Bod-Inc: A-505
Augustinus Hipponensis
Analysis of Content
a2r Augustinus [pseudo-; Anselmus; pseudo-; Jean de Fécamp]: Meditationes. PL XL 901-42. On the composition of the Meditationes; see PL supplement II 1365 and Wilmart, Auteurs spirituels, 127, n. 2, and 128, n. 1, who ascribes the text to Jean de Fécamp; E. Lamirande, ‘The Picture of the Heavenly Jerusalem . . .', Revue des études augustiniennes, 25 (1979), 158-60. On Fécamp see J. Leclercq and J. P. Bonnes, Un maître de la vie spirituelle au XI siècle: Jean de Fécamp (Paris, 1946).
c6r [Biblia Sacra; OrMan.] ed. Weber. See Emil Kautzsch, Die Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen des Alten Testaments, I (Freiburg, 1898), 165-71, H. Ryle, ‘The Prayer of Manasses', in The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, ed. R. H. Charles, I (Oxford, 1913), 612-24, and Hans Volz, ‘Zur Überlieferung des Gebetes Manasse', Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte, 70 (1959), 293-307, at 294-6.
c6r Augustinus [pseudo-]: Soliloquia (`Agnoscam te . . .'). PL XL 863-98. On the composition of the Soliloquia see Dictionnaire de spiritualité, I, 1134.
e7v Augustinus [pseudo-: Preface] to Manuale. PL XL 951.
e7v Augustinus [pseudo-]: Manuale. PL XL 951-68. For the composition of Manuale see Wilmart, Auteurs spirituels, 195-6.
f7r ‘Tabula capitum in Enchyridion.’
g1r Augustinus: [Retractatio II,63.] ed. A. Mutzenbecher, CCSL 57 (1984), 140. See CPL 250.
g1r Augustinus: Enchiridion. In this edition, chapter 1 is entitled ‘Proemium.’ ed. E. Evans, CCSL 46 (1969), 23-114. See CPL 295.
i6v Augustinus [pseudo-; Patricius, Episcopus Dublinensis]: De triplici habitaculo. PL XL 991-8, LIII 831-8. See CPL 1106. Ascribed to Patricius, Bishop of Dublin, by A. Gwynn, The Writings of Bishop Patrick, Scriptores Latini Hibernici (Dublin, 1955), 48.
k1v Augustinus [pseudo-; Guigo Carthusiensis; Bernardus Carthusiensis]: Scala paradisi. PL XL 997-1004; Guiges II le Chartreux, Lettre sur la vie contemplative, ed. Edmund Colledge and James Walsh, Sources Chrétiennes, 163 (Paris, 1970), 82-120. On the authorship see Lettre sur la vie contemplative, 21-3; Wilmart, Auteurs spirituels, 230-40 ascribes to Guigo or S. Bernardus Carthusiensis.
k5v [Table of twelve abuses.]
k5v Augustinus [pseudo-; Hugo de Sancto Victore pseudo-; Cyprianus pseudo-]: De duodecim abusionum gradibus. [Also known as De xii abusivis saeculi.] PL IV 947-60, XL 1079-88. See CPL 1106. Slight variation in incipit. CPL ascribes to pseudo-Cyprianus.
l2r Augustinus: [Retractatio I,2.] ed. A. Mutzenbecher, CCSL 57 (1984), 11. See CPL 250.
l2r Augustinus: De beata vita. ed. W. M. Green, CCSL 29 (1970), 65-85. See CPL 254. In this edition, chapter 1 is entitled ‘Prohemium.’
m1v Augustinus [pseudo-]: ‘Proemium' to De assumptione virginis Mariae. PL XL 1141-3. BSB ascribes to Anselmus.
m1v Augustinus [pseudo-]: De assumptione virginis Mariae. PL XL 1143-8.
m4r Augustinus: De divinatione daemonum. PL XL 581-92. See CPL 306.
m7r Augustinus [pseudo-; Caesarius Arelatensis]: De honestate mulierum. [Also known as De fuga mulierum] [sermon 41]. See A‑504.
m8r Augustinus: De cura agenda pro mortuis. [Also known as De cura pro mortuis gerenda and Cura mortuorum.] PL XL 591-610. See CPL 307.
n7r Augustinus [pseudo-]: De vera et falsa poenitentia. PL XL 1113-30. See Bloomfield 4419. Bloomfield ascribes to Gilbertus Minorita(?).
o7r Augustinus [pseudo-]: De contritione cordis. PL XL 943-50.
p2v Augustinus [pseudo-]: Sermo de contemptu mundi. PL XL 1215-18. See CPPM 1121.
p4r Augustinus [pseudo-; Caesarius Arelatensis]: De convenientia decem preceptorum. [Also known as Sermo de decem preceptis et decem plagis Aegypti, sermon 20/1]. ed. G. Morin, CCSL 103 (1953), 407-13. See CPPM 806.
p5r [Augustinus pseudo-; Honorius Augustodunensis]: De cognitione verae vitae. PL XL 1005-32. See J. A. Endres, Honorius Augustodunensis (Kempten, 1906); Valerie I. J. Flint, ‘The Chronology of the Works of Honorius Augustodunensis', Revue Bénédictine, 82 (1972), 215-42, esp. 215, 227, 230-1; and V. I. J. Flint, Honorius Augustodunensis of Regensburg, Historical and Religious Writers of the Latin West, ed. Patrick J. Geary, Authors of the Middle Ages, 2, nos 5-6 (Aldershot, 1995), 89-183, esp. 146.
A1r Augustinus: [Retractatio II,6.] ed. A. Mutzenbecher, CCSL 57 (1984), 94. See CPL 250.
A1r Augustinus: Confessiones. ed. L. Verheijen, CCSL 27 (1981). See CPL 251.
L1r Augustinus: [Retractatio II,4.] ed. A. Mutzenbecher, CCSL 57 (1984), 92-3. See CPL 250.
L1r Augustinus: ‘Prologus' to De doctrina christiana. ed. J. Martin, CCSL 32 (1962), 1-6. See CPL 263.
L2r Augustinus: De doctrina christiana. ed. J. Martin, CCSL 32 (1962), 6-167. See CPL 263.
Q1r Augustinus [pseudo-; Fulgentius, Episcopus Ruspensis: Prologue to De fide trinitatis ad Petrum.] See A‑504.
Q1r Augustinus [pseudo-; Fulgentius, Episcopus Ruspensis]: De fide trinitatis ad Petrum. See A‑504.
R4v [Augustinus]: Sermo de vita et moribus clericorum [sermon 355]. PL XXXIX 1568-74. See CPL 284.
R6v [Augustinus]: Sermo secundus de vita et moribus clericorum [sermon 356]. PL XXXIX 1574-81. See CPL 284.
S1r Augustinus: [Retractatio I,13.] ed. A. Mutzenbecher, CCSL 57 (1984), 36-41. See CPL 250.
S2r Augustinus: De vera religione. ed. K. Daur, CCSL 32 (1962), 187-260. See CPL 264.
T10v [Colophon.]
V1v ‘Tabula.’
V3r ‘Registrum.’
V3v [Table of contents.]
V3v ‘Liber ad lectorem.’ Incipit: ‘Barbara quid prodest vel quid Romana trophea | Nosse? Quid ethereas solis adire vias?'; 5 elegiac distichs. Reprinted in Renouard, Badius II, 56. See Walther, Initia, 2074.
Imprint: Venice: Octavianus Scotus, 28 May 1483. 4°.
Collation: a–p A–I8 K4 L–R8 S T10 V4.
ISTC: ia01216000
GW: GW 2863;
Hain: HC *1946;
Goff: Goff A‑1216;
BMC: BMC V 277;
Proctor: Pr 4574;
Others: BSB‑Ink A‑895; CIBN A‑669; Sheppard 3638.
LCN: 13979563
Copy number: A-505(1)
Wanting the blank leaf a1.
Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled calf over wooden boards. Corner-pieces and catches lost. Remains of one clasp. On both covers triple fillets form three frames, within the middle one is a repeated square rosette stamp. In the inner rectangle on both covers is a repeated small, lozenge-shaped floral stamp, with that on the lower cover also having a small circular rosette stamp. On the spine a pattern formed by a cusped edge stamp, repeated four times. Damaged contemporary manuscript label on the upper cover. One leather index tab.
Size: 232 × 157 × 65 mm.
Size of leaf: 219 × 148 mm.
Contemporary manuscript table of contents on front endleaf. Manuscript foliation, which has also been added to the table of contents. Some marginal notes, pointing hands, and underlining in black ink; on g2r: ‘R[K?]asend.’
Initials, some with extensions into the margins, and paragraph marks are supplied in red.
Provenance: Überlingen, Baden-Württemberg, Franciscan convent; inscription inside initial ‘D' on a2r. Purchased from Joseph Baer & Co., Catalogue 235 (1889), no. 34, for 25 Marks; see Library Bills.
SHELFMARK: Auct. 7Q 7.54.
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