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Bod-Inc: H-179

Horae ad usum Sarum (Salisbury)


Analysis of Content

[a1r] [Title-page.]

[a1v] ‘Almanach pro .xxvii. Annis.' [1494-1520].

[a2r] [Anatomical man.] Incipit: ‘Quant la lune est en aries leo et sagittarius il fait bon saigner au colerique. Feu . . .’ Soleil 28.

[a2v] [Calendarium.]

[a2v] [Verse.] Incipit: ‘In iano claris calidisque cibis potiaris | Atque decens potus post fercula sit tibi notus'; 4 hexameters for each month of the calendar. Breviarium ad usum insignis ecclesiae Sarisburiensis, ed. Francis Procter and Christopher Wordsworth, 3 vols (Cambridge, 1879-86), I 6-17; see Walther, Proverbia, 11795.

[a8v] [Evangelia.] Io 1, 1-14; Lc 1, 26-38; Mt 2, 1-12; Mc 16, 14-20.

b3v ‘Passio domini nostri Iesu Christi secundum Iohannem.’ Io 18,1-19,42.

b8v [Horae BVM.] Incipit: ‘[D]omine labia mea aperies . . .’

d1r [Suffragia.] (1) ‘Sancto spiritu'; (2) ‘Trinitate'; (3) ‘Cruce'; (4) ‘Michaele'; (5) ‘Iohanne baptista'; (6) ‘Petro et Paulo'; (7) ‘Andrea'; (8) ‘Iohanne euangelista'; (9) ‘Laurentio'; (10) ‘Stephano'; (11) ‘Thoma archiepiscopo Cantuariensi'; (12) ‘Nicolao'; (13) ‘Magdalena'; (14) ‘Katherina'; (15) ‘Margareta'; (16) ‘omnibus sanctis'; (17) ‘pro pace'. Inserted after Lauds. Wordsworth 44-5; Hoskins 109-10.

d4v ‘De sancta cruce.’ Incipit: ‘[P]atris sapientia, veritas diuina . . . (AH 30 no. 13). Oremus. Domine Iesu Christe fili dei viui pone passionem . . .’ Wordsworth 46.

d5r [Horae compassionis BVM.] Incipit: ‘[M]atris cor virgineum . . . Oratio. [D]omine sancte Iesu fili dulcis . . .’ Inserted after Matins of the Hours of the Cross. Wordsworth 47.

f2v [Salve regina.] Incipit: ‘[S]alue regina misericordie . . .’ Chevalier, Rep. hymn., 18147; AH 50 no. 245.

f3v [Quinque gaudia BVM.] Incipit: ‘[G]aude virgo mater Christi . . .’ Chevalier, Rep. hymn., 7017; AH 42 no. 73 / 1a; 2a; 5a; 6a; 7a; Meersseman, Akathistos, II 39, 207; Hoskins 110.

f4r [Septem gaudia BVM.] Incipit: ‘[G]aude flore virginali . . .’ Chevalier, Rep. hymn., 6810; AH 31 no. 189; Leroquais, Livres d'heures, II 343 no. xxxii; Hoskins 110.

f5v [Oratio ad beatam Mariam virginem.] Incipit: ‘[O] intemerata . . .’ Leroquais, Livres d'Heures, II 336 no. xxi.

f6v [Alia oratio.] Incipit: ‘[S]ancta Maria dei genitrix semperque virgo benedicta . . .’ Wordsworth 68; Hoskins 111.

f7r ‘Oratio deuota ad gloriosam virginem Mariam.’ Incipit: ‘[O]bsecro te . . .’ Leroquais, Livres d'heures, II 346 no. xxxviii.

f8v [De beata virgine Maria pro vitae incolumitate.] Incipit: ‘[S]ancta Maria regina celi et terre, mater . . .’ Hoskins 111.

g1v [Oratio ad BVM contra pestem.] Incipit: ‘[S]tella celi extirpauit . . . [Chevalier, Rep. hymn., 19438]. [Oratio.] [D]eus misericordie deus pietatis . . .’ Wordsworth 69.

g2r ‘Ad eleuationem corporis Christi.’ Incipit: ‘[A]ue verum corpus natum . . . [Chevalier, Rep. hymn., 2175]. [Oratio.] [A]ve Iesu Christe verbum patris . . . [Chevalier, Rep. hymn., 1844]. [Alia.] [I]n presentia sacrosancti corporis . . . [Oratio.] [D]omine Iesu Christe qui hanc sacratissimam carnem . . . [De sanctissima trinitate.] [S]ancta trinitas vnus deus . . . [Oratio.] [D]eus qui superbis resistis . . . [D]eus qui liberasti susannam . . . [D]omine Iesu Christe qui me creasti . . . [D]omine Iesu Christe qui solus es sapientia . . .’ Wordsworth 70-3.

g4v [Oratio ad tres reges.] Incipit: ‘[R]ex Iaspar, rex Melchior . . . [Oratio.] [D]eus illuminator . . . [Alia.] [T]rium regum . . . [Oratio.] [D]eus qui tres magos . . .’ Wordsworth 74-5.

g5v [Quindecim orationes ad memoriam vulnerum Ihesu Christi.] Incipit: ‘[O] domine Iesu Christe eterna dulcedo . . .’ Wordsworth 76-80; Hoskins 111-2.

h2r Gregorius(?): [Orationes sancti Gregorii.] ‘To them that before thys ymage of pyte deuoutly say .v. Pater noster .v. Aues . . .’ Incipit: ‘[A]doro te domine Iesu Christe in cruce pendentem . . .’ Leroquais, Livres d'heures, II, 346 no. xxxvii, in the order: 1; 2; 4; 5; 6; 7; 3; Hoskins 112.

h3r [Oratio dicenda ante crucifixum.] Incipit: ‘[O] pie crucifixe redemptor omnium populorum . . .’ Wordsworth 82-3.

h4v Bernardinus(?): ‘Sequitur oratio sancti Bernardini confessoris ordinis minorum.’ Incipit: ‘[O] bone Iesu. O dulcis Iesu. O Iesu fili masie(!) virginis plenus misericordia . . .’ Leroquais, Livres d'heures, II 345 no. xxxvi; Wordsworth 83-4.

h5v [Suffragia II.] (18) [To the Cross]; (19) [to the proper angel]; (20) ‘Iacobo'; (21) ‘Iacobi minoris'; (22) ‘Sebastiano'; (23) ‘Christofore'; (24) ‘Georgio'; (25) ‘Martino'; (26) ‘Anthonio'; (27) ‘Francisco'; (28) ‘Anna'; (29) ‘Barbara'; (30) ‘vndecim mille virginibus'; (31) ‘Apolonia'; (32) ‘omnibus sanctis.’ See Hoskins 112-3.

i3v [Two prayers in English.] Incipit: ‘[O] glorious Iesu O mekest Iesu O most svvettest Iesu . . . [O] the most svvetest spouse of mi sovvle Crist Iesu destring hertly euermore . . .’ Wordsworth 85-6.

i5r [Orationes.] ‘Iste orationes debent dici in agonia mortis per sacerdotem pro infirmo immutando verba . . . Oratio.’ Incipit: ‘[D]omine Iesu Christe per agonai[m](!) et orationem tuam sanctissimam qua orasti pro nobis in monte . . .’ See Hoskins 114.

i6v [Suffragia III.] ‘Oratio ad patrem.’ Wordsworth 124.

i7r ‘Oratio ad filium.’ Wordsworth 124.

i7r ‘Oratio ad spiritum sanctum.’ Wordsworth 124-5.

i7v [Preces diversae et Suffragia.] ‘Oratio bona quotidie dicentibus reuelatione diuina transmissa vni monacho de Bynhym circa annum domini .M. cccc. lxxxv. videlicet Pater noster . . .’ For Binham, Norfolk, St Mary, Benedictines, daughter-house of St Albans, see Cottineau I 382, and Knowles–Hadcock 59. Incipit: ‘[D]eus propicius esto mihi peccatori . . .’ Antiphon for S. Michael. Followed by ‘Oratio ad sanctum Gabrielem', ‘Oratio ad sanctum Raphaelem.’ Wordsworth 125; see Hoskins 114.

i8v [Benedictio.] Incipit: ‘Benedicat me imperialis maiestas, protegat me regalis diuinitas . . .’ Wordsworth 88.

k1r [Two prayers in English.] Incipit: ‘[O] blessyd trinyte Fader, sone and holyghoost, thre persones and one god . . . [O] lord god almyghty alle seeing al thynges knovvyng . . .’ Peter Revell, Fifteenth Century English Prayers and Meditations (New York and London, 1975), 63 no. 201 (a-b); Wordsworth 86-7.

k2r ‘Sequuntur septem psalmi penitentiales.’ Incipit: ‘[D]omine ne in furore tuo . . .’ Ps 6; 31; 37; 50; 101; 129; 142.

k7r ‘Quindecim psalmi.’ Incipit: ‘[A]d dominum cum tribularer. [L]euaui oculos meos in montem . . .’ Ps 119-133.

k8v [Litaniae sanctorum.] ‘Thoma', ‘Erasme', ‘Edmunde' among the martyrs; ‘Edwarde', ‘Isidore', ‘Iuliane', ‘Gildarde', ‘Medarde', ‘Albine', ‘Svvithume', ‘Birine', ‘Lamberte', ‘Erkenvvalde', ‘Edmunde', ‘Dunstane', ‘Cuthberthe' among the confessors; ‘Genouefa', ‘Affra', ‘Editha', ‘Sytha', ‘Vvenefreda', ‘Fredisvvida', ‘Ghertrudis', ‘Othilia', ‘Vvilgefortis' among the virgins and widows.

l6r Bernardus(?): ‘Versus sancti Bernardi.’ Incipit: ‘[I]llumina oculos meos . . .’ Ps 12,4s; 24,4; 30,6; 38,5; 115,16s; 141,5s; 4,7; 85,17.

l6r [The short prayers taught by Our Lady to St Birgitta.] Incipit: ‘[I]esu fili dei omnium conditor . . .’ See Hoskins 115.

l6v [A prayer against thunder and tempest showed by an angel to St Edward.] Incipit: ‘Titulus triumphalis Iesus nazarenus . . .’ See Hoskins 115.

l7r ‘Sequuntur vigilie mortuorum. Ad vesperas.’ Incipit: ‘Antiphona. Placebo . . .’

n8r ‘Hic incipiunt commendationes animarum.’ Incipit: ‘[B]eati immaculati in via . . .’

o7v ‘Oratio ad sanctam crucem.’ Incipit: ‘[S]alue salue rex sanctorum spes notiua(!) peccatorum . . .’ Chevalier, Rep. hymn., 18170 (=17989).

o7v [Oratio ad manus Christi.] Incipit: ‘[S]alue salue Iesu bone fatigatus in agone . . .’ Chevalier, Rep. hymn., 18166 (=17984).

o7v ‘Psalmi de passione Christi.’ Incipit: ‘[D]eus deus meus respice . . . Oratio. Respice quesumus domine super hanc familiam . . .’ Ps 22-6, 28-30. Wordsworth 114-16.

p6r [Psalterium sancti Hieronymi.] ‘Beatus Hieronimus in hoc modo disposuit hoc psalterium . . .’ Incipit: ‘[V]erba mea auribus percipe . . . [Oratio.] [D]ona michi queso . . .’ Wordsworth 116-23.

q5v ‘Oratio ad sanctum Hieronimum.’ Incipit: ‘[Antiphona.] Aue amator quam famose ieronime . . . [Oratio.] [D]eus qui gloriosum confessorem tuum Hieronimum . . .’ See Wordsworth 123 n.1; Hoskins 115.

q6r Gregorius(?): ‘Oratio sancti Gregorii.’ Incipit: ‘[D]ominator domine deus omnipotens qui es trinitas in filio . . .’ See Hoskins 116.

q8v [Rosarium.] Incipit: ‘[A]ue Maria gratia plena . . .Quem de spiritu sancto angelo nunciante concepisti . . .’ Meersseman, Akathistos, III 150-3, 157-9.

r2v ‘The contentis of thys booke.’

r4v [Colophon.]

[et]1r [Devotae orationes.] (1) [On your depart out of your chamber at your uprising.] Incipit: ‘[A]uxiliatrix sis michi trinitas sancta deus, in nomine tuo leuabo manus meas . . .’ (2) ‘VVhan thou goest first out of thy hous blesse the sayeng thus'; (3) ‘VVhan the prest tornest after the lauatorie'; (4) ‘At the leuation of our lord'; (5) ‘VVhan thou entrest in to the chirche say thus'; (6) ‘VVhan thou takest holy vvater, say thus'; (7) ‘VVhan thou begynnest to praye thus begynne kenelig(!)'; (8) ‘Pro carnali dilectione'; (9) ‘Pro tentatione carnis'; (10) ‘Pro vera penitentia'; (11)[A prayer for diverse hours of the day]; (12) ‘Oratio sancti Augustini in nocte'; (13) ‘Oratio sancti Ancelmi'; (14) [Pater noster, Ave Maria, Credo, Confiteor, and Suscipere digneris]; (15) ‘VVhan thou receyueth the pax say'; (16) ‘VVhan thou shalt receiue the sacrement'; (17) ‘VVhan thou hast receyued'; (18) ‘To gete grace for synnes'; (19) ‘Ayenst euyl thoughtes'; (20) ‘For the kyng'; (21) ‘For thy frend lyuyng'; (2) ‘For vvay farinfi(!) men'; (23) ‘For frendes in syknes or in necessite'; (24) [For thy father and mother dead]; (25) ‘For thy frende that is deed'; (26) ‘For the lyuyng and deest.’ See Wordsworth 34-6; Hoskins 107-8.

[et]8r [Commemoratio de V solemnitatibus BVM.] Incipit: ‘[A]ue cuius conceptio | solenni plena gaudio . . . [Chevalier, Rep. hymn., 1744]; [Oratio.] [D]eus qui nos conceptionis natiuitatis . . .’ See Leroquais, Livres d'heures, I 99.


Imprint: [Paris, or rather Rouen]: J[ohann] P[hilippi], for Thielman Kerver and Jean Richard, 1497. 8°.


Collation: [a] b–q8 r4 [et]8.

Type area: Type area: 104 × 57 mm, with borders 137 × 88 mm (b1r).

Illustrations: Metal(?) cuts: anatomical man (93 × 71 mm), 16 large (78 × 56 mm), 12 small (32 × 21 mm). Each text page is within a combination of historiated borders and decorative elements such as grotesques and floral and figurative designs. Some of the woodcuts have typeset captions.

Remarks: As in many other French books, the fount used for this edition contained no letter ‘k', which has here been made up of ‘lr', e.g. ‘melrest' for ‘mekest' on i3v.


ISTC: ih00421000

Hain: HC 8862;

Goff: Goff H‑421;


Proctor: Pr 8242;

Others: Duff 191; Oates 3098; Sheppard 6379; STC 15885.

LCN: 14463745


Copy number: H-179(1)

Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century calf; marbled pastedowns, gilt-edged leaves and green silk bookmark.

Size: 172 × 110 × 20 mm.

Size of leaf: 163 × 102 mm.

On [a7r]: ‘The fyft of October anno septimo elizabeth regina', and ‘father' next to the entry for 5 Oct. In the same hand, on [et]7v: ‘Thomas and [ ] [ ] of [ ] Esq. are deceassed from this wretched warde the fyft daye of October in the yere of our Lord 1565 Anno Septimo Elizabeth Regina.' On the rear pastedown, a list of woodcuts in Douce's hand. The years of pardon granted in indulgences have been lightly scored out.

Three- to four-line initials are supplied in interlocked red and blue; other initials are supplied in red or blue. On d5r ‘P' is supplied erroneously in the Horae compassionis BVM, reading ‘Patris' for ‘Matris'.

Provenance: Sir Ralph Hunt (sixteenth century); on [a2r]: ‘By the gyft of sir Ruff Hontt'; on [et]8v: ‘Sir raufe Hunte oweth this boke'. William Bayntun (†1787?); on [a2v]: ‘W. Bayton, Grays Inn'. Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Bequeathed in 1834.

SHELFMARK: Douce 25.

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