6 s8 t6 v x 2a b8 c6 d8 e f6.


ISTC: ia00999000

GW: GW 2401;

Hain: HC *1675;

Goff: Goff A‑999;

BMC: BMC I 272;

Proctor: Pr 1374;

Others: Sack, Freiburg, 275; Voulliéme, Köln, 137.

LCN: 13979748


Copy number: A-408(1)

Bound with:
1. Monte, Lambertus de, Copulata super tres libros Aristotelis De anima. [Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, c.1492] (M‑315);
3. Thomas Aquinas, Opuscula. [Cologne: Johann Koelhoff, the Elder, c.1472] (T‑139).

Wanting gatherings h–x.

Binding: Contemporary German (Hamm), blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, remains of two clasps, four bosses lost; rebacked. Formerly chained: staple-marks at head of the lower cover. Two book-labels at the head of the upper cover, the upper one with old shelfmark ‘Q.v.' On both covers triple fillets form a double frame; the inner rectangle is divided by triple fillets into lozenge-shaped and triangular compartments. In the compartments eight different stamps: S. Catharina within an escutcheon, S. Veronica holding the Sacred Face, a square stamp with a nine-petalled flower, a floral ornament within an escutcheon, a hexagonal foliate stamp, and three lozenge-shaped stamps: a fleur-de-lis, and a small lion and a griffin; the Veronica, Catharina, and griffin stamps, the hexagonal foliate stamp and the floral ornament stamp all occur on the binding of Inc. d. G3.4 (Bod-inc. P‑204(1)), also from Hamm.

Size: 286 × 210 × 65 mm.

Size of leaf: 280 × 205 mm.

Former pastedowns, now raised, from a tenth/eleventh-century parchment manuscript of the Latin Bible in Carolingian minuscules and rustic capitals. Present pastedowns: fragments from the Rudimentum Novitiorum, Lübeck: Lucas Brandis, 5 Aug. 1475 (R‑142(3)).

Occasional early marginal notes.

Principal initials are supplied in red with reserved white decoration; other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes.

Provenance: Hamm, North Rhine-Westphalia, Franciscan Recollects, S. Agnes (not Hamburg as assumed by E. P. Goldschmidt in a letter enclosed with the book); on g8v: ‘pro conuentu hammon[ensis]' and on f6r directly after the colophon, ‘et est pro conuentu hammon[ensis]'. Ernst Philip Goldschmidt (1887-1954). Albert Ehrman (1890-1969); purchased from Goldschmidt in 1952 for £115. Presented in 1978 by John Ehrman.

SHELFMARK: Broxb. 20.4(2).

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