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Bod-Inc: J-068

Jacobus de Voragine

Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia [English] The Golden Legend.


Analysis of Content

[*2r] Caxton, William: [Prologue, dedicated to William Fitzalan, Earl of Arundel]. Crotch 70. The edition has been reprinted with normalized spelling: William Caxton, The Golden Legend or Lives of the Saints as Englished by William Caxton, ed. F. S. Ellis, 7 vols (London, 1900, repr. 1931).

[*3r] Caxton, William: [Prologue.] Crotch 71.

[*3v] ‘Tabula'.

a1r Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Translated by William Caxton. Following Jacobus de Voragine, Legenda aurea, ed. Graesse, nos i (with variant ending), vi (with variant beginning and other variations), xiii (with variations), xiv (with variations), xxxi–xxxv, liii–liv, lxx, lxxii–lxxiii. On Caxton's translation see Sister Mary Jeremy, ‘Caxton's “Golden Legend” and Voragine's “Legenda aurea”  ’, Speculum, 21 (1946), 212-21; idem, 'Caxton's Original Additions to the Legenda Aurea', Modern Language Notes, 64 (1949), 259-61; Anvo Kurvinen, 'Caxton's Golden Legend and the Manuscripts of the Gilte Legende', Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 49/50 (1958-9), 353-75, repr. in Supplementary Lives in Some Manuscripts of the Gilte Legende, ed. Richard Hamer & Vida Russell, EETS Original Ser., 315 (2000), 41-3.

d6v ‘Here foloweth the feste of the Holy Sacrament'. Incipit: ‘[T]he grete largesse and benefayttes that God hath distributed . . .’ perpetuall saluacion. Amen’

d8v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, no. clxxxii.

e4v ‘The sonday of Septuagesme begynneth the storye of the Byble. In whiche is redde the legende and storye of Adam'. Incipit: ‘[I]n the begynnyng god made and created heuen and erthe . . .’ withoute ende’ On the Biblical lives see N. F. Blake, ‘The Biblical Additions in Caxton's Golden Legend', Traditio, 25 (1969), 231-47, repr. N. F. Blake, William Caxton and English Literary Culture (London, 1991), 213-29.

e7r ‘Hir begynneth the hystorye of Noe'. Incipit: ‘[A]fter that Adam was deed deyd Eue and was buryed by hym . . .’ sones of Noe’

e8v ‘Here followeth the lyf of Abraham'. Incipit: ‘[T]he Sonday called Quinquagesme is redde in the chirche thy storye . . .’ a double spelunke’

f4v ‘Here beginneth the lyf of Ysaac with thistorie of Esau and of Jacob'. Incipit: ‘[Y]saac was xl yere olde whan he wedded Rebecca . . .’ sones beryed hym’

f8v ‘Here begynneth thystorye of Joseph and his brethern'. Incipit: ‘[J]oseph whan he was xvi yere old began to kepe and fede the flock with his brethern . . .’ chest in Egypte’

g6v ‘Here next foloweth thystorye of Moyses'. Incipit: ‘[T]hyse ben the names of the children of Israhel that entryd . . .’ alle hys seruauntes’

h7r [A brief account of the books of the Bible from Joshua to Judges, followed by a summary of the liturgical readings beginning with the Book of Kings.] Incipit: ‘[A]fter Moyses Josue was duc and ledar of the chyldren of Israhel . . .’ seuen dayes’

h7r ‘Thystorye of Saul' [running heading]. ‘The first sonday after Trynyte sonday unto the first sonday of the moneth of August is redde the boke of kynges'. Incipit: ‘[T]his hystorye maketh mencyon of a man that was named Helcana . . .’

i4v ‘Here foloweth how Dauyd regned after Saul and gouerned Israhell, shortly taken out of the Bible the most hystoryal maters and but lytel touched'. Incipit: ‘[A]fter the deth of Saul Dauid retorned fro the jorney . . .’ cyte of Dauid’

i7v ‘Thy storye of Salomon' [running heading]. Incipit: ‘[A]fter Dauid regned Salomon his sone whiche was in the begynnyng a good man . . .’ after hym’

k2r ‘Thystorye of Roboas' [running heading]. Incipit: ‘[A]fter Salomon regned hys sone Roboas . . .’ our lady’

k2v ‘Here foloweth thystorye of Job'. Incipit: ‘[T]her was a man in the londe of Hus named Job . . .’ ful of dayes’

k3v ‘Here foloweth thystorye of Tobye'. Incipit: ‘[T]obye of the tribe and of ye cyte of Neptalym . . .’ on the erthe’

k8r ‘Here begynneth thystorye of Judith'. Incipit: ‘[A]rphaxat kynge of the Medes subdued unto his empire . . .’ unto this day’

l3v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos ii–iii.

m1v ‘Here foloweth the Concepcion of our blessid Lady'. Incipit: ‘  “[M]aria inuenisci graciam apud dominum”. Luce primo capitulo. Whan the Aungel Gabriel had grete our Lady . . .’ God brynge vs. Amen’

m3v ‘The lyues of the seyntes Genicien, Fulcien and Victorice'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Fulcien and saynt Vyctorice of whom ye solempnyte is . . .’ our synnes. Amen’

m3v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, no. iv.

m5r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of seynt Nychase'. Incipit: ‘[I]n that tyme that the Wandles wasted and destroyed many cytes and londes . . .’ their companye. Amen’

m5v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos v, vii (without the section on the name).

m8v ‘Here foloweth of saynt Eugene'. Incipit: ‘[E]ugenia the noble virgyne whyche was doughter to Phelippe . . .’ in secula seculorum. Amen’

n1r Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos viii–xii, xv–xvii.

o7v ‘And next followeth thynuencion of saynt Fremyn'. Incipit: ‘[I]n the tyme of thynunencion of saynt Fremyn . . .’ glorye of heuene. Amen’

o8r Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos xviii–xxi (with variations), xxii–xxvi (with additional section on the name), xxvii–xxviii (with additional section on conversion), xxix (here called Pauline, and with variations) xxx, xxxvi.

r3r ‘Here foloweth the puryficacion of our lady'. Incipit: ‘  “[P]ostquam impleti sunt dies purgacionis Marie secundum legem . . .” [Lc 2,22]. Luce secundo capitulo. Thauncyent lawe had hys cours vnto the tyme that god . . .’ holy goost’

r6r Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos xxxviii–xxxix (with variations), xli, xl (without the section on the name), xlii–xliii (with additional section on the name), xliv (with additional section), xlv (with variations), xlvi–xlvii (both with variations).

s8r ‘Here begynneth the lif of saynt Maure'. Incipit: ‘[T]he yere that sayut[sic] Benet deied he sente seynt Maure . . .’ day of Janyuer’

s8v ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Patryke'. Incipit: ‘[P]atryke is as moche to saye as knowleche and thynterpretacion of hys name' . . .’ praye for vs’

t1v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, no. xlix.

t4r ‘Here next foloweth The lyf of saynt Cuthberd of Durham'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Cuthberd was born in Englond and whan . . .’

t5r ‘Here foloweth the fest of the annunciacion or salutacion of thangel Gabriel to our lady'. Incipit: ‘The fest of thys daye is called thanunciacion of our lady . . .’ holy goost’

t6v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos li (with variations), lv (without the section on the name), lvi–lvii (sections 1-8 only).

u2v [Cross reference.] ‘The lyf of sayntes Tyburce and Valerian been conteyned in the lyf of Cecyle vyrgyn and marter'.

u2v ‘The lyf of saynt Alphey'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Alphey the holy bysshop and marter was borne . . .’ blysse in heuen. Amen’

u3v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos lviii (with additional note on Georgius as patron saint of England and of the Order of the Garter, etc.), lix–lxi (with variations), lxiii (with variations), lxv, lxvii–lxix, lxxiv (without the section on the name), lxxv–lxxviii (with additional section on the name).

y2v ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Dunston'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Dunston was borne in Englond and our Lord . . .’ wythouton ende. Amen’

y3v ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Aldelme'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Aldelme the confessour was borne in Englond . . .’ lyf in heuen. Amen’

y4r ‘Of saynt Austyn that bronzt(!) cristendom in to Englond'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Austyn was an holy monke and sente in to Engloud(!) . . .’ in heuen. Amen’

y6r Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos cvii, lxxix–lxxxi, lxxxii (with variations), lxxxiii (with variations and without the section on the name), lxxxiv–lxxxv.

z5r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Edward kyng and marter'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Edward the yonge kynge and marter was the sone of . . .’ lyf in heuen. Amen’

z6r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saint Albone and of saint Amphyabel'. Incipit: ‘[A]fter that Julyus Cesar the first emperour of Rome . . .’

[et]2r Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, no. lxxxvi (with variations).

[et]4r ‘The lyf of saint Loey'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Loye was borne in the contre of Lymoges . . .’ growen in hys tombe’

[et]5r ‘And begynneth the lyf of saynt Wyllyam'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Wyllyam was drawen out of noble lignage . . .’ blysse in heuen. Amen’

[et]5v ‘Here begynneth the lyf of saynt Eutrope'. Incipit: ‘[S]aint Eutrope was borne and came of the moste . . .’ shall regne. Amen’

[et]7r ‘And begynneth of saynt Marcyal'. Incipit: ‘[I]n the tyme that our lord Jhesu Cryst prechyd in Jurye . . .’ glorye perdurable. Amen’

[con]1r Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, no. ccxvi (with variations).

[con]5v ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Maturyne'. Incipit: ‘[S]aint Maturyn was borne of the dyosyse of Sens and his . . .’ may haue parte. Amen’

[con]6r ‘Here foloweth of saynt Victor marter'. Thus in setting A. Incipit: ‘[S]aint Victor the gloryous knyght & marter . . .’ secula seculorum. Amen’ Thus in setting A.

A1r Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxxvii (with variations), lxxxviii–xcii.

B3r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of seint Swithine'. Incipit: ‘[S]aint Swithyne the holy confessour was born besydes Wynchester . . .’ good lord for vs, etc.’

B4r ‘Here foloweth the translacion of seynt Thomas of Caunterbury'. Incipit: ‘[T]he translacion of the gloryous martir Seynt Thomas . . .’

B5r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of seynt Kenelme kyng and martir'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Kenelme martir was kynge of a parte of Englond . . .’ wythouten ende. Amen’

B6v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos xciii, xcv–xcix (with variations), c–ciii (with additional section on the name), civ (with additional section on the name), cv–cvi (with additional section on the name), cvii (repeated), cviii–cx (with variations), cxi–cxii (with variations), cxiii (with variations), cxiv–cxix (with variations).

H4r ‘Yet of thassumpcion of oure lady aftir saynt Austyn'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Austyn sheweth autentyckly in a sermon of the right holy . . .’ me thou and thyne’

H5r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Rocke'. ‘Rocke' in setting A; ‘Rock' in setting B. Translated by William Caxton. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Rock was borne in Mountpeler which is a towne of grete name . . .’ Caxton names himself as translator at the end of this life.

H7v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos cxx–cxxi (with variations in the section on the name), cxxii (without the section on the name), ccxxiii–cxxiv (with variations), cxxv, cxxvi–cxxix (all with additional sections on the name), cxxx–cxxxi (with variations), cxxxiv (with additional section on the name), cxxxv–cxxxvi (with additional section on the name), cxxxvii–cxxxviii, cxxxii, cxxxix, cxxxiii (with additional section on the name), cxl–cxliv (with additional section on the name), cxlv–cxlix, cl–clii (all with additional sections on the name), cliii–cliv (with additional section on the name).

P8v ‘The lyf of seint Edward kynge and confessour'. Incipit: ‘[I]n old tyme the royamme of Englond was gretely troublyd wyth the Danes . . .’ seruant without end. Amen’

R2v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos clvi–clvii (with additional section on the name), clviii.

R7v ‘The lyf of saint Cryspyn and Cryspynyan' [running heading]. Incipit: ‘[I]n the tyme whan the furyous persecucion of Crysten men . . .’ pray for vs, et cetera’

R8v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos clix, clx–clxi (both with additional sections on the name), clxii–clxii (with additional section).

T5v ‘The lyf of saynt Wenefryde'. Incipit: ‘[A]ftir that the holy man Beuno had do made many chirches . . .’ intercessour for vs. Amen’

T6v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos clv, clxiv–clxv (with additional section on the name), clxvi (with additional section), clxvii (with additional section on the name).

V5v ‘The lyf . . . of saint Clare'. Incipit: ‘[T]here was a merueyllous holy woman in the cyte of Assyse which was . . .’ lyf and blysse in heuen. Amen’

X5v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos ccii (with variations), xciv (with variations), clxviii.

aa4v ‘The lyf of saynt Edmunde'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Edmunde the confessour and byssop whyche restyth . . .’ vs our synnes. Amen’

aa7r ‘The lyf of saynt Hughe'. Incipit: ‘[S]aint Hughe of holy remembraunce was som tyme bysshop of Lyncoln . . .’ praye for vs’

aa8r ‘The lyf of saynt Edmunde kyng and marter'. Incipit: ‘[I]n the prouynce of Englond of olde tyme where dyuers kynges for the londe . . .’ kynge and marter’

aa9v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos clxix–clxxi (with additional section on the name), clxxii (with variations), clxxiii (with additional section on the name). Many legends have at least minor variations, and many also end in small prayers to the saint.

cc6r [Note about the extra feasts added to the corpus.] Incipit: ‘This feste is the laste feste of the yere for to begynne at the feste . . .’ golden legende’

cc6r [Additional legends.] Following ed. Graesse, no. clxxiv.

cc7v ‘The lyf of . . . Bede'. Incipit: ‘[T]he holy and venerable Bede was borne in Englond . . .’ euerlastyng lyf. Amen’

cc7r [Additional legends.] ed. Graesse, no. ccx (with variations).

dd1v ‘The lyf of saynt Brandon'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Brandon the holy man was a monke and borne . . .’ withouten ende. Amen’

dd5v ‘The lyf of saint Erkenwolde'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Erkenwolde was borne of noble lygnage. Hys fader was . . .’ word wythouten ende. Amen’

dd7r [Additional legends.] ed. Graesse, nos clxxv (with additional section on the name), clxxvi–clxxxi.

ff6r ‘Of saynt Symeon'. Incipit: ‘[S]aint Symeon was borne in Antyoche and was moche vertuous . . .’ mercy on vs. Amen’

ff7v ‘The lyf of saynt Polycarpe'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Policarpe was dyscyple of saynt Johan theuangelyst . . .’ holy ghoost. Amen’

ff8r ‘The passyon of saynt Quyryace'. Incipit: ‘[I]n the tyme that Julyan thappostata went for to fyghte . . .’ dethe and passyon’

gg2v [Additional legends.] ed. Graesse, no. ccxiv (without the section on the name, and with variations).

gg3r ‘The lyf of saynt Gayus'. Incipit: ‘[T]hat tyme whan Dyoclesyan and Maxymyen reygned emperours Gayus . . .’ may haue parte. Amen’

gg3v ‘The lyf of saynt Arnolde'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Arnolde was fader of Pepyn and graunt fader of Charles the Grete . . .’ seculorum secula. Amen’

gg5r ‘The lyf of saynt Turyen'. Incipit: ‘[S]aint Turyen was archebysshop of Dol in lytel Bretaygne . . .’ intercessour and frende. Amen’

gg6r ‘The lyf of saynt Fyacre'. Incipit: ‘[S]aint Fiacre the gloryous hermyte made many vertuous dedes . . .’ our sayd lord and god. Amen’

hh1v ‘The lyf of saynt Justyn'. Incipit: ‘[S]aint Justyn was born in the cite of Naples and his fader . . .’ seculorum secula. Amen’

hh2r ‘The lyf of saynt Demetryen'. Incipit: ‘[W]hile that themperour Maxymyen had the lordshyp of thessalonycense . . .’ alle our synnes. Amen’

hh2v ‘The lyf of saynt Rigoberte'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Rigoberte was archebisshop of Raynes euer filled with holinesse . . .’ cui honor et imperium’

hh3r ‘The lif of saint Laudry'. Incipit: ‘[S]aint Laudri of whom herafter we joyefully shal make memorye . . .’ praye god for vs. Amen’

hh3v ‘The lyf of saynt Mellonyn'. Incipit: ‘[I]n the tyme of the emperour Valeryen saynt Mellonyn . . .’ in finita secula. Amen’

hh3v ‘Of saunt Yues'. Incipit: ‘[S]aint Yues was borne in litel Britayn in the dyocyse of Triguyer . . .’ syecle and syecles. Amen’

hh6r ‘The lyf of saint Morante'. Incipit: ‘[T]he kyng Theodorik commaunded to saynt Morant of Dolbey . . .’ praye to our lord Jhesu Cryste’

hh6v [Additional legends.] ed. Graesse, no. ccxiii (with variations).

ii1v ‘The lyf of saint Lowes'. Incipit: ‘[S]aint Lowes of Marseylle was borne of ryal lygnage and had to hys fader . . .’ praye god for vs. Amen’

ii2r ‘The lyf of saint Andegonde'. Incipit: ‘[I]n the tyme of Dagoberte kynge of Fraunce which reygned about . . .’ glorye without ende. Amen’

ii3r ‘The lyf of saint Aulbyne'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Aulbyne was borne of noble lygnage in the partyrs of Ytalye . . .’ holy ghoost. Amen’

ii4r ‘The storie of the Masse'. Incipit: ‘[F]or herte deuoute to vnderstonde what it is to say masse also to consecrate the body . . .’

kk3r ‘The twelue articles of our feythe’ Incipit: ‘[T]hyse ben the twelue artycles of the crysten feythe that euery crysten man . . .’ Gathering kk is wanting in the Bodleian copy; here quoted from the British Library copy which is of setting B.

kk3r ‘The twelue articles of our feythe’ Incipit: ‘[T]hyse ben the twelue artycles of the crysten feythe that euery crysten man . . .’ Gathering kk is wanting in the Bodleian copy; here quoted from the British Library copy which is of setting B.

kk5r [Epilogue and colophon.] Crotch 76.


Imprint: Westminster: William Caxton, [after 20 Nov. 1483]. Folio.


Collation: Gatherings a–t and A–E exist in one setting only; the remaining gatherings exist in two different settings. Setting A: [*]6 a–z [et]8 [con]6 A–V8 X6 Y2 [**]2-1 aa–ff8 gg6 hh ii8 kk6. Setting B: [*]4 a–z [et]8 [con]6 A–X aa–ff8 gg6 hh ii8 kk6.

Illustrations: Woodcuts: see Hodnett nos 239-305, and BMC.


ISTC: ij00148000

Hain: C 6472; C 6473;

Goff: Goff J‑148-9;


Proctor: Pr 9655, 9668;

Others: Blades, Caxton, 56; Caxton, Exhibition, BL, 66, no. 70; de Ricci, Caxton, 98-9; Duff 408-9; Hillard 1122; Needham, Pardoner, 88, no. Cx 67; Oates 4087-91, 4105; Painter, Caxton, 213; Pellechet, ‘Voragine', nos 110-11; Seyboldt no. 112; Sheppard 7394-8, 7407; STC 24873-4.

LCN: 14496689, 14496739, 14496758, 14496796


Copy number: J-068(1)

Wanting all before c2, also d7, t5, u4, x6-7, y8, [et]1.8, B1.8, D8, H1.8, kk1-6.

Setting A; ii6 almost wholly torn away. Many leaves repaired.

Binding: Nineteenth-century English blind-tooled calf with marbled pastedowns; bound for the Bodleian.

Size: 403 × 293 × 90 mm.

Size of leaf: 387 × 272 mm.

Early marginal annotations, including comments (mostly in English) on the text, and ‘nota' marks. What survives of the ‘Teste of the Holy Sacrament' in gathering d has been cancelled in black ink, also ‘The storie of the Masse' in gathering ii.

Three- to seven-line initials, some with extensions into the margins, some paragraph marks, and occasional capital strokes are supplied in red.

Provenance: William Browne (sixteenth century); inscription on B7v: ‘Per me Guyllihelmo Puce(?) alias Browne'. Denchworth, Berkshire, parish library; see note on a slip attached to the recto of one of the front endleaves; according to Morgan, Oxford Libraries, 158, this item was sold by an ‘erring vicar' in 1832. Purchased from Parker for £20. 0. 0; see Books Purchased (1848), 9 (under Caxton), Macray 494, and Jasmine S. Howse, Denchworth through the Centuries (Stanford-in-the-Vale, 1967), 84.

Former Bodleian shelfmarks: Auct. QQ sup. 1.29; Arch. F b.3; Auct. 5Q inf. 1.19.

SHELFMARK: Arch. G b.2.

Copy number: J-068(2)

A mixture of the two different settings. Setting A: r1-2, 4-8, gatherings s and t, A1, C5-8, D2-7, E3-6, 8; setting B: u2-8, x2-8, gatherings y, z, [et], [con]1-3, 6, F1-6, 8, G1.8, H1-7, I1-2, 4, 6-8, K1, 3-8, gathering L, M1, O2-8, gatherings P–R, S1-5, 7-8, T1, bb4-8, cc1, 4-8, dd1-7, gathering ee, ff3-4. Leaf t8 mutilated.

Wanting gatherings AA and a–q, r3, u1, x1, [con]4-5, A2-8, gathering B, C1-4, D1, D8, E1-2, 7, F7, G2-7, H8, I3, 5, K2, M2-8, gathering N, O1, S6, T2-8, gatherings V, X, [Y?], aa, bb1-3, cc2-3, dd8, ff1-2, 5-8, gatherings gg–kk.

Binding: Nineteenth-century half maroon morocco, with black cloth boards, bound for the Bodleian.

Size: 344 × 216 × 45 mm.

Size of leaf: 330 × 200 mm.

Cropped figure in black ink in the outer margin of t5r.

Three- to seven-line initials are supplied in red.

Provenance: Thomas Hearne (1678-1735)(?); reference in MS. Rawl. D. 1167, fol. 10, no. 123: ‘Lives of saints, printed by Caxton, much imperfect'. Richard Rawlinson (1690-1755)(?). Probably bequeathed in 1755.

Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. QQ sup. 1.24.

SHELFMARK: Arch. G c.1.

Copy number: J-068(3)

A mixture of the two different settings.

Wanting gatherings AA aa–dd, ee1-2, 4-5, 7-8, f4-8, gatherings g–m, n1.8, o1-2, 8, q6-8, gatherings r–z [et] [con], A–E, F1.8, G4.5, gathering M, P2-8, [Y3], ff8, gg6, hh1-3, 7-8, and gatherings ii and kk.

Setting A: e3.6, f1-3, n2-7, o3-7, p1-8, q1-5, F2-3, 6-7, G1-3, 6-8, gatherings H–L, N, O, P1, gatherings Q–Y; setting B: F4.5, gatherings aa–ee, ff1-7, gg1-5, hh4-6. Leaves F4 and T3 slightly mutilated; H8 damaged; G1 and H1 mounted; hh6 repaired. For this copy see Caxton, Exhibition, Bodley, no. 18.

Binding: Half russia with marbled paper boards, with remains of old spine laid down; bound for Douce (see below).

Size: 361 × 250 × 41 mm.

Size of leaf: 350 × 230 mm.

The legend of S. Thomas of Canterbury on o2v –o3v has been crossed through in black ink, as has the word ‘pope'. Occasional marginal scribbles and pen-trials. Manuscript index on the recto of a back endleaf in an eighteenth/nineteenth-century hand.

Three- to seven-line initials, some with extensions into the margins, paragraph marks, and some capital strokes are supplied in red.

Provenance: John White († not after 1788); sale (3, 4 Mar. 1788), lot 218, purchased by Douce. Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate and initial stamp, also a manuscript note by him, bearing his initials: ‘Mr. Uphill a bookseller brought to me another portion of this identical volume long after I had rebound it, containing from fo: XLIV to fo: LXXXXVII, those leaves being here deficient . . . As 5 guineas were asked I did not think it worth while to take it as the volume would have still remained imperfect. The leaves that have been taken out in the middle of this volume were given by me to Lord Spencer to make his copy more perfect. I wish his librarian had been a little more careful in extracting them . . .’ Bequeathed in 1834.

SHELFMARK: Douce 270.

Copy number: J-068(4)

Fragment: leaf o3 only.

Binding: Mounted in a modern guard-book of half calf with cloth, by Zaehnsdorf, 1922.

Size of leaf: 341 × 240 mm.

Faint pen-trials on o3v.

On o3r a six–line initial ‘S' and on o3v a six–line initial ‘M'(!) are supplied in red.

Provenance: John Higginson, sixteenth century(?); signature on o3r. Francis Edward Norris (1885-1966). Presented by Norris by June 1952; Bodleian stamp on o3v; book-plate.

SHELFMARK: Inc. c. E1.1.

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