Bod-Inc: B-240
Biblia Latina
Analysis of Content
Part II only:
[B1r] [Prv.]
[B9v] [Ecl.] [`Prologus in ecclesiasten', supplied by the rubricator.] Pref. no. 6, followed by Ecl.
[C2v] [Ct–Lam.]
[I6v] [Bar.] [`Prologus in librum Baruch', supplied by the rubricator.] Pref. no. 10; followed by Bar.
[K1r] [Ez–Mal.]
[O2r] Hieronymus: [`Prologus . . . in libros Machabeorum', supplied by the rubricator.] Pref. no. 31, followed by I–II Mcc.
[Q4r] [Mt.] [`Alius prologus in Matheo', supplied by the rubricator.] Pref. no. 34; preceded by Jerome's prologue and followed by Mt.
[R6v] [Mc.] [`Prologus Marcy ewangeliste', supplied by the rubricator.] Pref. no. 36, followed by Mc.
[S4v] Hieronymus: [Prefatio in euangelium secundum Lucam.] Pref. no. 37, followed by Lc, where verses 1-4 are called ‘Prohemium'.
[T7v] [Io.] [`Prologus . . . in ewangelium Iohannis', supplied by the rubricator.] Pref. no. 38, followed by Io.
[V7v] Hieronymus: [`Prefacio . . . in epistolam ad Romanos', supplied by the rubricator.]
[V8r] [Prologus specialis ad Romanos.] Pref. no. 39.
[V8v] [Rm–Hbr.] Rm–Hbr, each letter preceded by an ‘argumentum'.
[Z1v] Hieronymus: [`Prologus . . . in Actus apostolorum', supplied by the rubricator.] Pref. no. 42, followed by Act.
[aa4v] [Iac–Iud.] [Prologus in epistolas canonicas.] Pref. no. 44, followed by Iac–Iud, each letter preceded by an ‘argumentum'.
[aa10v] [Apc.] [Prologus beati Iohannes in Apocalipsis.] Pref. no. 50, followed by Apc.
Imprint: [Strasbourg: Heinrich Eggestein, not after 24 May 1466]. Folio.
Remarks: One of the Munich copies bears the rubricator's date 24 May 1466. The year-date 1466 is found in copies at Augsburg Stadt- und Staatsbibliotek, Munich Staatsbibliothek, and Wolfenbüttel Herzog August Bibliothek, the latter in the hand of Johann Bämler (GW); see Needham, ‘The Text', 57.
Collation: [a–k10 l m12 n–x10 y z A12 B–G10 H12 I8+1 K L10 M12 N10 O10+1 P–T10 V X12 Y Z aa10 bb8].
ISTC: ib00530000
GW: GW 4205;
Hain: H *3037;
Goff: Goff B‑530;
BMC: BMC I 66;
Proctor: Pr 257;
Others: BSB‑Ink B‑411; CIBN B‑365; Hubay, Augsburg, 356; Oates 108-9; Rhodes 345; Sack, Freiburg, 611-12; Sheppard 168.
LCN: 14003385
Copy number: B-240(1)
Bound with:
1. Biblia latina (part I only). [Strasbourg: Heinrich Eggestein, not after 1468] (B‑241(2)).
Second part (Prv–Apc) only. Wanting the two blank leaves [bb7-8].
Binding: Nineteenth-century English calf; marbled pastedowns; by Charles James Aitken; covers loose.
Size: 404 × 290 × 105 mm.
Size of leaf: 380 × 272 mm.
Occasional early marginal notes.
On [B1r] an initial ‘I' is supplied in red with foliate scrolling in white, decoration in blue and green and gold dotting; an initial ‘P' is supplied in blue with white highlighting on a dark red ground with highlighting in yellow; floral extensions between the two columns and into the lower margin in red, blue, and green with some gold dotting. Principal initials are supplied in various colours with foliate scrolling. Headings in alternating red and blue letters. Other initials are supplied alternately in red and blue; red capital strokes. On [bb6v] a rubricator's note: ‘Amen etc.'.
Provenance: Munich, Augustinian Hermits, SS. Johannes Baptista et Evangelista; inscription on [a1r] of item 1 ‘Monast. Monacen. Or. Erem. S. P. Aug. 1606'. No indication of ownership in item 2. Purchased for £15; see Books Purchased (1841), 4.
SHELFMARK: Auct. M 2.13(2).
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