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Bod-Inc: B-324

Biblia Latina cum postillis Nicolai de Lyra et expositionibus Guilelmi Britonis.


Analysis of Content

Volume 1.

Aa1r [Title-page.]

Aa2r Nicolaus de Lyra: ‘Prologus primus'. PL CXIII 25-30. See Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 5829 and Labrosse, ‘Œuvres', 159.

Aa2v Nicolaus de Lyra: ‘Prologus secundus'. PL CXIII 29-34. See Labrosse, ‘Œuvres', 159.

Aa3v Guilelmus Brito: ‘Expositio . . . super epistolas Sancti Hieronymi'. Incipit: ‘  “[F]rater Ambrosius,” etc. Ad euidentiam huius epistole quam scribit Hieronymus ad Paulinum presbyterum . . .’

Aa4r Guilelmus Brito: [Postils on prologue of Hieronymus.] Incipit: ‘  “[F]rater Ambrosius”, etc. Istam litteram inueni in epistolis Hieronymi . . .’ See Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 2824.

Aa4r Hieronymus: [Letter addressed to] Paulinus the priest [ep. 53]. ‘Prologus in Bibliam'. Pref. no. 1.

Ab6v Guilelmus Brito: ‘Expositio . . . in prologum . . . in Pentateuchum'. Incipit: ‘  “[D]esiderii mei”. Istam epistolam scripsit Hieronymus . . .’ See Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 2825.

Ab6v [Prologue to Pentateuch.] ‘Prefatio . . . in Pentateuchum'.

Ab8r Paulus Burgensis: ‘Prologus in additiones'. PL CXIII 35-7.

Ab8v Paulus Burgensis: ‘Additio super vtrumque prologum'. PL CXIII 37-50.

Ac3r ‘Copia cuiusdam littereque contra determinationem predicte questionis a quodam magistro in sacra pagina de ordine minorum auctori additionum fuit missa'. PL CXIII 50-1.

Ac3r ‘Copia responsionis ad predictam epistolam'. PL CXIII 51-60.

Ac4v Doering, Matthias: ‘Prologus in replicas defensiuas postille fratris Nicolai de Lyra ab impugnationibus domini Burgensis'. PL CXIII 59-62.

Ac5r [Doering, Matthias]: ‘Replica contra quedam dicta Burgensis in questione perambula'. PL CXIII 60-2.

Ac5v Nicolaus de Lyra: [Postilla litteralis. Gn–Apc]. Incipit: ‘  “[I]n principio”. Obmissis diuissionibus curiosis, accipio illam que magis . . .’ Commentary surrounds text in each book. Doering's corrections usually occur after Burgensis' additions.

Ac6r [Gn–IV Rg.] Ios preceded by an ‘argumentum'.

Cb8r ‘Alius prologus' [to I–II Par]. Preceded by ‘Prefatio sancti Hieronymi in librum Dabreiamin, qui est Paralypomenon'. Slight variation in the incipit of the first preface to I–II Par.

Cc1r [I–II Par.]

Cg8r [OrMan.]

Volume 2.

Da1r [Title-page.]

Da2v [I–II Esr.] I Esr preceded by a prologue. II Esr entitled ‘Neemias' in this edition.

Dc3v [III Esr.] III Esr entitled ‘II Esr' in this edition.

Dd4v [Tb–Est.] Each book preceded by a prologue.

Dg6r ‘Primus prologus' [to Iob]. [Also known as Alius prologus.] Pref. no. 3; preceded by ‘Prologus in Iob'. Unusually followed, rather than preceded, by ‘Prologus in Job'.

Dg8v [Iob–Ps (G)]. Iob preceded by an ‘argumentum'. Ps (G) preceded by the first of Jerome's prologues only.

Eh1v ‘Prologus' [to Prv]. Pref. no. 4; preceded by ‘Epistola sancti Hieronymi presbiteri ad Chromatium et Heliodorum episcopos, de libris Salomonis'.

Eh1v ‘Alius prologus'. Pref. no. 5.

Eh2r [Prv.]

Ek7v ‘Prologus' [to Ecl]. Pref. no. 6.

Ek8r [Ecl–Ct.]

Em8r ‘Prologus' [to Sap]. Pref. no. 7.

Em8r [Sap–Sir.]

Volume 3.

A1r [Title-page.]

A2v [Is.] Preceded by a prologue and an ‘argumentum'.

K3v Hieronymus: ‘Prefatio' [to Ier]. Pref. no. 8.

K4r ‘Alius prologus'. Pref. no. 9. Preceded by a ‘prologus'.

K5r [Ier.] Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.

Q2v [Introduction to Lam.] Incipit: ‘[E]t factum est postquam in captiuitate . . .’

Q2v [Lam.]

R1v ‘Prefatio' [to Bar]. Pref. no. 10.

R1v [Bar–Dn.]

EE7r ‘Alius prologus' [to Twelve Prophets]. Pref. no. 11; preceded by ‘Prologus in librum duodecim prophetarum' as in ed. Weber.

EE7r ‘Prologus' [to Os]. Pref. no. 12.

EE8r [Os.] Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.

GG2v ‘Prologus' [to Ioel]. Pref. no. 13.

GG2v ‘Argumentum'. Pref. no. 14. In other editions entitled ‘Prologus'. In this edition, it includes ‘In hoc propheta . . .', pref. no. 15.

GG3r [Ioel.]

GG7r ‘Prologus' [to Am]. Pref. no. 17.

GG7r ‘Alius prologus'. Pref. no. 18; in other editions called ‘Argumentum'.

GG7v ‘Alius prologus'. Pref. no. 19.

GG8r [Am.]

HH6r ‘Prologus' [to Abd]. Pref. no. 20. The passage beginning ‘[H]ebrei hunc dicunt esse . . .' is not headed ‘Alius prologus', but forms part of this prologue.

HH7r [Abd.] Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.

HH8r ‘Prologus' [to Ion]. Pref. no. 21.

II1r [Ion.] Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.

II2v ‘Prologus' [to Mi]. Pref. no. 23.

II3r [Mi.] Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.

II7v ‘Prologus' [to Na]. Pref. no. 24. ‘Sciendum quoniam Niniue in nostra lingua . . .', which in other editions appears as a separate prologue, is here included in this prologue.

II8r [Na.] Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.

KK2r ‘Prologus' [to Hab]. Pref. no. 25.

KK3r [Hab.] Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.

KK6r ‘Prologus' [to So]. Pref. no. 26.

KK7r [So.] Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.

LL1v ‘Prologus' [to Agg]. Pref. no. 27.

LL2v [Agg.] Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.

LL4r ‘Prologus' [to Za]. Pref. no. 28.

LL4v [Za.] Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.

MM7r ‘Prologus' [to Mal]. Pref. no. 29.

MM8r [Mal.] Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.

NN3r Hieronymus: ‘Prologus' [to Mcc]. Pref. no. 31.

NN4r [I–II Mcc.]

Volume 4.

a1r [Title-page.]

a3v ‘Alius prologus' [to Four Evangelists]. Pref. no. 33; preceded by ‘Epistola beati Hieronymi ad Damasum Papam in quatuor Euangelistas'.

a4r ‘Argumentum' [to Mt]. Pref. no. 34. In other editions entitled ‘Prologus'.

a4v ‘Prologus'. Pref. no. 35.

a5r [Mt.]

h4r [Hieronymus]: ‘Prologus' [to Mc]. Pref. no. 36.

h5v [Mc.]

k4v Hieronymus: ‘Prefatio' [to Lc]. Pref. no. 37.

k5v [Lc.] Verses 1-4 here called ‘Prohemium'.

o6v ‘Prologus' [to Io]. Pref. no. 38.

o7v [Io.]

v7r ‘Prologus' [to Rm]. Pref. no. 39; preceded by ‘Prefatio sancti Hieronymi in omnes epistolas sancti Pauli'.

v7v [Rm.] Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.

z3v ‘Prologus' [to I Cor]. Pref. no. 40.

z3v [I Cor.] Preceded by an ‘argumentum'.

bb7r ‘Prologus' [to II Cor]. Pref. no. 41.

bb7v [II Cor–Hbr]. Each letter preceded by an ‘argumentum'.

ll5v Hieronymus: ‘Prefatio' [to Act]. Pref. no. 42.

ll5v ‘Alius prologus'. Pref. no. 43.

ll5v [Act.]

pp4r ‘Prologus' [to Canonical Epistles]. Pref. no. 44; followed by an ‘argumentum'.

pp4v [Iac–Iud.] Each book preceded by an ‘argumentum'.

rr8v [Gilbertus Pictaviensis]: ‘Prefatio' [to Apc]. Pref. no. 49.

ss1v ‘Alius prologus'. Pref. no. 50.

ss1v [Apc.]

xx1v [Colophon.]

xx2r Nicolaus de Lyra: ‘Pulcerrime questiones Judaicam perfidiam in catholica fide improbantes'. [Also known as Contra perfidiam Judaeorum and Probatio adventus Christi.] Incipit: ‘[P]rimo queritur vtrum ex scripturis receptis a Judeis posit efficaciter . . .’

xx3v ‘Probatio incarnationis diuine persone'. Incipit: ‘[S]ecundum principale est probandum . . .’


Imprint: Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 1497. Folio.

Remarks: In four parts: (I–III) undated; (IV) 6 Sept. 1497.


Collation: Part I: Aa–Az Ba–Bz Ca–Cg8; part II: Da–Dz Ea–Es8 Et10; part III: A–Z AA–PP8 QQ6 RR8; part IV : a–z aa–xx8.

Illustrations: Woodcuts.


ISTC: ib00619000

GW: GW 4294;

Hain: HC *3171;

Goff: Goff B‑619;

BMC: BMC II 443;

Proctor: Pr 2115;

Others: BSB‑Ink B‑477; Copinger, Incunabula Biblica, 112; Darlow–Moule 912; Gosselin 410, no. 46; Oates 1046-7; Rhodes 368; Sack, Freiburg, 672; Schramm XVII p. 10; Schreiber V 3476; Sheppard 1545-7.

LCN: 13910913, 13910969


Copy number: B-324(1)

Bound in four volumes.

Binding: Seventeenth-century(?) English calf over pasteboards; on both covers double fillets form a frame; two sets of vertical double fillets separate a narrow and a wide triangle. Edges of leaves decorated. Both covers of vols 1, 2, and 4 detached. Vol. 3 rebacked.

Size: Vol. 1: 330 × 233 × 85 mm; vol. 2: 330 × 230 × 66 mm; vol. 3: 330 × 233 × 65 mm; vol. 4: 331 × 232 × 65 mm.

Size of leaf: 324 × 216 mm.

Early marginal notes, pointing hands, and underlining in black ink. Scribbled notes on endleaves.

In vol. 4 only, initials are supplied in red. Capital strokes in red.

Provenance: John Wickins (sixteenth century); signature on Aa2r, Da2r, A1r. Deleted inscription on Aa1r, Da1r, A1r. Russell Scott (late sixteenth/seventeenth century?); signature on Aa1r, Da1r, A1r, a1r. ‘Ent. May 72 AN' on Aa1r, Da1r, A1r, a1r. Acquired between 1847 and c.1892; not found in Catalogus (1843), with Appendix.

Former Bodleian shelfmarks: Bib. Lat. 1497 c.1-4.

SHELFMARK: Auct. 3Q 4.26-9.

Copy number: B-324(2)

Vols 1 and 2 only.

Binding: Late sixteenth/early seventeenth-century German blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards, with clasps. On both covers of both volumes, fillets form an undecorated outer frame, within which triple fillets form a frame, in which is a roll of heads within wreaths, interspersed with floral ornaments. Triple fillets form an inner frame, in which is a roll of small flower petals. Triple fillets form the inner rectangle, decorated on the upper cover with an oval stamp with the arms of the Benedictine monastery of Metten: quarterly, 1 and 4, nine fleurs-de-lys, 2 and 3, double-headed eagle; with an escutcheon en surtout, on a bend, three fleurs-de-lys, the arms of Johann Nablas, Abbot 1595-1628 (Sheppard gives reference to Zimmermann, Kloster-Heraldik, 102) and, in each corner of the rectangle, a fleur-de-lis stamp; on the lower cover an oval stamp of St Michael and the dragon and, in each corner of the rectangle, the fleur-de-lis stamp. Both of these stamps are very badly mutilated on vol. 1. For a roll and a fleur-de-lis stamp, see C‑080, also from Metten.

Size: Vol. 1: 333 × 246 × 80 mm; vol. 2: 333 × 246 × 67 mm.

Size of leaf: 323 × 217 mm.

Occasional early marginal notes.

On Aa1v a full-page pen-and-ink drawing of the Creator, Adam, and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Woodcuts coloured in red, yellow, blue, and green wash. On Aa2r an initial ‘H' is supplied in blue on a burnished gold ground, the gilt with punch-dotting, within a segmented frame of red, pale green, edged in yellow. On Da1v a five-line initial ‘U' is supplied in blue on a burnished gold ground, the gilt with punch-dotting and a fleur-de-lis. Other initials are supplied in red or interlocked red and blue, some with extensions into the margins. Paragraph marks are supplied in red.

Provenance: Michael Münichofer (fl. c.1500); gave book to Metten, Bavaria, Benedictines, S. Michael; coat of arms on binding; inscription on Aa1r, partially repeated on Da1r: ‘Anno domini millesimo quingentesimo et tercio ven[erabi]lis vir Dominus Michael Münichofer plebanus quondam in Seebach tum sciencia(?) et honestate preditus tradidit nostro Monasterio presentem librum cum quibusdam aliis in remedium anime sue et in usum fratrum reseruandum'; later inscription on Da2r: ‘Iste liber est Sancti Michaelis Archangeli [ ] in Metten'. Erased inscription on Aa2r. Acquired between 1847 and c.1892; not found in Catalogus (1843), with Appendix.

SHELFMARK: Auct. 6Q 3.30,31.

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