Bod-Inc: G-331
Guilelmus Peraldus
Sermones super epistolas de tempore.
Analysis of Content
a1r [Title-page.]
a2r Guilelmus Lugdunensis [Peraldus]: Sermones super epistolas de tempore. ‘Incipiunt sermones fratris Guillielmi Lugdunensis super epistolas de tempore. Dominica .i. Sermo primus.’ Incipit: ‘ “Hora est iam nos de sonno surgere et cetera.” Ad Rom. xiii. [Rm 13,11.] Hoc tempus dicitur tempus aduentus . . .’ See Schneyer, Repertorium, II nos 129-32, 134-45, 147-8, 244-5, 149-50, 152, 151, 153-60, 163-8, 169-84, 185-202, 203-11, 212-15, 218-28, 307, 229-31; see also Kaeppeli II 133-47 no. 1623. The following sermons are not in Schneyer:
e7v ‘Item sermo de eadem epistola xvii.’ Incipit: ‘ “[S]icut enim in uno corpore” et cetera. [Rm 12,4.] Utitur apostolus similitudinem sumpta a membris corporis . . .’ Between Schneyer nos 145 and 147.
f4r ‘Item alius sermo de eodem verbo xxi.’ Incipit: ‘ “[Q]ui miseretur in hilaritate.” Ad Rom. xii. [Rm 12,8.] Notandum quod elemosina . . .’ Between Schneyer nos 244 and 245.
h1r ‘De eodem dominica et eodem verbo sermo xxvii.’ Incipit: ‘ “[S]ic currite” et cetera. Tria solet perpendere minister intelligens . . .’ Between Schneyer nos 151 and 153.
k4r ‘Item alia ma[] sermonis de eadem epistola serm. xxxxvi.’ Incipit: ‘ “[E]cce nunc tempus accceptabile” II Cor. vi. Eccs. iii. [II Cor 6,2.] Egitur quod sit tempus acquirendi . . .’ Between Schneyer nos 160 and 163.
m8v ‘Dominica in passione domini sermo de epistola xliiii.’ Incipit: ‘ “[C]hristus assistens . . .” [Hbr 9,11.] In hoc primo sermone ostenditur . . .’ Between Schneyer nos 168 and 169.
s4r ‘Item serm. de eo verbo lx.’ Incipit: ‘ “[E]stote prudentes et cetera.” [I Pt 4,7.] Prouidentes esse debemus . . .’ Between Schneyer nos 184 and 185.
z7r ‘Item alius sermo de eadem epistola lxxix.’ Incipit: ‘ “[N]eque idolatre efficiamini” [I Cor 10,7.] Quatuor vicia hic dissuadet . . .’ Between Schneyer nos 202 and 203.
B5r ‘Item sermo de eodem verbo lxxxix.’ Incipit: ‘ “[S]ufficientia nostra ex deo es.” [II Cor 3,5.] Qui vult salvare animam . . .’ Between Schneyer nos 211 and 212.
K6r ‘Item sermo de eo verbo cvii.’ Incipit: ‘ “[T]estis est mihi deus quomodo cupiam omnes vos in visceribus . . .” Ad Phil. i. [Phil 1,8.] Ecclesia in hodierno officio . . .’ Between Schneyer nos 307 and 229.
M7r [Colophon.]
M7v [Table of contents, alphabetical order.]
N4r [Table of contents, liturgical order.]
Imprint: Paris: Ulrich Gering and Berthold Rembolt, 30 June 1494. 8°.
Collation: a B c–z [et] A–N8.
ISTC: ip00081000
GW: GW 12047;
Hain: HC 8284;
Goff: Goff P‑81;
Proctor: Pr 8300;
Others: Sheppard 6157.
LCN: 14442874
Copy number: G-331(1)
Binding: Paper boards.
Size: 141 × 98 × 44 mm.
Size of leaf: 141 × 92 mm.
Some marginal annotations, extracting key words and correcting the text, and some underlining, in an early hand.
On a2r a four-line initial is supplied in blue with red pen-work decoration extending along the margin. Other initials are supplied in red or blue; paragraph marks, underlining of chapter headings, and running underlining of chapter headings in red; capitals touched with yellow wash.
Provenance: Jacobus Hoccart (fl. 1597-1607); manuscript annotation on a1r: ‘Ad usum fratris Jacobi Hoccart Montensis.' Mons, Hainault, Franciscan Recollects; on a1r: ‘Fratrum Minorum Recoll[ ] Montensis.' James Knight Jennings (1812-1892); inscription on the front pastedown: ‘Rev[ ] James Knight Jennings Chap[ ] Brampton Northamp[ ]', and on the front endleaf: ‘James K. Jennings, Coll. Reginal. Cantaba. Scholar et Bibliothecar. Julii 24: 1839.’ Date of acquisition between 1839 and 1843; not in ‘Catalogus Bibliothecae Novae'.
SHELFMARK: Auct. 1Q 6.73.
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