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Bod-Inc: J-066

Jacobus de Voragine

Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia [Dutch] Passionael: Somerstuc.


Analysis of Content

a1v [Prologue.] Incipit: ‘Hier beghint een nutteliic boeck dat men hiet dat passionael dal welc in latijn is gheheten Aurea legenda . . .’ in vinden mach’

a1v ‘Die tafel'.

a3r Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia [Dutch]: Somerstuc. Following ed. Graesse, nos liv, lvi, lvii–lix (all without the sections on the name), lxv (without the section on the name), lxvii (without the section on the name), lxviii–lxx, lxxii–lxxiii, [note on festivals, ed. Graesse 341], lxxvi (without the section on the name), lxxv (without the section on the name).

e7r ‘Dat leuen ende die legende des . . . sinte Seruacius'. Incipit: ‘[I]n dien tiden dat die keyser Octauianus regnerende was . . .’ eweliken sonder eynde. Amen’

f6r [Jacobus de Voragine]: ‘Die gulden legende'; summer part.’ Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxvii (without the section on the name), lxxviii.

f6v ‘Die legende van . . . sinte Erasmus'. Incipit: ‘[D]ie heylighe man sinte Erasmus die was van enen edelen . . .’ here verweruen moet’

g1v ‘Die historie ende legende vanden . . . bisscop . . . sinte Bonifacius'. Incipit: ‘[N]ae die tijt dat dat deuote volc van Engelant bi onderwisinghe . . .’ ewelicken sonder eynde. Amen’

g5r [Jacobus de Voragine]: ‘Die gulden legende'; summer part.’ Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxx–lxxxi (without the sections on the name).

g7r ‘Die legende des . . . confessoers sinte Odulhpus(!)'. Incipit: ‘[I]n dien tiden dat regnerende was die alder goedtirenste . . .’ leuet in glorien. Amen’

h2r [Jacobus de Voragine]: ‘Die gulden legende'; summer part.’ Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxix, lxxxii–lxxxiii (without the sections on the names), lxxxiv, xciv (without the section on the name), lxxxv (without the sections on the names).

h8v ‘Die legende vanden tien dusent martelaren'. Incipit: ‘[D]aer was in voerleden tiden een prince gheheten Achasius welcke gheordineert . . .’ eweliken sond eynde’

i1v [Jacobus de Voragine]: ‘Die gulden legende'; summer part.’ Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxxvi (without the section on the name).

i6r ‘Die legende des . . . confessoers Lebuyn'. Incipit: ‘[E]en edel eylant gheleghen is an die Suder Zee . . .’ siin inder ewichheyt’

i8v [Jacobus de Voragine]: ‘Die gulden legende'; summer part.’ Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxxvii, ci, lxxxviii, lxxxix–xc (without the sections on the name), xci–xciii (without the section on the name), lx, lv (without the section on the name), lxi (without the section on the name), lxiii (without the section on the name), lxxiv (without the section on the name), xcvi (without the section on the name), xcv, xcvii–xcix (without the sections on the name), c (without the section on the name, and with variations), cii (without the section on the name, and with variations), ciii–cvi (ending imperfectly), cvii–cviii (both without the sections on the name), cix–cxiii (without the section on the name, and with variations), cxiv–cxv (both without the section on the name), cxvi, cxvii–cxviii (both without the section on the name), cxix (part only), cxx–cxxiii (all without the sections on the name), cxxix, cxxiv (without the section on the name), cxxv–cxxviii, cxxx (without the section on the name), cxxxi, cxxxiv–cxxxvii (without the section on the name), cxxxii (without the section on the name), cxxxix (without the section on the name, and ending imperfectly), cxxxiii, cxl–cxliii (all without the sections on the name), cxliv, cxlv–cxlvii (all without the section on the name), cxlviii–cxlix (without the section on the name), cl–cliii (without the section on the name, and ending imperfectly), cliv, clvi (without the section on the name), clvii (ending imperfectly), clviii–clix (without the section on the name), clv (without the section on the name), clx.

A8v ‘Die legende van sinte Seueer'. Incipit: ‘[S]inte Seueer die uoer onsen heere was een glorioes confessoer . . .’ vertellen en waer’

B1v ‘Die legende van sinte Crispiin ende Crispiniaen'. Incipit: ‘[C]rispiin ende Crispiniaen waren ii broeders ende quamen . . .’ huden des daghes’

B2r ‘Die legende van sinte Iereon ende Victor'. Incipit: ‘[D]ie keiser Dyoclesiaen sende sinen gheselle Maximiaen teghen . . .’ vanden hoeft sweer’

B3r ‘Die legende van sinte Birgitta'. Incipit: ‘[O] dese heilige Birgitta een bruut Christi vandem ouersten . . .’ daer in die stede’

B4r ‘Die legende van sinte Anna'. Incipit: ‘[D]ie heilige man Ioachim geboren van Galileen . . .’ sinte Johannes ewangelista’

B6v ‘Die legende van die heilige maget sinte Clara'. Incipit: ‘[D]ie heilige maget sint Clara is gheboren van claren edelen . . .’ des lams goods’

B8v ‘Die passi des heiligen mertelaers sinte Ieroems'. Incipit: ‘[D]ie heilige martelaer sinte Ieroen was geboren van edelen hogen . . .’ sii inder ewicheyt’

C3v ‘Legende vanden heyligen bisscop . . . sinte Lazarus'. Incipit: ‘[L]azarus met sinen twee susteren Martha ende Maria Magdalena . . .’ regneert inder ewicheyt. Amen’

C5v ‘Die legende vanden heyligen abt . . . sinte Gheraert'. Incipit: ‘[D]ie man goods ende heylige abt Gerardus was geboren . . .’ vander maent Octobri’


Imprint: Delft: Jacob Jacobszoen van der Meer, 13 July 1484. Folio.


Collation: a–r [2-shaped r] ( s–v u x–z [et] [con] A–C8.

Remarks: Leaf a4 is signed a2 etc.

Types: Types: 145 G, 104 G*c; 2 columns. Capital spaces.

Leaves: 248 leaves, 4-247 numbered ii–ccxlv.

Line number: 38 lines (a4r).

Type area: Type area: 200 ×145 mm (a4r).

Illustrations: Woodcut of the Resurrection on a3r.


ISTC: ij00147000

Hain: C 6513;

Goff: Goff J‑147;

Proctor: Pr 8872;

Others: Campbell 1761; CIBN J‑122; HPT II 400; ILC 1317; Pellechet, ‘Voragine', no. 123; Seyboldt no. 105; Sheppard 6876.

LCN: 14499136


Copy number: J-066(1)

Binding: Quarter sheep dyed red, with marbled paper boards.

Size: 262 × 203 × 41 mm.

Size of leaf: 260 × 182 mm.

Principal four- to six–line initials are supplied in blue with reserved white decoration, with the body of the letter decorated with red pen-work showing flowers in reserved white, and all within a border of red pen-work, some extending into the margins; other one- to four-line initials, some with extensions into the margins, are supplied in red or blue; paragraph marks and capital strokes are supplied in red.

Provenance: Rubert Heertgens, fifteenth/sixteenth century; inscription on C8r: ‘Item Dit boeck is ghecomen van meester Rubert Heertgens z[alger] onse broeder', and, in a different hand, but of a similar date, ‘Tu quidem Corneli macte virtute esto'. Note on the front pastedown, ‘V. Amsterdam 1844 $ [ ]. Catalog de [ ] p. 6. N 65', perhaps in the hand of Vergauwen. François-Joseph Vergauwen (1801-1881)(?). Purchased from Joseph Kockx, Bulletin 203 (1885), no. 41, 42, or 51, priced at Fr. 30, Fr 30, and Fr 20; see Library Bills (1885), no. 318; see The Bodleian Library in 1882-7. A Report from the Librarian (Oxford, 1888), 20.

SHELFMARK: Auct. 3Q 5.28.

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