Bod-Inc: H-064
Herolt, Johannes
Sermones super epistolas dominicales.
Analysis of Content
[a2r] Guilelmus Parisiensis [pseudo-; Herolt, Johannes]: Sermones super epistolas dominicales. ‘Sermones Discipuli super epistolas dominicales elegantissimi per tocius anni circulum collecti ex sermonibus wilhelmi lugdunensis et ex dictis sancti Thome et dictis Iohannis Nider, et aliorum doctorum catholicorum, incipiunt feliciter. [F]ratres scientes quia hora est iam nos de somno surgere . . . Dominica prima in aduentu domini. Sermo.’ Incipit: ‘ “[H]ora est iam nos de somno surgere.” Verba proposita originaliter ad Romanos .xiiii(!). [Rm. 13,11] capitulo sunt scripta, et in epistola hodierna lectionaliter sunt recitata . . .’ See Kaeppeli II no. 2394; Schneyer, ‘Winke', 237 no. 26.
[n7r] [Colophon.]
Imprint: [Cologne: Conrad Winters, de Homborch, c.1478]. Folio.
Collation: [a b10 c8 d e10 f6 g h10 i–l8 m6 n8].
ISTC: ih00124000
Hain: C 2936;
Goff: Goff H‑124;}
Proctor: Pr 1178;
Others: CIBN H‑70; Sheppard 895; Voulliéme, Köln, 561.
LCN: 14511309
Copy number: H-064(1)
Bound with:
1. Johannes de Verdena, Sermones ‘dormi secure' dominicales. [Cologne: Conrad Winters, de Homborch, c.1477] (J‑203).
Wanting the blank leaf [a1].
Binding: Contemporary blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, with two long leather straps fastening on brass pegs on the upper cover. Two small shield-shaped stamps on the upper cover, one of a bird's head, the other of a trefoil and the letter ‘c' in its upper right-hand corner; Max Keuffer, Beschreibendes Verzeichnis der Handschriften der Stadtbibliothek zu Trier (Trier, 1891), nos 44 and 56 also from S. Albanus, Trier, also have shield stamps on their upper covers, but both of different designs. Red leather index tabs. Title on paper label on the head of the spine.
Size: 263 × 202 × 70 mm.
Size of leaf: 262 × 201 mm.
A few ‘nota' marks which are also found in item 1, probably by the rubricator, who might even have emended the text of item 1.
On [a2r] two initials are supplied in red with reserved white decoration, Cologne style, and brown pen-work decoration. Other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red, capital strokes in red.
Provenance: Trier, North Rhine-Westphalia, Carthusians, S. Albanus; inscription on [*2r] of item 1: ‘Liber Cartusiæ Trevirensis'. Purchased in 1935.
SHELFMARK: Inc. d. G3.1470.1(2).
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