Bod-Inc: H-188
Horae ad usum Sarum (Salisbury)
Analysis of Content
A1r [Title-page.]
A2r [Calendarium.]
A2v [Verse.] Incipit: ‘In iano claris calidisque cibis potiaris | Atque decens potus post fercula sit tibi notus'; 4 hexameters for each month of the calendar. Wordsworth 6-17; see Walther, Proverbia, 11795.
B3v [Evangelia.] Io 1, 1-14; Lc 1, 26-38; Mt 2, 1-12; Mc 16, 14-20.
B7r ‘Passio domini nostri Iesu Christi secundum Iohannem.’ Io 18,1-19,42.
D1r [Devotae orationes.] Incipit: ‘These prayers folowwyug(!) ought for to be sayd or ye departe out of your chambre at your uprisyng . . .’ As H‑179, 1-26.
a1r ‘Hore beate Marie virginis secundum vsum Sarum.’ Incipit: ‘[D]omine labia mea aperies . . .’
d1r [Suffragia.] As H‑179, 1-17. Wordsworth 44-5; Hoskins 109-10.
B6v ‘De sancta cruce.’ Incipit: ‘Patris sapientia, veritas diuina . . . [AH 30 no. 13]. Oremus. Domine Iesu Christe fili dei viui pone passionem . . .’ Wordsworth 46.
d5v [Salve regina.] Incipit: ‘Salue regina misericordie . . .’ Chevalier, Rep. hymn., 18147; AH 50 no. 245.
d6r [Quinque gaudia BVM.] Incipit: ‘Gaude virgo mater Christi . . .’ Chevalier, Rep. hymn., 7017; AH 42 no. 73 / 1a; 2a; 5a; 6a; 7a; Meersseman, Akathistos, II 39, 207; Hoskins 110.
d6v [Septem gaudia BVM.] Incipit: ‘Gaude flore virginali . . .’ Chevalier, Rep. hymn., 6810; AH 31 no. 189; Leroquais, Livres d'heures, II 343 no. xxxii; Hoskins 110.
d7v [De profundis.] Incipit: ‘De profundis clamaui . . . Oratio. Absolue quesumus domine animas famulorum . . .’ Hoskins 110.
d8v [Oratio ad BVM.] Incipit: ‘O intemerata . . .’ Leroquais, Livres d'heures, II 336 no. xxi.
e1v [Alia oratio.] Incipit: ‘Sancta Maria dei genitrix semperque virgo benedicta . . .’ Wordsworth 68; Hoskins 111.
e2r ‘Oratio deuota ad gloriosam virginem Mariam.’ Incipit: ‘Obsecro te . . .’ Leroquais, Livres d'heures, II 346 no. xxxviii.
e4r [De beata virgine Maria pro vitae incolumitate.] Incipit: ‘Sancta Maria regina celi et terre, mater . . .’ Hoskins 111.
e5r [Oratio ad BVM contra pestem.] Incipit: ‘Stella celi extirpauit . . . [Chevalier, Rep. hymn., 19438]. [Oratio.] Deus misericordie deus pietatis . . .’ Wordsworth 69.
e5v ‘Ad eleuationem corporis Christi.’ Incipit: ‘[A]ue verum corpus natum . . . [Chevalier, Rep. hymn., 2175]. [Oratio.] [A]ve Iesu Christe verbum patris . . . [Chevalier, Rep. hymn., 1844]. [Alia.] [I]n presentia sacrosancti corporis . . . [Oratio.] [D]omine Iesu Christe qui hanc sacratissimam carnem . . . [De sanctissima trinitate.] [S]ancta trinitas vnus deus . . . Oremus. [D]eus qui superbis resistis . . . [D]eus qui liberasti susannam . . . [D]omine Iesu Christe qui me creasti . . . [D]omine Iesu Christe qui solus es sapientia . . .’ Wordsworth 70-3.
e8v [Oratio ad tres reges.] Incipit: ‘[R]ex Iaspar, rex Melchior . . . Oratio. [D]eus illuminator . . . [Alia.] [T]rium regum . . . Oratio. [D]eus qui tres magos . . .’ Wordsworth 74-5.
f1v [Quindecim orationes ad memoriam vulnerum Ihesu Christi.] Incipit: ‘O domine Iesu Christe eterna dulcedo . . .’ Wordsworth 76-80; Hoskins 111-12.
f6r Gregorius(?): [Orationes sancti Gregorii.] ‘To them that before thys ymage of pyte deuoutly say .v. Pater noster .v. Aues . . .’ Incipit: ‘Adoro te domine Iesu Christe in cruce pendentem . . .’ Leroquais, Livres d'heures, II, 346 no. xxxvii, in the order: 1; 2; 4; 5; 6; 7; 3; Hoskins 112.
f7r Sixtus IV, Pont. Max.(?): [Oratio dicenda ante crucifixum.] ‘Dominus papa Sixtus quartus composuit quartam et quintam predictorum suffragiorum oratiunculas . . .’ Incipit: ‘O pie crucifixe redemptor omnium populorum . . .’ Wordsworth 82-3.
f8v Bernardinus(?): ‘Sequitur oratio sancti Bernardini confessoris ordinis minorum.’ Incipit: ‘O bone Iesu. O dulcis Iesu. O Iesu fili Marie virginis plenus misericordia . . .’ Leroquais, Livres d'heures, II 345 no. xxxvi; Wordsworth 83-4.
g2r [Suffragia II.] As H‑179, 18-32. See Hoskins 112-13.
h1r [Two prayers in English.] Incipit: ‘O glorious Iesu. O mekest Iesu. O most svvettest Iesu . . . O the most svvetest spouse of mi sovvle Crist Iesu desiring hertly euermore . . .’ Wordsworth 85-6.
h2v [Orationes.] ‘Iste orationes debent dici in agonia mortis per sacerdotem pro infirmo in mutando verba . . . Oratio.’ Incipit: ‘Domine Iesu Christe per agoniam et orationem tuam sanctissimam qua orasti pro nobis in monte . . .’ See Hoskins 114.
h4v ‘Oratio ad patrem.’ Wordsworth 124.
h5r ‘Oratio ad filium.’ Wordsworth 124.
h5r ‘Oratio ad spiritum sanctum.’ Wordsworth 124-5.
h5v [Preces diversae et Suffragia.] ‘Oratio bona quotidie dicentibus reuelatione diuina transmissa vni monacho de Bynhym circa annum domini .M. cccc. lxxxv . . .’ Incipit: ‘Deus propicius esto mihi peccatori . . .’ Wordsworth 125; see Hoskins 114. Antiphon for S. Michael. Followed by ‘Oratio ad sanctum Gabrielem', ‘Oratio ad sanctum Raphaelem.' For Binham see H‑179.
h6v [Benedictio.] Incipit: ‘Benedicat me imperialis maiestas, protegat me regalis diuinitas . . .’ Wordsworth 88.
h7r [Two prayers in English.] Incipit: ‘O blessyd trinyte. Fader, sone and holy ghoost, thre persones and one god . . . O lord god almyghty alle seeing al thynges knovvyng . . .’ Revell, Fifteenth Century English Prayers, 63 no. 201 (a-b); Wordsworth 86-7.
h8v ‘Sequuntur septem psalmi penitentiales.’ Incipit: ‘Doimne(!) ne in furore tno(!) . . .’ Ps 6; 31; 37; 50; 101; 129; 142.
i6v ‘Quindecim psalmi.’ Incipit: ‘Ad dominum cum tribularer. Leuaui oculos meos in montem . . .’ Ps 119-133.
i7v [Litaniae sanctorum.] As H‑179.
k5v Bernardus(?): ‘Versus sancti Bernardi.’ Incipit: ‘Illumina oculos meos . . .’ Ps 12,4s; 24,4; 30,6; 38,5; 115,16s; 141,5s; 4,7; 85,17.
k6r [The short prayers taught by Our Lady to St Birgitta.] Incipit: ‘Iesu fili dei omnium conditor . . .’ See Hoskins 115.
k6r [A prayer against thunder and tempest showed by an angel to St Edward.] Incipit: ‘Titulus triumphalis Iesus nazarenus . . .’ See Hoskins 115.
k7v ‘Incipiunt vigilie mortuorum. Ad vesperas.’ Incipit: ‘Antiphona. Placebo . . .’
n2r ‘Hic incipiunt commendationes animarum.’ Incipit: ‘Beati immaculati in via . . .’
o2v ‘Oratio ad sanctam crucem.’ Incipit: ‘Salue salue rex sanctorum, spes notiua(!) peccatorum . . .’ Chevalier, Rep. hymn., 18170 (= 17989).
o3r [Oratio ad manus Christi.] Incipit: ‘Salue salue Iesu bone, fatigatus in agone . . .’ Chevalier, Rep. hymn., 18166 (= 17984).
o3v ‘Psalmi de passione Christi.’ Incipit: ‘[D]eus deus meus respice in me quare me dereliquisti . . .’ Ps 22-6, 28-30. Wordsworth 114-16.
p3r ‘Psalterium' [sancti Hieronymi.] Incipit: ‘Verba mea auribus percipe . . .[Oratio.] [D]ona michi queso . . .’ Wordsworth 116-23.
q3v ‘Oratio ad sanctum Iheronimum.’ Incipit: ‘[Antiphona.] Aue amator quam famose ieronime . . . [Oratio.] Deus qui gloriosum confessorem tuum Iheronimum . . .’ See Wordsworth 123 n. 1; Hoskins 115.
q4r Gregorius(?): ‘Oratio sancti Gregorii.’ Incipit: ‘Dominator domine deus omnipotens qui es trinitas in filio . . .’ See Hoskins 116.
q6r [Rosarium.] Incipit: ‘Aue Maria gratia plena . . .Quem de spiritu sancto angelo nunciante concepisti . . .’ Meersseman, Akathistos, III 150-3, 157-9.
q8v ‘The contentis of thys booke.’
q10v [Colophon.]
Imprint: [Paris: n. pr.], 1495. 4°.
Remarks: While the borders and cuts are those of Jean Maurand, Roman Hours, June 1493, the type appears to be otherwise unrecorded.
Collation: A B8 C4 D a–p8 q10.
Leaves: 158 leaves.
Line number: 22 lines (B6r).
Type area: Type area: 124 × 79 mm, with borders 158 × 109 mm (B6r).
Illustrations: Woodcuts: 16 large (110 × 73 mm), 28 small (41 × 31 mm). Each text page is within a combination of historiated borders and decorative elements such as floral and figurative designs. Some of the woodcuts have typeset captions in red. The tripartite cut (a1r) of the Annunciation, Eve and the serpent, Gideon and the fleece, appears to be a rough copy in reverse of that in Maurand's edition; it is reproduced in Henri Monceaux, Les Le Rouge de Chablis, calligraphes et miniaturistes, graveurs et imprimeurs: Étude sur les débuts de l'illustration du livre au xve siècle, II (Paris, 1896), 16.
ISTC: ih00420580
Proctor: Pr 8480;
Others: Duff 186; Sheppard 6561-2; STC 15880.
LCN: 14463766
Copy number: H-188(1)
For this copy see Coates–Jensen 252-3, no. 18, although it is now thought likely that this item was not owned by the Carthusians of Sheen.
Binding: Seventeenth-century(?) gold-tooled brown morocco, with gilt-edged leaves. Double fillets form a double frame; each corner of the double frame is decorated with cherub's head stamps. The centre of the inner rectangle is decorated with the Crucifix and ‘IHS' on an oval stamp.
Size: 200 × 142 × 28 mm.
Size of leaf: 193 × 133 mm.
The hours for Thomas Becket are defaced and deleted; notes relating to indulgences and the reference to the monk of Binham have been erased; some leaves mutilated. Becket and some popes are deleted from the Calendar. Cropped early marginal notes in a number of hands. Also later notes, including a series of cropped notes in the same sixteenth-century hand, recording the dates of birth of some of the children of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York, and other historical events; these seem to reproduce a selection of the notes in London, British Library, MS Royal 2 A.xviii: see Collectanea Topographica & Genealogica, I (London, 1834), 277-80. The notes are: on A3r the birth of Prince Edmund [20/21/22 Feb.? 1499], on A4r the birth of Princess Mary [18 Mar. 1496], on B1r the birth of Arthur Prince of Wales [19 Sept. 1486], on B2v the birth of Princess Margaret [29 Nov. 1489, but with the year here recorded as 1488], also on A6v the battle of Stoke Field [16 June 1487], on A7v the landing of Henry Tudor at Milford Haven [7 Aug. 1484], on A8r the battle of Bosworth [22 Aug. 1485], on B1r the departure of Princess Catharine of Aragon from Laredo [27 Sept. 1501], on B1v the landing of Princess Catharine of Aragon at Plymouth [2 Oct. 1501], and, on B2r the coronation of Henry VII [30 Oct. 1485]; also various references to biblical figures, written in an early hand. On the rear endleaf, a hymn De Spiritu Sancto, written in a sixteenth-century secretary hand, with incipit ‘Veni creator spiritus | mentes tuorum visita . . .': see Chevalier, Rep. hymn., 21204; AH 50 no. 144, with different ending; also VL X 214-24. Seventeenth-century notes on A2v (the death of Charles I, giving the date as 1648), and on A3r (and the Massacre of Glencoe in 1692). On the rear pastedown is a list of woodcuts in Douce's hand. Douce notes that this edition has been discussed in The Gentleman's Magazine, 57 (1787), 12.
A note on the front endleaf initialled by Reginald Harrison Hill states that two woodcuts of the Emblems of the Passion in heraldic form were removed from Douce 24, and shelved separately in 1928 (as Arch. G f.13,14). However, Douce's own note and the evidence of the stitching holes on Arch. G f.14, suggest that only it, and not the other leaf, was ever attached to leaf e2 of Douce 24. Arch. G f.14 bears the stamped(?) heading ‘Ex domo Jhesu de Betheleem' (Sheen, Carthusians); reproduced by Campbell Dodgson, ‘English devotional woodcuts of the late fifteenth century', Walpole Society, 17 (1928-9), 95-108, at 102 and pl. xxxvi, b,c; also Arthur M. Hind, An Introduction to a History of Woodcut (London, 1935), vol. 2, 738, who suggests that the cuts were made for presentation or sale to visitors rather than as book-plates). On Arch. G f.13, which has been coloured in green, blue, red, and yellow, is a contemporary inscription: ‘I haue sent vnto yor Lordship a litill englysh boke not to passe the tyme with whill ye be here and haue leyser, but for to kepe tyme wt which we shulde desire in or wyll and intente. Impute it not to presumption but rathr to wantyng of wytte. Amor non timet. yor p[or]e bedemān for eur. d.E.G.’
Provenance: Alexander Frogenhall (fl. 1505); inscription on C4v: ‘xiii ffurlonggys makythe one myle, xl roddys to one ffurlonge, and xviii fete to one rodd[ ] quod Alysanderus Thrognall'. William (†1509) and Anne Reede (formerly Curson, formerly Frevile), and Withypoll family (sixteenth century) [Anne Reede married Paul Withypoll (1480-1547) after the death of William Reede]; inscriptions on A5r and D1r: ‘William Rede was maryed to Anne his wyffe also all their ffrends comfort and their grete honor uppon seynt Wylfrydes day, that holy confessor'; ‘This booke is myne. Anne ffreuile alias Reede . . .'; annotations to calendar: on A2v the marriage of Paul Withypoll on 22 Jan. 1509/10 (‘[T]hys day [w]as Pol [W]ythypol maryd to me hys [w]yff'); on A3r the birth of [ ] Withypoll on 15 Feb. 1512/13: ‘Thys day [wa]s borne [ ] Wythyp[oll]'; these inscriptions are printed in G. C. Moore Smith, The Family of Withypoll, revised by P. H. Reaney, Walthamstow Antiquarian Society Official Publication, 34 (Walthamstow, 1936), 15. Thomas Reede, son of William and Anne Reede (sixteenth century); inscription on q10v: ‘Thowgh I come last, praye for me fast. Tho. Re[ ]'. Ralph Sheldon (1623-1684); anonymous armorial book-plate: see Howe, Book Plates, 26650, and also reproduced in Robert Brown, ‘Book-plate of Ralph Sheldon', 215; shelfmark ‘C 3 12'. J[ohn?] Newman (b. 1757); inscription on B2v: ‘Die sancti Crisogoni siue Chrisogoni natus est J. Newman presens huius libri posesor anno ab incarnatione Dei IHS 1757'. Inscription on A1r cut away, leaving only the date ‘1782'. Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Bequeathed in 1834.
SHELFMARK: Douce 24.
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