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Bod-Inc: A-526

Augustinus Hipponensis

De civitate dei.


Analysis of Content

[a1r] Augustinus: [Retractatio II,43.] ed. A. Mutzenbecher, CCSL 57 (1984), 124-5. See CPL 250.

[a1r] ‘Capitula libri primi.’ ed. B. Dombart and A. Kalb, CCSL 47 (1955), pp. v–vi, but lacking the ‘praefatio.’ Each book is preceded by ‘capitula', as in ed. Dombart–Kalb.

[a2r] Augustinus: De civitate dei. ed. B. Dombart and A. Kalb, CCSL 47-8 (1955). See CPL 313.

[G9r] [Colophon.]

[H1r] Waleys, Thomas And Trevet, Nicolaus: [Prologue to commentary on De civitate dei.] ‘Sacre pagine professorum ordinis predicatorum Thome Valois et Nicolai Triveth in libros beati Augustini de ciuitate dei commentaria.’ Incipit: ‘  “[F]luminis impetus letificat ciuitatem dei”, in Psalmo. Fons sapientie verbum dei residens in excelsis per dona sua procedens . . .’ See Kaeppeli III 187-8; IV 401-402; Ruth J. Dean, ‘The Life and Works of Nicholas Trevet, with Special Reference to His Anglo-Norman Chronicles', unpublished D.Phil. thesis, University of Oxford, 1938, especially 17-49, and Beryl Smalley, ‘Th. Waleys, O. P.', Archivum Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum, 24 (1954), 50-107, at 50-7.

[H1v] Waleys, Thomas: [Commentary on De civitate dei I.1–X.29.] Incipit: ‘  “[G]loriosissimam ciuitatem dei etc.”, In isto primo capitulo tangit beatus Augustinus duas culpas Romanorum . . .’ See Smalley, ‘Th. Walleys', 86-98.

[O7r] Trevet, Nicolaus: [Commentary on De civitate dei X.29–XXII.30.] Incipit: ‘[P]redicas patrem etc. . . . In hoc capitulo xxix . . . nos declarat Augustinus contra Porphirianos . . .’

[P4v] Trevet, Nicolaus: ‘Tabula.’


Imprint: Mainz: Peter Schoeffer, 5 Sept. 1473. Folio.


Collation: [a–d10 e4+1 f–n10 o4+1 p10 q12 r–v10 x4+1 y z A–D10 E8 F10 G8+1 H–K10 L10+1 M–P10].

Remarks: Collation as GW not BMC.


ISTC: ia01240000

GW: GW 2884;

Hain: HC *2057;

Goff: Goff A‑1240;

BMC: BMC I 29;

Proctor: Pr 102;

Others: BSB‑Ink A‑856; CIBN A‑680; Fiumi 15-17; Sheppard 57-8.

LCN: 13885229


Copy number: A-526(1)

Wanting [p5-6], [O2-9] and the blank leaf [P10].

The printed text on [p5-6] has been replaced by a manuscript facsimile in a contemporary hand, but on different paper from that used for the printed text. Variants: [a1] 46 lines to the column; col. 1 line 5 ‘agentium'; col. 2 lines 21-2 heading printed in black.

Binding: Seventeenth/eighteenth-century English calf, ‘Cambridge Style'. Formerly chained: staple-marks of a hasp at head of the upper cover. Outer compartment mottled; fillets form a frame, edged with a cresting roll and with a fleuron at each corner; inside this a polished compartment; inside a further frame, a mottled central rectangle. No. ‘9' on fore-edge. The gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers.

Size: 390 × 285 × 77 mm.

Size of leaf: 380 × 262 mm.

Some early marginal notes.

Some initials are supplied in red or blue with reserved white decoration, or in interlocked red and blue, within red pen-work frame, with red pen-work floral decoration and extensions into the margin and gutter, touched in yellow and green, and with red pen-work infill, and reserved white floral decoration, often touched with yellow, on a green ground. Other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue. Running book numbers are supplied in red and blue. Capital strokes in red. Capitals touched with yellow wash.

Provenance: Geoffrey Whitney (1548?–1601); inscription on [a1r], with the motto: ‘Galfridus Whytney Cestreshirius: Opus hoc aureum vendicat'; ‘Constanter et syncere'. Acquired by 1738; see Fysher, Catalogus, I 87, where both E 3. 9 Th. and L 1. 4 Th. are given as shelfmarks.

Former Bodleian shelfmarks: E 3. 9 Th.; A 1. 7 Th.; [ ] 1. 4 Th.; L 1. 4 Th.; Auct. P 1.8;

SHELFMARK: Auct. 7Q 1.13.

Copy number: A-526(2)

Wanting commentaries, gatherings [H]–[P].

Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf. Rebacked.

Size: 403 × 280 × 65 mm.

Size of leaf: 385 × 250 mm.

Early marginal notes. First leaf of each gathering marked in black ink.

Some initials are supplied in interlocked red and blue, often within a purple pen-work frame, and with pen-work infill and extensions into the margin and gutter in purple. Other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue. Running book numbers and some chapter numbers are supplied in red. Capital strokes in red.

Provenance: University College, Oxford; book-plate, with shelfmarks ‘L.40.7' [deleted], ‘E.310.6'; a gold stamp at head of the upper cover; ‘List of Rare Books', p. 3. Deposited in 1941 by the Master and Fellows of University College, Oxford.

SHELFMARK: Univ. Coll. b.3.

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