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Bod-Inc: J-064

Jacobus de Voragine

Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia [Dutch] Passionael: Winter- ende Somerstuc.


Analysis of Content

Part 1:

A2r ‘Die tafel'.

A3r ‘Prologus'. Incipit: ‘[L]anghe tijt hebbe ic gheweest versocht ende seer ghebeden . . .’ een cleyne sonde

A4r [Jacobus de Voragine]: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia [Dutch]: Winterstuc. ‘Die gulden legende'; ‘Passionael'. Following ed. Graesse, nos clxii–clxiii.

a5r [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die legende van sinte Willebroert'. Incipit: ‘[S]inte Willebroert ghecomen wt Brytannien was gheboren . . .’ loueden alle gader

b1r [Jacobus de Voragine]: ‘Die gulden legende'; winter part. Following ed. Graesse, nos clxiv–cxlvi (without the section on the name), clxvii, clxviii–clxx (all without the section on the name), clxxi–clxxii (without the section on the name), clxxiii (part only), clxxiv–clxxvi (with some variations), clxxvii–clxxx, clxxxii, clxxxi.

i1v [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Vanden aduent ons heren'. Incipit: ‘[A]l die tijt des leuens wort in vieren ghedeylt als in . . .’ van enen oghe

i8v [Jacobus de Voragine]: ‘Die gulden legende'; winter part. Following ed. Graesse, no. ii (without the section on the name).

k4r [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die legende van sinte Barbara'. Incipit: ‘[M]en vint inden heylighen ewangelio ghescreuen dat . . .’ te voren ghedaen hadde

m6v [Jacobus de Voragine]: ‘Die gulden legende'; winter part. Following ed. Graesse, no. iii (without the section on the name).

n2v [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die hystorie van onser vrouwen ontfanghenisse'. Incipit: ‘[D]ie ersame ontfanghenisse der moed goods ende maghet . . .’ werelde der werelden. Amen

n5r [Jacobus de Voragine]: ‘Die gulden legende'; winter part. Following ed. Graesse, nos iv–v (both without the sections on the name), vi–vii (without the section on the name), viii–xii (all without the sections on the name), xiii–xv, xvi–xviii (all without the sections on the name), xix.

r6v [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die legende van sinte Ponciaen'. Incipit: ‘[I]nden tiden des keysers Anthonius doe dat swaert van persecucie . . .’ ewelike sonder eynde. Amen

r9r [Jacobus de Voragine]: ‘Die gulden legende'; winter part. Following ed. Graesse, no. xx (without the section on the name).

r9r [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die legende van sinte Anthonius abt ende monic'. Incipit: ‘[A]nthonius die was gheboren wt Egypten van gheesteliken oudaers . . .’ den heyligen gheest. Amen

(5v [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die legende . . . van . . . sinte Prisca'. Incipit: ‘[D]ie heylighe maghet sinte Prisca een poerterse van Roemen . . .’ tot hoer eren

(6r [Jacobus de Voragine]: ‘Die gulden legende'; winter part. Following ed. Graesse, nos xxii–xxv (all without the sections on the name).

s3r [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die legende van sinte Loy'. Incipit: ‘[S]inte Loy was gheboren van eerbaren oudaers . . .’ onsen heer lot

s5r [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die legende van sinte Ioest'. Incipit: ‘[S]inte Ioest wes hoechtijt op sinte Lucien dach is was een . . .’ leden siins lichaems

t1r [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die legende van sinte Dirc die abt'. Incipit: ‘[S]inte Dirc was gheboren int lantscap van Riemen gheleghen . . .’ die maent van Iulio

t1v [Jacobus de Voragine]: ‘Die gulden legende'; winter part. Following ed. Graesse, nos xxviii (with variations), xxix–xxx (without the section on the name), cxxxviii, [note on festival, ed. Graesse 145-6], xxxi–xxxvii, xxxviii–xli (all without the sections on the name).

u8r [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die legende van sinte Appollonia'. Incipit: ‘[D]ie heylighe maghet Appollonia was ghepinicht van een tyran . . .’ inden ewighen leuen

u8v [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die legende van sinte Scolastica'. Incipit: ‘[S]inte Scolastica was sinte Benedictus suster ende was een nonne van enen . . .’ samen inder aerden

x1r [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die legende van sinte Dorothea'. Incipit: ‘[I]nder prouincien van Capadocien inder stat Cesarien was een . . .’ ende emmermeer. Amen

x3v [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die legende van Theophilus'. Incipit: ‘[T]heophilus des rechters aduocaet hi bespotte aldus Dorothea . . .’ die werelde der werelden. Amen

x5v [Jacobus de Voragine]: ‘Die gulden legende'; winter part. Following ed. Graesse, nos xlii (without the section on the name), xliii–xlv (without the section on the name), clxxiii (with variations), xlvi (without the section on the name).

z4r [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part. Life of S. Gertrude.] Incipit: ‘[V]anden leuen ende verdienten ende vander bekeringhe des heylighen maghet sinte Gheertruut . . .’ here Ihesum Cristum

[et]3v [Jacobus de Voragine]: ‘Die gulden legende'; winter part. Following ed. Graesse, nos xlvii, xlix (without the section on the name), l–li, liii.

aa5r [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die legende van sinte Hubrecht'. Incipit: ‘[I]n dien tiden doe hi boesheyt des wreden Eubronii . . .’ aerden verheuen heest

Part 2:

A1v [Prologue to both the winter part and the summer part.] Incipit: ‘Hier beghint een nutteliic boec dat men hiet dat passionael dal welc in latijn is gheheten Aurea legenda . . .’ in vinden mach

A2r ‘Die tafel'.

A3r Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia [Dutch]: Somerstuc. Following ed. Graesse, nos liv, lvi, lvii–lix (all without the sections on the name), lxv (without the additional section on the name), lxvii (without the section on the name), lxviii–lxx, lxxii–lxxiii, [note on festivals, ed. Graesse 341], lxxvi (without the section on the name), lxxv (without the section on the name).

e3v [Legenda aurea: additional legends; summer part.] ‘Dat leuen ende die legende des . . . sinte Seruacius'. Incipit: ‘[I]n dien tiden dat die keyser Octauianus regnerende was . . .’ eweliken sonder eynde. Amen

f3v [Jacobus de Voragine]: ‘Die gulden legende'; summer part. Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxvii (without the section on the name), lxxviii.

f4v [Legenda aurea: additional legends; summer part.] ‘Die legende van . . . sinte Erasmus'. Incipit: ‘[D]ie heylighe man sinte Erasmus die was van enen edelen . . .’ here verweruen moet

f7v [Legenda aurea: additional legends; summer part.] ‘Die hystorie ende legende vanden . . . bisscop . . . sinte Bonifacius'. Incipit: ‘[N]ae die tijt dat dat deuote volc van Enghelant bi onderwisinge . . .’ ewelic sonder eynde. Amen

g1v [Jacobus de Voragine]: ‘Die gulden legende'; summer part. Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxx–lxxxi (without the sections on the name).

g4v [Legenda aurea: additional legends; summer part.] ‘Die legende des . . . confessoers sinte Odulphus'. Incipit: ‘[I]n dien tiden dat regneren de was die alder goedtierenste . . .’ leuet in glorien. Amen

g8v [Jacobus de Voragine]: ‘Die gulden legende'; summer part. Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxix, lxxxii–lxxxiii (without the sections on the names), lxxxiv, xciv (without the section on the name), lxxxv (without the sections on the names).

h5r [Legenda aurea: additional legends; summer part.] ‘Die legende vanden tien dusent martelaren'. Incipit: ‘[D]aer was in voerleden tiden een prince gheheten Achasius die welcke gheordineert . . .’ eweliken sond eynde

h6r [Jacobus de Voragine]: ‘Die gulden legende'; summer part. Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxxvi (without the section on the name).

i1r [Legenda aurea: additional legends; summer part.] ‘Die legende des . . . confessoers Lebuijn'. Incipit: ‘[E]en edel eylant gheleghen is an die Zuder Zee . . .’ siin inder ewicheit

i4r [Jacobus de Voragine]: ‘Die gulden legende'; summer part. Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxxvii, ci, lxxxviii, lxxxix–xc (without the sections on the name), xci–xciii (without the section on the name), lx, lv (without the section on the name), lxi (without the section on the name), lxiii (without the section on the name), lxxiv (without the section on the name), xcvi (without the section on the name), xcv, xcvii–xcix (without the sections on the name), c (without the section on the name, and with variations), cii (without the section on the name, and with variations), ciii–cvii (without the section on the name), cviii (without the section on the name), cix–cxiii (without the section on the name, and with variations), cxiv–cxv (both without the section on the name), cxvi–cxvii (without the section on the name), cxviii (without the section on the name), cxix (with variations), cxx–cxxiii (all without the sections on the name), cxxix, cxxiv (without the section on the name), cxxv–cxxviii, cxxx (without the section on the name), cxxxi, cxxxiv–cxxxvii (without the section on the name), cxxxii (without the section on the name), cxxxix (without the section on the name, and ending imperfectly), cxxxiii, cxl–cxliii (all without the sections on the name), cxliv, cxlv–cxlvii (all without the section on the name), cxlviii–cxlix (without the section on the name), cl–cliii (without the section on the name, and ending imperfectly), cliv, clvi (without the section on the name), clvii (ending imperfectly), clviii, clix (without the section on the name), clv (without the section on the name), clx.

2A8v [Legenda aurea: additional legends; summer part.] ‘Die legende van sinte Seueer'. Incipit: ‘[S]inte Seueer die voer onsen here was een glorioes confessoer . . .’ vertellen en waer

B1v [Legenda aurea: additional legends; summer part.] ‘Die legende van sinte Crispiin ende Crispiniaen'. Incipit: ‘[C]rispin ende Crispiniaen waren twee broeders ende quamen . . .’ huden des daghes

B2v [Legenda aurea: additional legends; summer part.] ‘Die legende van sinte Gereon ende Victor'. Incipit: ‘[D]ie keyser Dyoclesianus sendede sinen gheselle Maximianum tegens . . .’ vanden hoeftsweer

B3v [Legenda aurea: additional legends; summer part.] ‘Die legende van sinte Birgitta'. Incipit: ‘[D]ese heylichste Birgitta een bruut Christi vanden ouersten . . .’ daer in die stede


Imprint: Gouda: Gerard Leeu, 1478. Folio.

Remarks: In two parts, dated: (1) 31 July 1478; (2) ‘10' May 1478. The second colophon is dated ‘pinxter auont', which, according to BMC, was 9 May.


Collation: Part I: A10 a–h10.8 i k10 l–r [2-shaped r]10.8 (10 s6 t v10 u–z [et] [con] aa8; part II: A b–d10 e8 f–i10 k8 l–r [2-shaped r] ( s–v u–z8.10 [et] [con] A8 B4.

Remarks: In both parts A3 is signed Ai etc.


ISTC: ij00139000

Hain: C 6508;

Goff: Goff J‑139;


Proctor: Pr 8913-4;

Others: Campbell 1755; CIBN J‑119; HPT II 417; ILC 1307; Oates 3384-5; Pellechet, ‘Voragine', no. 117; Seyboldt no. 101; Sheppard 6888-9.

LCN: 14293418, 14499158


Copy number: J-064(1)

Summer part only.

Binding: Half calf with marbled paper boards.

Size: 281 × 222 × 55 mm.

Size of leaf: 279 × 203 mm.

On A3r a seven-line initial ‘C', on d6r a seven-line initial ‘O', and on CC3r a five-line initial ‘M' are supplied in blue with reserved white decoration, with the body of the letter decorated with red pen-work defined in green, and all within a border of red pen-work extending into the margins; other one- to five-line initials, paragraph marks, capital strokes, and underlining supplied in red.

Provenance: Jacob Reijens (sixteenth century); signature on A1r. James Tregaskis; Catalogue 250, no. 554. Purchased from Tregaskis, 17 Oct. 1892, for £2. 10. 0; see Library Bills.

SHELFMARK: Inc. d. N7.1478.1.

Copy number: J-064(2)

Winter part only only.

Binding: Eighteenth-century sprinkled calf.

Size: 292 × 225 × 56 mm.

Size of leaf: 281 × 202 mm.

On A4r a seven-line initial ‘A', on n10v a six–line initial ‘D', on v9r a five-line initial ‘O', and on [con]2v a five-line initial ‘O' are supplied in blue with reserved white decoration, with the body of the letter decorated with red pen-work defined in green showing flowers (and, in the initial ‘A', animals) in reserved white, and all within a border of red pen-work extending into the margins; other one- to four-line initials, some with extensions into the margins, paragraph marks, capital strokes, and underlining are supplied in red.

Provenance: Henrijke Berkers (sixteenth century); inscription on A1r: ‘Dyt letgen boeck hoert toe Hanrijcke Berkers, beghijn opten groten begijnhoef wonende inden vijghert opten begijnhoef'. Christian Ernst, Graf zu Stolberg-Wernigerode (1691-1771), in or after 1721; dated armorial book-plate, see Warnecke 2116; armorial stamps on A1r and A2r. Martin Breslauer. Purchased by the Friends of the Bodleian in Jan. 1933 for £28. 0. 0: see BQR 7,79 (1933), 323.

SHELFMARK: Don. d.21.

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