Bod-Inc: B-318
Biblia Latina cum postillis Nicolai de Lyra et expositionibus Guilelmi Britonis.
Analysis of Content
Volume 1.
a2r Nicolaus de Lyra: ‘Prologus primus'. See N‑059.
a2v Nicolaus de Lyra: ‘Prologus secundus'. PL CXIII 29-34. See Labrosse, ‘Œuvres', 159.
a3v [Guilelmus Brito]: ‘In epistolas Hieronymi expositio'. Incipit: ‘ “[F]rater Ambrosius, etc.” Ad euidentiam huius epistole quam scribit Hieronymus ad Paulinum presbyterum . . .’ See Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 2824.
a4r [Guilelmus Brito: Postils on prologue of Hieronymus.] Incipit: ‘ “[F]rater Ambrosius”, etc. Istam litteram inueni in epistolis Hieronymi . . .’
a4r Hieronymus: [Letter addressed to] Paulinus the priest [ep. 53]. ‘Prologus in Bibliam'. Pref. no. 1.
b6v Nicolaus de Lyra [pseudo-; Guilelmus Brito]: ‘Expositio in prologum Pentateuchum'. Incipit: ‘ “[D]esiderii mei”. Istam epistolam scripsit Hieronymus . . .’ See Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 2825.
c1r Nicolaus de Lyra: [Postilla litteralis: Gn–Apc]. Incipit: ‘ “[I]n principio”. Omissis diuisionibus curiosis, accipio illam . . .’ See Labrosse, ‘Œuvres', 157-75. Commentary surrounds the text of each book.
c1r [Gn–IV Rg.] Ios preceded by ‘argumentum'. Jerome's prologue to Pentateuch omitted.
kk8r ‘Alius prologus' [to I–II Par]. Preceded by ‘Prefatio sancti Hieronymi in librum Dabreiamin, qui est Paralypomenon'. Slight variation in the incipit of the first preface to I–II Par.
kk-[9]v [I–II Par.]
oo-[8]r [OrMan.]
oo8v [I–II Esr.] II Esr entitled ‘Neemias' in this edition.
qq5v [III Esr.] III Esr entitled ‘II Esr' in this edition. IV Esr omitted.
rr3v [Tb–Est.]
tt8r ‘Primus prologus' [to Iob].
tt10v [Iob.] Pref. no. 3; preceded by ‘Prologus in Iob' and ‘argumentum'.
Volume 2.
A2r [Ps (G).] Preceded by the first of Jerome's prologues only.
12r ‘Prologus' [to Prv]. Pref. no. 4; preceded by ‘Epistola sancti Hieronymi presbiteri ad Chromatium et Heliodorum episcopos, de libris Salomonis'.
12v ‘Alius prologus'. Pref. no. 5.
13r [Prv.]
34r ‘Prologus' [to Ecl]. Pref. no. 6.
34v [Ecl–Ct.]
410v ‘Prologus' [to Sap]. Pref. no. 7.
410v [Sap–Is.] Is preceded by an ‘argumentum'.
171r Hieronymus: ‘Prefatio' [to Ier]. Pref. no. 8.
171v ‘Alius prologus'. Pref. no. 9. Preceded by ‘Prologus'.
172r [Ier–Lam.] Ier preceded by an ‘argumentum'.
219r ‘Prefatio' [to Bar]. Pref. no. 10.
219r [Bar–Dn.]
299r ‘Alius prologus' [to Twelve Prophets]. Pref. no. 11; preceded by ‘Prologus in librum duodecim prophetarum'.
299v ‘Prologus' [to Os]. Pref. no. 12.
2910r [Os.] Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.
309r ‘Prologus' [to Ioel]. Pref. no. 13.
3010r [Ioel.] Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.
313r ‘Prologus' [to Am]. Pref. no. 17.
313r ‘Alius prologus'. Pref. no. 18; in other editions called ‘Argumentum'.
313v ‘Alius prologus'. Pref. no. 19.
314r [Am.]
321r ‘Prologus' [to Abd]. Pref. no. 20. The passage beginning ‘[H]ebrei hunc dicunt esse . . .' is not headed ‘Alius prologus', but forms part of this prologue.
321v [Abd.] Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.
322v ‘Prologus' [to Ion]. Pref. no. 21.
323v [Ion.] Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.
325r ‘Prologus' [to Mi]. Pref. no. 23.
325v [Mi.] Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.
329v ‘Prologus' [to Na]. Pref. no. 24.
3210r [Na.] Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.
331v ‘Prologus' [to Hab]. Pref. no. 25.
332v [Hab.] Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.
335r ‘Prologus' [to So]. Pref. no. 26.
336r [So.] Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.
338r ‘Prologus' [to Agg]. Pref. no. 27.
338v [Agg.] Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.
3310r ‘Prologus' [to Za]. Pref. no. 28.
341r [Za.] Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.
349r ‘Prologus' [to Mal]. Pref. no. 29.
3410r [Mal.] Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.
351r Hieronymus: ‘Prologus' [to Mcc]. Pref. no. 31.
352r [I–II Mcc.]
Volume 3.
382v ‘Alius prologus' [to Four Evangelists]. Pref. no. 33; preceded by ‘Epistola beati Hieronymi ad Damasum Papam in quatuor Euangelia'.
383v ‘Prologus' [to Mt]. Pref. no. 35; preceded by an ‘argumentum'.
384r [Mt.]
427v ‘Prologus' [to Mc]. Pref. no. 36.
428v [Mc.]
441v Hieronymus: ‘Prefatio' [to Lc]. Pref. no. 37.
442v [Lc.] Verses 1-4 here called ‘Prohemium'.
472v ‘Prologus' [to Io]. Pref. no. 38.
473v [Io.]
521v ‘Prologus' [to Rm]. Pref. no. 39; preceded by ‘Prefatio sancti Hieronymi in omnes epistolas sancti Pauli'.
522r [Rm.] Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.
539r ‘Prologus' [to I Cor]. Pref. no. 40.
539r [I Cor.] Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.
557v ‘Prologus' [to II Cor]. Pref. no. 41.
557v [II Cor–Hbr]. Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.
621r Hieronymus: ‘Prefatio' [to Act]. Pref. no. 42.
621r ‘Alius prologus'. Pref. no. 43.
621v [Act.]
6410r ‘Prologus' [to Canonical Epistles]. Pref. no. 44.
6410v [Iac–Iud.] Each letter is preceded by an ‘argumentum'.
671r [Gilbertus Pictaviensis]: ‘Prologus' [to Apc]. Pref. no. 49.
672r ‘Alius prologus'. Pref. no. 50. Preface ascribed to Isidorus in this edition.
672v [Apc.] Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.
693v [Printer's explanation of the book, addressed to] the reader. Incipit: ‘Pro expeditione huius operis necnon ad intelligentiam omnium in eo positorum, scias, in primis, o lector . . .’ BMC V 197.
693v [Colophon, dated 1482].
694r Nicolaus de Lyra: ‘Pulcherrime questiones Judaicam perfidiam in catholica fide improbantes'. [Also known as Probatio adventus Christi.] Incipit: ‘[P]rimo queritur vtrum ex scripturis receptis a Judeis . . .’ See Labrosse, ‘Œuvres', 177-82, who lists other alternative titles on 177.
695v ‘Probatio incarnationis diuine persone'. Incipit: ‘[S]ecundum principale est probandum . . .’
2a1r Paulus Burgensis: ‘Prologus'. PL CXIII 35-7.
2a1r Paulus Burgensis: ‘Additio super vtrumque prologum'. PL CXIII 37-50.
2a3r ‘Copia cuiusdam littereque contra determinationem predicte questionis a quodam magistro in sacra pagina de ordine minorum auctori additionum fuit missa'. PL CXIII 50-1.
2a3v ‘Copia responsionis ad predictam epistolam'. PL CXIII 51-60.
2a5r Doering, Matthias: ‘Prologus in replicas defensiuas postille fratris Nicolai de Lyra ab impugnationibus domini Burgensis'. PL CXIII 59-62.
2a5r [Doering, Matthias]: ‘Replica contra quedam dicta Burgensis in questione perambula'. PL CXIII 60-2.
2a5v Paulus Burgensis: [Additions to Postils of Nicolaus de Lyra: Gn–Apc]. ‘Additiones ad postillam Nicolai de Lyra super Bibliam'. Incipit: ‘[C]irca expositionem litteralem huius primi capituli Genesis . . .’ See Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 6329.
2b1r Doering, Matthias: [Corrections to Paulus Burgensis' additions: Gn–Apc]. ‘Correctorium corruptorii Burgensis'. Incipit: ‘[P]ost prologum suum, Burgensis ad litteram accedens dicit . . .’ On the authorship see Labrosse, ‘Œuvres', 370. Doering's corrections usually occur after Burgensis's additions.
2t6v [Colophon for ‘Additiones', dated 1483].
[*1r] ‘Tabula additionum'.
Imprint: Venice: Franciscus Renner, de Heilbronn, 1482-3. Folio.
Remarks: In three parts. Parts I and II are undated. Part III is dated 1482, and the ‘Additiones' of Paulus Burgensis 1483. The ‘Additiones', although often found with the Bible, are not included in its printed register, and are entered separately in Pr and BMC.
Collation: Volume 1: a–c8 d–f10 g8 h10+1 i k10 l8 m–y aa–ll10 mm8 nn–xx10 yy12; volume 2: A–I10 K8 1-810 9 108 11-3010 318 32 3310 3412 3510 36 3712; volume 3: 38-4910 50 518 52-6010 618 62-510 668 67-910 [*]2 2a–o8 p10 q8 r–t6.
ISTC: ib00612000
GW: GW 4287;
Hain: HC *3165;
Goff: Goff B‑612;
BMC: BMC V 197-8;
Proctor: Pr 4180-1;
Others: BSB‑Ink B‑447; Copinger, Incunabula Biblica, 58; Darlow–Moule 912; Gosselin 29; Labrosse, ‘Œuvres', 156; Oates 1675-7; Sack, Freiburg, 660-2; Sheppard 3357.
LCN: 13908924
Copy number: B-318(1)
Bound in three volumes. Gathering [*] bound at the end of vol. 3, after gathering2 t.
Binding: Parchment. Author, title, and volume number inscribed on spine of each volume in black ink, also some white labels, giving imprint; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers.
Size: Vol. 1: 295 × 210 × 80 mm; vol. 2: 295 × 210 × 85 mm; vol. 3: 295 × 205 × 70 mm.
Size of leaf: 284 × 196 mm.
At beginning of each volume, a list of the Biblical books contained in that volume, in a seventeenth-century(?) hand. Occasional marginal annotations.
Provenance: Naples, Jesuits; deleted inscription on a1r: ‘Domus probationis Neapolitane'. George John, 2nd Earl Spencer (1758-1834); sale (1821), lot 186; purchased for £0. 15. 0; see Books Purchased (1821), 2 and the annotated sale catalogue.
SHELFMARK: Auct. M 3.1-3.
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