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Bod-Inc: G-223

Gregorius I, Pont. Max.

Moralia, sive Expositio in Job [Italian] Sopra la vita di Job.


Analysis of Content

Part I.

a1v ‘Tauola del primo libro.’

a2r Gregorius I, Pont. Max.: [Letter addressed to] Leandrus, Bishop of Seville. Perhaps translated by Zanobi da Strata. Georg Dufner, Die ‘Moralia' Gregors des Großen in ihren italienischen Volgarizzamenti, Miscellanea erudita, 2 (Padua, 1958), 133-50.

a4r Gregorius I, Pont. Max.: Moralia, sive Expositio in Job [Italian] Sopra la vita di Job [part I: bks 1-19,18]. Translated by Zanobi da Strata. Incipit: ‘[A]ppresso si fa questione fra molti chi fussi lo scriptore del libro del beato Iob . . . [Q]uesto huomo adunque pieno di somme uirtu non era manifesto . . .’ On the translator and the translation see Dufner 14-31.

uu7r [Table of contents for bks 19-29.]

uu7r [Giovanni Da Samminiato]: ‘Prolago nella seconda parte delle Morali.’ Dufner 170. On the problem of the translation see Dufner 31-3, on the translator 33-50.

uu7r Gregorius I, Pont. Max.: Moralia, sive Expositio in Job [Italian] Sopra la vita di Job [part II: bks 19,19-29]. Perhaps translated by Giovanni da Samminiato. Incipit: ‘[V]olendo noi considerare l'exemplo di questa operatione di Iob . . .’ On the translator and his translation see Dufner 81-111.

uu12v [Note naming Zanobi da Strata as translator.]

Part II.

A1r ‘Le rubriche de capitoli del uigesimo libro.’

A1r ‘Il prolago.’ Dufner 152-6.

A1v Gregorius I, Pont. Max.: Moralia, sive Expositio in Job [Italian] Sopra la vita di Job [part II: bks 20-end]. Perhaps translated by Giovanni da Samminiato. Incipit: ‘[C]olui che insegna alcuna doctrina sottilmente debbe guardare . . .’ On the translator and the translation see Dufner 34-80.

Ss5v [Colophon.]

Ss5v [Note about the composition of the work, referring to ‘Ugo monaco del monasterio floracense di Francia.']


Imprint: Florence: Nicolaus Laurentii, Alamanus, 15 June 1486. Folio.


Collation: Part I: a10 b–z [et] [con] aa–ee8 ff gg10 hh ii ll–tt8 uu12; part II: A–EE G–Q8 Aa10 Bb–Ii Ll–Rr8 Ss6.

Remarks: Leaves a1-2 unsigned, a3 signed aii, etc.


ISTC: ig00435000

GW: GW 11438;

Hain: HC *7935;

Goff: Goff G‑435;

BMC: BMC VI 631;

Proctor: Pr 6132;

Others: BSB‑Ink G‑322; Essling 321; Hillard 919; Sander 3279; Sheppard 5065-6.

LCN: 14554932, 14554975


Copy number: G-223(1)

Bound in two volumes.

Binding: Nineteenth-century dark blue morocco, bound by J. Clarke; with a gold fillet on the covers; gilt-edged leaves; marbled pastedowns.

Size: Vol. 1: 337 × 238 × 68 mm; vol. 2: 338 × 237 × 53 mm.

Size of leaf: 328 × 213 mm.

Manuscript foliation in black ink in vol. 1 only: 1-361.

Provenance: Alessandro, Count Mortara (†1855); see Alessandro Mortara, Biblioteca Italica (1852), 46. Purchased in 1852.

SHELFMARK: Mortara 1292-3.

Copy number: G-223(2)

Prefixed to this copy are two separate leaves (backed) bearing a woodcut of S. Gregorius, reproduced in Essling I 291. The first has a title printed in red above the woodcut in type 220 G of Emericus, Venice; the second has the title in red beneath the woodcut in type 165 G of the same printer; see Essling and Sander. Bound in two volumes.

Binding: Eighteenth-century(?) Italian parchment, with pastedowns and endleaves dyed green.

Size: Vol. 1: 340 × 234 × 95 mm; vol. 2: 340 × 230 × 82 mm.

Size of leaf: 327 × 223 mm.

Provenance: Tommaso di Francesco Bongianni (fl. 1548). Cherubina Bongianni, abbess of S. Chiara, Florence, and Agnese Bongianni, nun of the same convent, sisters of Tommaso; given by Tommaso to them for their use and that of the other nuns, 24 Feb. 1548; inscription on a1r: ‘Questo libro e la prima parte de Morali di santo Gregorio papa sopra Job el quale siene dime Tommaxo de Francesco Bonganni el quale jo conperai piú(?) tenpo fa insieme chor uno altro libro simile a questo cioè la seconda parte de Morali de detto santo Gregorio sopra a Job. E quali dua libri questo di xx iiii di Febrajo 1548 jo Tommaxo sopra schritto li do e dono a suora Cherubina de Bongianni al prexente badissa di santa Chiara di Firenze e a suora Angniesa de Bonganni monacha in detto monasterio e sorella charnale di padre e di madre di detto Tommaxo. El quale libro io voglio sia auxo di detta mia sorella e [ ] auxo di tutti l'altre monache di detto monasterio e quando in detto libro trouarranno la consolazione dell'anima si dengnino pregare [ ] per la salute dell'anima mia per charita laus domino. Regordati che uoi nollo prestate fuori del monasterio perchè lo perdereste. Ma drento nel monasterio hongni suora se ne possa seruire horando alquanto per me'. Cancelled inscription on a1r: ‘Questo libro fu [ ]'. Albergotti family (eighteenth century); name on the verso of the front endleaf of each volume. Dimitrij Petrovich, Count Boutourlin (1763-1829); armorial book-plate and shelfmark no. 377; see Catalogue (1831); sale, Catalogue (1839), lot 251. Purchased for £5. 0. 0; see Books Purchased (1840), 16.

SHELFMARK: Auct. 6Q inf. 1.1, 2.

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