Bod-Inc: J-079
Jacobus de Voragine
Sermones de tempore.
Analysis of Content
[a1v] [Table of contents, in alphabetical order.]
[b1r] Jacobus de Voragine: Sermones de tempore. See Schneyer, Repertorium, III nos 1-160; Kaeppeli II 361-4 no. 2156.
Imprint: [Ulm: Conrad Dinckmut], 31 July 1484.
Remarks: Amelung assigns to Dinckmut.
Collation: [a–z A8].
Types: Types: 150, headings, headlines; 77.
Leaves: 192 leaves, 9-192 numbered: ‘Folium .i.–clxxxi', with errors. The erroneus foliation on the rectos of the first three leaves of gathering [i], ‘liiii–lvi', which repeats that of the previous leaves, is followed by a small arabic 8 to denote the number of the gathering.
Line number: 51 lines and headlines ([b2r]); 2 columns.
Type area: Type area: 198 (205) ×125 mm ([b2r]).
Remarks: Capital spaces. Leaf [a1r]: ‘Iacobi de voragine Regiſtrū alpha- | betico ordine collectū. in ſermones dn̄i- | cales . . .'; [b1r]: ‘Ordinis predicatorū fratris Iacobi | de voragine ſermones dominicales per | anni circulum . . .'; l. 6: ‘[H]Umane la | biľ vite de | curſus ſalu | bri eruditi | one nos admonet . . .'; [A8r], colophon: ‘Iacobi de voragine opuſculū in ſer- | mones dn̄icales cōpoſitum finit feliciter. | Anno dn̄i .1484. pridie kalendas Augu | ſti die vero ſaturni.’
ISTC: ij00194500
Hain: C 6534 (I); R, Supplement, 219 (II);
Goff: Goff J‑183 (I);
Proctor: Pr 3260;
Others: Amelung, Frühdruck, I 99; BSB‑Ink I‑110; CIBN J‑131; Sack, Freiburg, 2002; Sheppard 1853-5.
LCN: 14498265
Copy number: J-079(1)
Bound with J‑077; see there for details of binding and provenance.
Size of leaf: 270 × 188 mm.
Wanting [g7-8], in place of which there have been inserted two leaves which formerly served to line the covers of the volume. These leaves, constituting sheet [g2], contain the text differently set up; they were cancelled owing to an error of imposition, the text of g2v (misnumbered xliiv) and g7r having changed places. As now bound, the first leaf contains the text of g2v on the recto, g7v on the verso; the second, g2r on the recto, g7r on the verso.
Some marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in the same early hands found in J‑077. Early manuscript signature in the lower right-hand corner of the rectos.
On [b1r] a four-line initial is supplied in red with brown pen-work decoration. Other initials and underlining of chapter headings are supplied in red. On [n4v] is a male face in brown ink in the area defined by the initial ‘U'.
SHELFMARK: Auct. 4Q 4.29(2).
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