Bod-Inc: L-017
Laet, Johannes
Prognosticationes de anno 1476 [Latin].
Analysis of Content
[a1r] Laet, Johannes: Prognosticationes de anno 1476. [Opening prayer.] Incipit: ‘Verbo domini celi firmati sunt . . .’
[a1r] Laet, Johannes: [Preface addressed to] Ludovicus de Bourbon, Bishop of Liège. Incipit: ‘Noscat vestra serenissima dominatio . . .’
[a1v] Laet, Johannes: Prognosticationes de anno 1476. ‘Universalis intentio super dispositione huius presentis anni lxxvi.’ Incipit: ‘Primo principaliter prout semper solitus fui . . .’
Imprint: Louvain: Johannes de Westfalia, [1475]. Folio.
Collation: [a10].
Types: Types: 118 G, 89 G (colophon only).
Leaves: 10 leaves.
Line number: 31 lines ([a3r]).
Type area: Type area: 183 ×120 mm. ([a3r]).
Remarks: Leaf [a1r]: ‘He ſūt pronoſticatiōes euentuū futurorū anni .lxxvi. || Verbo domini celi firmati ſūt / et ſpiritu oris eius omnis | virtus eorū . . .'; l. 6: ‘Reuerendiſſimo illuſtriſſimoqƺ in chriſto patri ac domi | no domino ludouico de bourbon / dei gratia epiſcopo leo | dienſi . . .'; [a1v], l. 22: ‘Vniuerſal' intētio ſup[per]ꝝ egregioꝝ viroꝝ deſideriis obſecutus / qui prenominatū pronoſtican | tem futura vere inculto ꝙ̃uis ſtilo conpluribus ānis prenūciaſſe ferūt. | Non reuera quo vtilitatē magnā ipſe conſequerer (vtilius enī opus eā | ob rem ſuſpendi) ſƺ quo ſimul plurimorū comodis ac voluptati pariter | inſeruiēs: ſtilū meū nouū quo poſthac maiori [et] minori in volumine vti | propono / ſigni mei teſtimonio curioſis ac bonarum rerum ſtudioſis pa | lam facerem. . . . . . . . . .' | Device, portrait of the printer, in profile; see Rudolf Juchhoff, Drucker- und Verlegerzeichen des XV. Jahrhunderts in den Niederlanden, England, Spanien, Böhemen, Mähren und Polen, Die Drucker- und Buchhändlermarken des XV. Jahrhunderts, 3 (Munich, 1927), no. 47.
diſpoſitiōe hui[us] p̄ſentis āni .lxxvi.'; [a10v], colophon: ‘Hec ego ioannes ď paderborne in vveſtfalia / florentiſſima in vniuer | ſitate louanienſi reſidens / vt ī manus venerūt imprimere curaui: nōnul | loReferences
ISTC: il00022100
Hain: C 3463;
Proctor: Pr 9216;
Others: Campbell 1081; HPT I 14-17, II 435; ILC 1398; Sheppard 7080-2.
LCN: 14452635
Copy number: L-017(1)
Bound as fols 253-62 with a miscellaneous manuscript; see SC 3355.
Binding: Sixteenth/seventeenth-century English blind-tooled calf over pasteboards. Double fillets form a double frame, decorated with a floral and foliate roll. Rebacked.
Size: 287 × 202 × 57 mm.
Size of leaf: 287 × 202 mm.
Inserted is a cutting from Academy, 3 Oct. 1891, containing a letter from Proctor describing this tract, and suggesting that Justinianus, Institutiones, 21 Nov. 1475 is the edition which in the colophon is said to have been postponed.
Provenance: Jacobus N. (i. e. James Friis) (†1488); on fol. 251 a letter sent to him from Bruges by H. W., dated 9 May 1476. Alexander Monselovius (sixteenth century); his signature on f. 4r-v. Hugh Banks (sixteenth century); inscription on f. 4v: ‘Hughe Banks me possidet jd ob quadr. ijc’ ‘5 May 1551'. John Selden (1584-1654). Bequeathed in 1654.
SHELFMARK: MS. Arch. Seld. B 25(4) (ff. 253-62).
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