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Bod-Inc: L-033

Lanfrancus de Oriano

Aureus tractatus de arbitris utilis et quottidianus.


Analysis of Content

a1r [Title-page.]

a2r Lanfrancus de Oriano: Aureus tractatus de arbitris utilis et quotidianus. Incipit: ‘[M]ateriam arbitramentalem considerans vtilem fore et quottidianum(!) . . .’

e1v [Colophon.]

e1v ‘Tabula questionum et aliorum.’


Imprint: Pavia: [Franciscus de Guaschis de Stradella], for Johannes de Legnano and Girardus de Zeiis, 10 May 1499. Folio.


Collation: a–e4.

Types: Types: 180 G; 87 G. Capital space with guide-letter on a2r.

Leaves: 20 leaves, the last blank. 2 columns.

Line number: 69 lines (a5r).

Type area: Type area: 297 ×189 mm (a5r).

Remarks: Leaf a1r: device [of J. de Legnano] || ‘Aureus Tractatus de Arbitris | d. Lafrnchi de oriano Vtilis et | quottidianus.' a2r: ‘¶ Clariſſimi iuriſconſulti. D. Lafranchi de Oriano ſolemnis | vtilis quotidianus [et] praticabilis tractatus de arbitris . . .'; e1v: ‘¶ Impreſſum Papie per Ioānem de Lignano [et] Girardū | de zeis dēo.Mcccclxxxxviiij.die.x.Maij.’


ISTC: il00053000

Hain: H *9891;

Goff: Goff L‑53;

Proctor: Pr 7112;

Others: BSB‑Ink L‑51; Sheppard 5868-9.

LCN: 14540150


Copy number: L-033(1)

Bound with:
1. Johannes Franciscus de Pavinis, Commentary on Bonifacius VIII, Bulla ‘Unam Sanctam.’, et al. [Rome: Georgius Lauer, c.1478] (P‑072).

Wanting the blank leaf e4.

The first gathering is a reissue of the edition signed by F. de Guaschis, 27 Oct. 1498 (Pr 7111). The names of J. de Legnano and G. Zeis in the colophon appear as publishers (see Pr's note).

Binding: Paper wrappers, from a copy of a late-sixteenth century work in Italian, on the Reformation.

Size: 393 × 283 × 10 mm.

Size of leaf: 391 × 278 mm.

Number 49 on [a1r] of item 1.

Provenance: Purchased for £0. 12. 6; see Books Purchased (1847), 26.

SHELFMARK: Auct. 3Q 3.25(2).

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