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Bod-Inc: J-070

Jacobus de Voragine

Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia [English] The Golden Legend.


Analysis of Content

Aa1r ‘Tabula'. Incipit: ‘Here foloweth a lytel Table conteynynge the lyves and hystoryes shortly taken out of the Byble'.

Aa2r ‘The sondaye of Septuagesme begynneth the storye of the Byble. In whiche is redde the legende and storye of Adam which foloweth'. Incipit: ‘[A]s we redde that in the begynnyng God made and created heuen and erthe . . .’ withoute ende

Aa4v ‘Here foloweth the hystorye of Noe'. Incipit: ‘[A]fter that Adam was deed deyd Eue and was buryed by hym . . .’ sones of Noe

Aa6r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of Abraham'. Incipit: ‘[T]he sondaye called Quinquagesme is redde in the chirche the hystorye . . .’ a double spelunke

Bb2v ‘Here begynneth the lyf of Ysaac with thystorye of Esau and of Jacob'. Incipit: ‘[Y]saac was xl yere olde whan he wedded Rebecca . . .’ sones beryed hym

Bb7v ‘Here begynneth the hystorye of Joseph and his brethern'. Incipit: ‘[I]oseph whan he was xvi yere old began to kepe and fede the flock with his brethern . . .’ chest in Egypte

Cc6r ‘Here next foloweth the hystorye and lyf of Moyses'. Incipit: ‘[T]hyse ben the names of the childeren of Israhell that entred . . .’ all his seruauntes

Dd7v [Additional legends.] [A brief account of the books of the Bible from Joshua to Judges, followed by a summary of the liturgical readings beginning with the Book of Kings.] Incipit: ‘[A]fter Moyses Josue was duke and ledar of the childern of Israhell . . .’

Dd8r ‘The hystorye of Saul' [running heading]. ‘The fyrst sondaye after Trynyte sondaye unto the fyrst sondaye of the moneth of August is redde the boke of kynges'. Incipit: ‘[T]his hystorye maketh mencyon of a man that was named Helcana . . .’

Ee5v ‘Here feloweth how Dauyd regned after Saull and gouerned Israhell, shortly taken out of the Byble the moost hystoriall maters and but lytel touched'. Incipit: ‘[A]fter the deth of Saull Dauyd retourned fro the journeye . . .’ cyte of Dauyd

Ff1r ‘The hystorye of Salomon' [running heading]. Incipit: ‘[A]fter Dauyd regned Salomon his sone whiche was in the begynnynge a good man . . .’ after hym

Ff3v ‘The hystorye of Roboas' [running heading]. ‘Here foloweth of Roboam'. Incipit: ‘[A]fter Salomon regned hys sone Roboas . . .’ our lady

Ff4r ‘Here foloweth thystorye of Job'. Incipit: ‘[T]here was a man in the londe of Hus named Job . . .’ full of dayes

Ff5r ‘Here foloweth the hystorye of Thobye'. Incipit: ‘[T]hobye of the trybe and of the cyte of Neptalym . . .’ on the erthe

Gg2r ‘Here foloweth the hystorye of Judyth'. Incipit: ‘[A]rphaxat kyng of the Medes subdued vnto his empyre . . .’ vnto this daye

[Hh1r] [Title-page for the ‘Legenda aurea']. ‘Here begynneth the legende named in Latyn Legenda Aurea, that is to saye in Englyshe the golden legende. For lyke as passeth golde in valewe all other metallys, so this legende excelleth all other bookes'.

[Hh1v] ‘Prologue'. Incipit: ‘[T]he hooly and blessed doctour saynt Jherom sayth this auctoryte do alwaye . . .’ blysse in heuen. Amen

[Hh2r] [Introduction to the Tabula consisting of the last part of Caxton's preface.] Incipit: ‘And to thende eche hystorye ly and passyon . . .’

[Hh2r] ‘Tabula'.

a1r Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos i (with variant ending), vi (with variant beginning and other variations), xiii (with variations), xiv (with variations), xxxi–xxxv, liii–liv, lxx, lxxii–lxxiii.

d8v ‘The feest of Corpus Christi'. Incipit: ‘The grete largesse and benefay that god hath distributed . . .’ our perpetuall saluacyon

e2v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, no. clxxxii.

e 6 v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos ii–iii.

f5r ‘Here foloweth the Concepcyon of our blessyd Lady'. Incipit: ‘  “[M]aria inuenisti graciam apud dominum”. Luce primo capitulo. Whan the Angel Gabriell had grete our Lady . . .’ God bringe vs. Amen

f7r ‘The lyues of the seyntes Gencyen, Fulcyen and Victoryce'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Fulcyen and saynt Victoryce of whom the solempnyte is . . .’ our synnes. Amen

f7r Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, no. iv.

f8v ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Nichase'. Incipit: ‘[I]n that tyme that the Wandles wasted and destroyed many cytes and londes . . .’ their companye. Amen

g1r Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos v, vii (without the section on the name).

g4r ‘Here foloweth of saynt Eugene'. Incipit: ‘[E]ugenia the noble virgyne whyche was doughter to Phylyppe . . .’ in secula seculorum. Amen

g4v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos viii– xii, xv–xvii.

i3r ‘And next foloweth thynuencyon of saynt Fremyn'. Incipit: ‘[I]n the tyme of thynunencyon of saint Fremyn . . .’ glorye of heuen. Amen

i3v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos xviii–xxi (with variations), xxii–xxvi (with additional section on the name), xxvii–xxviii (with additional section on conversion), xxix (here called Pauline, and with variations), xxx, xxxvi.

l4v ‘Here foloweth the purificacyon of our lady'. Incipit: ‘  “[P]ostquam impleti sunt dies purificacionis Marie secundum legem . . .” [Lc 2,22]. Luce secundo capitulo. Thauncient lawe had hys cours vnto the tyme that god . . .’ holy goost

l6v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos xxxviii–xxxix (with variations), xli, xl (without the section on the name), xlii–xliii (with additional section on the name), xliv (with additional section), xlv (with variations), xlvi–xlvii (both with variations).

n1r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Maure'. Incipit: ‘[T]he yere that saynt Benet deyed he sent saynt Maure . . .’ day of Janyuer

n1v ‘Here begynneth the lyf of saynt Patryke and fyrst thynterpretacion of hys name'. Incipit: ‘[P]atryke is as moche to saye as knowleche . . .’ praye for vs

n2v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, no. xlix.

n5v ‘Here next fooweth the lyfe of saynt Cuthberde of Durham'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Cuthberde was borne in Englonde and whan . . .’ praye for vs

n6r Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos li, lv (without the section on the name), lvi–lvii (sections 1-8 only).

o4r [Cross-reference.] ‘The lyf of saynt Tyburce and Valeryan been conteyned in the lyf of Cecilye virgyn and martyr'.

o4r ‘The lyf of saynt Alphey'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Alphey the holy bysshop and martyr was born . . .’ blysse in heuen. Amen

o5r Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos lviii (with additional note on Georgius as patron saint of England and of the Order of the Garter, etc.), lix–lxi (with variations), lxiii (with variations), lxv, lxvii–lxix, lxxiv (without the section on the name), lxxv–lxxviii (with additional section on the name).

q3r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saint Dunston'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Dunston was borne in Englond. And our Lorde . . .’ wythouten ende. Amen

q4r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Aldelme'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Aldelme the confessour was borne in Englonde . . .’ lyf in heuen. Amen

q4v ‘Of saynt Austyn that brought crystendom in to Englond'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Austyn was an holy monke and sente in to Englond . . .’ in heuen. Amen

q6v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos cvii, lxxix–lxxxi, lxxxii (with variations), lxxxiii (with variations and without the section on the name), lxxxiv–lxxxv.

r5r ‘The lyf of saynt Edward kynge and martyr'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Edward the yonge kynge and martyr was the sone of . . .’ lyf in heuen. Amen

r6r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Albone and of saynt Amphyabel'. Incipit: ‘[A]fter that Julius Cesar the fyrst emperour of Rome . . .’ euerlastyng blysse. Amen

s2r Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, no. lxxxvi (with variations).

s4r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Loye'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Loye was born in the countre of Lymoges . . .’ growen in hys tombe

s5r ‘There begynneth the lyf of saynt Wyllyam'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Wyllyam was drawen out of noble lygnage . . .’ blysse in heuen. Amen

s5v ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Eutrope'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Eutrope was born and came of the most . . .’ shall regne. Amen

s7r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saint Marcial'. Incipit: ‘[I]n the tyme that our lord Jhesu Cryste prechyd in Iurye . . .’ glorye perdurable. Amen

t1r Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, no. ccxvi (with variations, and without the section on the name).

t5v ‘Here begynneth the lyf of saynt Maturyne'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Maturyn was borne of the dyosesse of Sens and hys . . .’ may haue parte. Amen

t6r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Vyctor'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Vyctor the gloryous knyght and marter . . .’ secula seculorum. Amen

t6v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxxvii (with variations), lxxxviii–xcii.

x1v ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Swythune'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Swithune ye holy confessour was born besydes Wynchester . . .’ good lord for vs, etc.

x2r ‘Here begynneth the translacyon of saynt Thomas of Caunterbury'. Incipit: ‘[T]he translacyon of ye glorious martyr saynt Thomas . . .’ blysse in heuen. Amen

x3r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynte Kenelme kyng and marter'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Kenelme marter was king of a parte of Englonde . . .’ wythout ende. Amen

x4v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos xciii, xcv–xcix (with variations), c–ciii (with additional section on the name), civ (with additional section on the name), cv–cvi (with additional section on the name, ending imperfectly), cvii (repeated), cviii–cx (with variations), cxi–cxii (with variations), cxiii (with variations), cxiv–cxix (with variations).

D2v [Additional legends.] [Addition to no. cxix ascribed to St. Augustine.] Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Austyn sheweth autentyckly in a sermon of the right holy . . .’ me thou and thyne

D3v ‘He foloweth the lyf of saynt Rocke'. Translated by William Caxton. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Rocke was born in Mountpeler whiche is a towne of grete name . . .’ lyf in heuen. Amen Caxton names himself as translator at the end of this legend: ‘whiche lyf is translated out of latyn in to Englysshe by me Wyllyam Caxton'.

D6v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos cxx–cxxi (with variations in the section on the name), cxxii (without the section on the name), ccxxiii–cxxiv (with variations), cxxv, cxxvi–cxxix (all with additional sections on the name), cxxx–cxxxi (with variations), cxxxiv (with additional section on the name), cxxxv–cxxxvi (with additional section on the name), cxxxvii–cxxxviii, cxxxii, cxxxix, cxxxiii (with additional section on the name), cxl–cxliv (with additional section on the name), cxlv–cxlviii (with additional section on the name), cxlix, cl–clii (all with additional sections on the name), cliii–cliv (with additional section on the name).

L8r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Edward kyng of Englonde and confessour'. Incipit: ‘[I]n old tyme the reame of Englonde was gretely troubled with the Danes . . .’ seruaunt wythout ende. Amen

N2v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos clvi–clvii (with additional section on the name), clviii.

N8r ‘Here foloweth the lyues of saynt Cryspyn and Cryspynyan'. Incipit: ‘[I]n the tyme whan the furyous persecucyon of Crysten men . . .’ pray for vs

N8v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos clix, clx–clxi (both with additional sections on the name), clxii–clxii (with additional section).

P5v ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Wenefryde'. Incipit: ‘[A]fter that holy man Beuno hadde do made many chyrches . . .’ intercessour for vs. Amen

P6v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos clv, clxiv–clxv (with additional section on the name), clxvi–clxvii (with additional section on the name).

Q5v ‘Here foloweth the lyf of the holy vyrgine saynt Clare'. Incipit: ‘[T]here was a merueyllous holy woman in the cyte of Assyse whyche was . . .’ lyf and blysse in heuen. Amen

R6r Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos ccii (with variations), xciv (with variations), clxviii.

S5r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Edmond'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Edmund the confessour and bysshop whyche . . .’ vs our synnes. Amen

S7v ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saint Hughe'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Hughe of holy remembraunce was somtyme bysshop of Lyncolne . . .’ praye for vs

S8r ‘Here foloweth ye lyf of saynt Edmond kyng and martyr'. Incipit: ‘[I]n the prouince of Englond of olde tyme were diuers kynges for the londe . . .’ kynge and martyr

T1r Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Following ed. Graesse, nos clxix–clxxi (with additional section on the name), clxxii (with variations), clxxiii (with additional section on the name). Many of the legends contain at least minor variations, and many end in small prayers to the saint.

V6v [Note about the extra feasts added to the corpus.] Incipit: ‘Thys feste is the laste feste of the yere for to begynne at the feste of saynt Andrewe . . .’ golden legende

V6v [Additional legends.] Following ed. Graesse, no. clxxiv.

V7v ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Bede'. Incipit: ‘[T]he holy and venerable Bede was born in Englond . . .’ euerlastyng lyf. Amen

V8v [Additional legends.] ed. Graesse, no. ccx (with variations).

X1v ‘Here foloweth ye lyf of saynt Brandon'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Brandon the holy man was a monke and borne in Yrlonde . . .’ wythout ende. Amen

X6r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Erkenwolde'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Erkenwold was born of noble lygnage. Hys fader was . . .’ world wythoute ende. Amen

X7r [Additional legends.] ed. Graesse, nos clxxv (with additional section on the name), clxxvi–clxxxi.

aa6v ‘Here foloweth ye lyf of saynt Symeon'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Symeon was born in Antyoche and was moche vertuous . . .’ mercy on vs. Amen

aa8r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Polycarpe'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Polycarpe was dyscyple of saynt Johan theuangelyst . . .’ holy ghoost. Amen

aa8v ‘Here foloweth the passyon of saynt Quyryace'. Incipit: ‘[I]n the tyme that Julyan thappostata wente for to fyghte . . .’ deth and passyon

bb2r [Additional legends.] ed. Graesse, no. ccxiv (without the section on the name, and with variations).

bb3r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Gayus'. Incipit: ‘[I]n that tyme whan Dyoclesyan and Maxymyen reygned emperours, Gayus . . .’ may haue parte. Amen

bb4r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Arnolde'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Arnold was fader of Pepyn and graunt fader of Charles ye Grete . . .’ seculorum secula. Amen

bb5v ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Turyen'. Incipit: ‘[S]aint Turyen was archebisshop of Dol in lytyll Brytagne . . .’ intercessour and frende. Amen

bb6r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Fyacre'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Fyacre the gloryous heremyte made many vertuous dedes . . .’ our sayd lord and god. Amen

bb7v ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Justyn'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Justyn was born in the cyte of Naples and his fader . . .’ secula seculorum. Amen

bb8r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Demetryen'. Incipit: ‘[W]hyle that themperour Maxymyen had the lordshyp of Thessalonicense . . .’ all our synnes. Amen

bb8v ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Rygoberte'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Rygoberte was archebysshop of Raynes euer fylled with holynesse . . .’ cui honor et imperium

cc1r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Laudry'. Incipit: ‘[S]aint Laudri of whom herafter we ioyefull shall make memorye . . .’ praye god for vs. Amen

cc1v ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Melonyn'. Incipit: ‘[I]n the tyme of the emperour Valerian saynt Melonyn . . .’ in finita secula. Amen

cc2r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of sayt(!) Yues'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Yues was born in lytll Brytayn in the dyocese of Tryguyer . . .’ syecle and syecles. Amen

cc4r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Morante'. Incipit: ‘[T]he kynge Theodoryk commaunded to saynt Morant of Dowey . . .’ praye to our lord Jhesu Cryste

cc5r [Additional legends.] ed. Graesse, no. ccxiii (with variations, and without the section on the name).

dd1v ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Lowes'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Lowes of Marseyle was born of ryall lygnage and had to hys fader . . .’ praye god for vs. Amen

dd2v ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Audegonde'. Incipit: ‘[I]n the tyme of Dagoberte kyng of Fraunce whyche reygned about . . .’ glorye without ende. Amen

dd3r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Aulbyne'. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Aulbyne was borne of noble lygnage in the partyes of Ytalye . . .’ holy ghoost. Amen

dd4r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of the holy bysshop and martyr Erasmus'. Incipit: ‘The holy man saint Erasmus was come of noble and of grete kynrede and he was . . .’ god maye opteyne. Amen


Imprint: Westminster: Wynkyn de Worde, 8 Jan. 1498. Folio.


Collation: Aa–Ff8 Gg6 [Hh4] a–h8 i10 k–z A–Y aa bb8 cc dd6.

Illustrations: Woodcuts: see BMC.


ISTC: ij00151000

Hain: C 6475;

Goff: Goff J‑151;


Proctor: Pr 9708;

Others: Duff 411; Oates 4131-2; Pellechet, ‘Voragine', no. 114; Polain 4481; Rhodes 993; Seyboldt no. 115; Sheppard 7457; STC 24876.

LCN: 14499057


Copy number: J-070(1)

Wanting Aa1, 3-8, Bb1-3, 6-7, g1.8, h8, k2, r1.8, t8, y8, z1.8, Q1.8, dd6. Leaves in gathering Bb damaged; many leaves repaired; S1-5 mutilated.

Binding: Nineteenth-century English blind-tooled calf, bound for the Bodleian; the gold stamp of the Library on both covers.

Size: 309 × 227 × 68 mm.

Size of leaf: 293 × 201 mm.

Bibliographical notes by Thomas Hearne on the recto of the front endleaf.

Some early marginal annotations, including comments in English (some anti-Catholic; e.g. s8r: ‘Signe of the + note this fopperie'), pointing hands, ‘nota' marks, pen-trials and scribbles, also drawings of figures copied from the woodcuts. The word ‘pope' has sometimes been cancelled heavily in black ink.

Provenance: Thomas Cothele (sixteenth century); erased inscription on x5v: ‘Thome Cothele pertinet [iste] liber'. Thomas Hearne (1678-1735); inscription on the recto of the front endleaf: ‘Suum cuique Thomas Hearne. April 10 1722'. Richard Rawlinson (1690-1755). Bequeathed in 1755.

Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. QQ sup. 2.21.

SHELFMARK: Arch. G c.2.

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