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Bod-Inc: L-131

Locher, Jacobus

Carmen de Sancta Catherina.


Analysis of Content

a1r Bergmann, Johannes: [Verse addressed to] the reader. Incipit: ‘Constidis insignes laudes hic, candide lector, | Perlege, victoris et monumenta Iouis'; 5 elegiac distichs.

a1v Locher, Jacobus: [Letter addressed to] Christof von Schrofenstein, canon. Incipit: ‘[N]isi tua splendidissima virtutum comitas . . .’

a2v Locher, Jacobus: ‘Hexastichon.’ Incipit: ‘Si tua presentis vite preconia vellem | Ludere, virtutes et memorare tuas'; 3 elegiac distichs.

a2v Locher, Jacobus: Carmen de Sancta Catherina. Incipit: ‘Ad laudes Katherina tuas niueosque triumphos | Si modo sufficeret lingua diserta parum'; elegiac distichs.

a6v Brant, Sebastian: ‘Elegidion' [addressed to] Jacobus Locher. Incipit: ‘Insigni exaras Katherinae carmine laudes | Illius et vitam docte Iacobe canis'; 4 elegiac distichs.


Imprint: [Basel]: Johann Bergmann, de Olpe, 1496. 4°.


Collation: a6.

Illustrations: Woodcut by Albrecht Dürer; see Hieronymus, Buchillustration, no. 76.


ISTC: il00259000

Hain: HC *10164;

Goff: Goff L‑259;


Proctor: Pr 7773;

Others: BSB‑Ink L‑200; Hillard 1236; Sack, Freiburg, 2258; Schramm XXII p. 47; Schreiber V 4512; Sheppard 2555.

LCN: 14503032


Copy number: L-131(1)

Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf over pasteboards; bound for the Bodleian Library.

Size: 215 × 153 × 7 mm.

Size of leaf: 210 × 141 mm.

Provenance: Purchased together with L‑132 for £0. 10. 0; see Books Purchased (1860), 54.

SHELFMARK: Auct. 4Q 5.33.

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