Bod-Inc: L-197
Ludovicus Imolensis
Oratio in die Stephani habita coram patrum senatu.
Analysis of Content
[a1r] Ludovicus Imolensis: Oratio in die Stephani habita coram patrum senatu. Incipit: ‘ “[Ecce ego mitto ad uos prophetas . . .” [Mt 23,34.] . . . [C]elebrato namque die et solemniter peracto . . .’
Imprint: [Rome: Bartholomaeus Guldinbeck, c.1476]. 4°.
Collation: [a6].
Types: Type: 97 G (mixed). Capital spaces.
Leaves: 6 leaves.
Line number: 30 lines ([a1r]).
Type area: Type area: 147 ×90 mm ([a1r]).
ISTC: il00374000
Hain: H *9161;
Goff: Goff L‑374;
Proctor: Pr 3575;
Others: BSB‑Ink L‑278; CIBN L‑288; Hillard 1255; Oates 1422; Pellechet MS. 7347 (7287); Sack, Freiburg, 2288; Sheppard 2836.
LCN: 14504091
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