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Bod-Inc: G-282

Guido de Monte Rochen

Manipulus curatorum (3rd recension).


Analysis of Content

a1r [Title-page.]

a2r Guido de Monte Rochen: [Letter addressed to] Raimundus Gaston, Bishop of Valencia. ‘Actoris Epistola. [R]euerendo in Christo patri ac domino domino Raymundo diuina prouidentia sancte sedis Valentie episcopo . . .’ See G‑276.

a2v Guido de Monte Rochen: ‘Prologus.’ Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam secundum quod dicit propheta Malachias . . .’

a3r ‘Diuisio huius libri.’

a3v Guido de Monte Rochen: Manipulus curatorum. ‘Tractatus primi prime partis principalis qui est de sacramentis in generali. Capitulum primum de institutione sacramentorum.’ Incipit: ‘[S]ciendum ergo quod omnia sacramenta . . .'; explicit: ‘ . . . et pro me peccatore preces ad dominum fundat.’

q4r [Table of contents.] ‘Tabula libri qui Manipulus curatorum appellatur incipit feliciter. Liber iste . . .’

q6v [Colophon.]


Imprint: Paris: Pierre Levet, 4 May 1487. 4°.


Collation: a–q8.


ISTC: ig00592800

GW: GW 11747;

Hain: HC 8195;

Proctor: Pr 8055;

Others: Sheppard 6274.

LCN: 14459081


Copy number: G-282(1)

Wanting a1 containing the title and the blank leaf q7.

Binding: Seventeenth-century(?) blind-tooled brown calf over pasteboards, buckled; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers.

Size: 185 × 134 × 35 mm.

Size of leaf: 182 × 130 mm.

A twelve-line manuscript addition in an early hand on q6v: ‘Benedictio panis. Adiutorium . . .', other marginal annotations, extracting key words, in the same hand; a four-line addition in a different early hand on q8v: ‘De observatione ieiunorum . . .'; on the same leaf one line of musical notation on four staves followed by a twelve-line text, whose first line is the one the music is for: ‘Qu[um] deus filius virginis audire secundum ve[rsus?]. Dicet iustis ad dexteram positis . . .' Early additions, cropped, on l8v, m1r, q4r, and the back endleaf, signed by Vaullegart. Other marginal annotations, extracting key words, in a seventeenth-century hand.

Two- to four-line initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; capitals and chapter headings touched with yellow wash.

Provenance: Guillermus Vaullegart (fl. c.1500); inscription on q8v: ‘Guillermus Vaullegart(?) verus est posessor'. Possibly Thomas Tanner (1674-1735); ‘Catalogus Bibliothecae Novae', fol. 151r: ‘Tanner.’

SHELFMARK: Auct. 1Q 6.4.

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