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Bod-Inc: C-306

Cicero, Marcus Tullius

De officiis.


Analysis of Content

A1r [Title-page.]

A2r Cicero, Marcus Tullius: De officiis. Cic. Off.


Imprint: [Leipzig]: Martin Landsberg, [1497-9]. Folio.

Remarks: Pr did not distinguish this edition from GW 6917.


Collation: A–K6 L8.


ISTC: ic00593000

GW: GW 6919;

Hain: H *5234;

Goff: Goff C‑593;

Proctor: Pr 2976;

Others: Sheppard 2115.

LCN: 14883157


Copy number: C-306(1)

The misprint ‘Mraci' in the title is here corrected: on A2r: ‘ . . . Ma̓ci . . .’

Binding: Nineteenth-century half brown morocco with dark black cloth, for the Bodleian Library, but reusing earlier Dutch endpapers (`Pro patria' watermark).

Size: 314 × 224 × 17 mm.

Size of leaf: 302 × 210 mm.

Copious early marginal and interlinear notes, supplying synonyms and commenting on the text;`nota' marks and pointing hands. On A1v a life of Cicero in an early sixteenth-century German hand, with the incipit: ‘Autorum libros interpretantes ne ueluti . . .’

On A2r a four-line initial ‘Q' is supplied in red, with extensions into the inner margin; a paragraph mark is supplied in red, and some capital strokes in red.

Provenance and date of acquisition unknown; the binding and the shelfmark indicate a date c.1885.

SHELFMARK: Auct. P inf. 2.7.

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