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Bod-Inc: H-041

Herbenus, Matthaeus

Historia Nigropontis. Factio Ferrariensium. Oppugnatio oppidi Schutrensis.


Analysis of Content

[a1r] Herbenus, Matthaeus: [Introductory letter addressed to] Arnoldus de Eldris. Incipit: ‘[C]um his diebus paucis paulo ociosior essem . . .’

[a2r] Herbenus, Matthaeus: Historia Nigropontis [addressed to] Arnoldus de Eldris. ‘Lamentabile excidium Christianorum ex toto orbe famosissima insula Grecie Euboya . . .’ Incipit: ‘[S]cripturus itaque miserabile totique Cristianoque populo lamentabile . . .’

[a6v] Herbenus, Matthaeus: ‘Descriptio tumultuarie factionis nuper habite inter principes Ferrarie.’ Incipit: ‘[N]icolao Estensi, Marchioni Ferrarie, quom multi essent filii tum legitimi . . .’

[a8v] Herbenus, Matthaeus: Oppugnatio oppidi Schutrensis. Incipit: ‘[S]chutrensis oppidum est Epirhotarum fortissimum et Turchorum nuper clade . . .’ Relating to the fall of the town of Scutarum (Shkodër), Albania, dated 1474.


Imprint: [Cologne: Printer of the ‘Elegantiarum viginti praecepta' (Johann Guldenschaff?), c.1487]. 4°.

Remarks: As dated by Sheppard and CIBN.


Collation: [a10].

Types: Type: 81; capital spaces.

Leaves: Ten leaves.

Line number: 33 lines ([a3r]).

Type area: Type area: 134 × 75 (with marginalia, 99) mm.

Remarks: Leaf [a1r]: ‘Honorabili viro Arnoldo de Eldris Canonico. | atq ƺ Scolaſtico eccleſie beati Seruacij Matheus | herben Scolariū ſuo Rector Salutē plurīa ƺ dicit || [C]Vm his dieb9 paucis paulo ocioſior eſſem | . . .'; [a2r]: ‘Incipit Lamentabile excidium Chriſtianoruƺ ex | toto orbe famoſiſſima Inſula Grecie Euboya ab ī | fideliſſimis crucis Chriſti hoſtibus atqƺ īpiiſſimis | Turchis . . .'; [a6r]: ‘Finit hiſtoria Nigropontis'; [a6v]: ‘Deſcripcio tumultuarie factionis nuper habite | inter prīcipes Ferrarie per Matheū herben . . . | . . . dum hec gererentur Bo | nonie erat'; [a8r]: ‘Finit factio ferrarienſium'; [a8v]: ‘Hāc oppugnacionem oppidi Schutrensis ſcripſit | Mathe 9 herben . . .'; [a10v]: ‘Laus deo'.


ISTC: ih00070000

Goff: Goff H‑70;

Proctor: not in Pr;

Others: CIBN H‑37; Sheppard 1080-1.

LCN: 14512373


Copy number: H-041(1)

Binding: Nineteenth-century marbled paper boards.

Size: 203 × 146 × 7 mm.

Size of leaf: 196 × 135 mm.

Partial rubrication: on [a1r] a three-line initial ‘C' is supplied in red; capital strokes in red.

Provenance: Falconer Madan (1851-1935); stamp on [a1v]: ‘F. Madan, B. N. C. Oxford'; pencil signature on the recto of the front endleaf. Acquired by 1913; unsigned note, dated 10 June 1913, on the identity of the printer on the verso of the front endleaf, in the hand of G. D. Amery; Bodleian stamp dated 12 Mar. 1918.

Former Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. e. U3.11.

SHELFMARK: Inc. e. G3.4.

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