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Bod-Inc: F-025

Ferrerius, Vincentius

Sermones de tempore et de sanctis.



Imprint: Cologne: [Heinrich Quentell], 1485. Folio.

Remarks: In three parts, dated: (I & III) [undated]; (II) 1485.


Collation: Part I: a–z [et] [us] aa–ee8 ff6 gg8 [10]; part II: AA–HH8 II–LL6 MM–PP8.6 QQ6 RR8 SS TT6 UU–YY8 ZZ AAA6 BBB–FFF HHH KKK LLL8 MMM–PPP6 QQQ8 RRR–UUU6 XXX–ZZZ [et et et]8 [8]; part III: A–U8 X–Z6 [6].


ISTC: if00129000

GW: GW 9835;

Hain: HC Addenda *7001;

Goff: Goff F‑129;

Others: BSB‑Ink F‑85; Hillard 804; Oates 739; Sheppard 959; Voulliéme, Köln, 412.

LCN: 14535464


Copy number: F-025(1)

Bound in a guard-book of printed fragments.

Size of leaf: 285 × 210 mm.

Fragment of two leaves only, the former containing the end of sermon 4 and the beginning of sermon 5 in Dominica prima aduente, the latter being signed h3.

Initials are supplied in blue; paragraph marks are supplied in red in first fragment.

Provenance: Purchased in 1884 according to the handlist, but not found in Library Bills.

SHELFMARK: Inc. b. G97.1(27), and Inc. b. G97.1(35).

Copy number: F-025(2)

Bound with A‑146(3); see there for details of binding and provenance.

Leaf cc5 only [ex informatione Nicholas Smith, Rare Books Dept., Cambridge University Library].

Size of fragment: 287 × 210 mm.

SHELFMARK: Gibson 403*(13).

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