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Bod-Inc: M-181

Melber, Johannes

Vocabularius praedicantium, sive Variloquus. Compiled with the assistance of Jodocus Eichmann.


Analysis of Content

A1v [Verse.] Incipit: ‘Si te materne remoratur inertia lingue | Quominus ad populum fundere verba queas'; 4 elegiac distichs.

A2r [Introduction recording the contribution of Jodocus Eichmann.] Incipit: ‘[S]i iuxta naturalem consonamque proprietatem Latinorum cupias esse . . .’ Explicit: originem series opusculi See VL II 394-8, at 396-7.

A2r [Melber, Johannes: Vocabularius praedicantium, sive Variloquus. Compiled with the assistance of Jodocus Eichmann.] Incipit: ‘[A]bba est hebrenm(!), vatter. Abba pater vatter vatter . . .’ Explicit: talium animalium fortiter See VL VI 367-71, at 368-70.


Imprint: [Speier: Peter Drach, c.1480]. 4°.

Remarks: As dated by Sheppard; CIBN dates [c.1481-2], BSB‑Ink [c.1476].


Collation: A–G8 H12 I–O8 P12 Q–X8 Y6 Z Aa–Dd8 Ee6 Ff8.

Types: Type: 94 G.

Leaves: 236 leaves, the last blank.

Line number: 32 lines (A2v).

Type area: Type area: 150 ×93 mm (A2v).


ISTC: im00456100

Hain: H *11029;

Proctor: Pr 2348;

Others: BSB‑Ink M‑304; CIBN M‑288; Claes no. 14; Pellechet MS. 7817 (7758); Sheppard 1697.

LCN: 14456731


Copy number: M-181(1)

Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards with metal catch. On both covers triple fillets form an outer frame, within which is a repeated star stamp and a repeated crescent stamp. Double fillets form the inner rectangle which is decorated, on the upper cover, with a repeated floral stamp, and on the lower with a repeated lozenge-shaped floral stamp and the star stamp. Spine damaged, upper board loose; stamps very worn.

Size: 206 × 143 × 69 mm.

Size of leaf: 197 × 138 mm.

A parchment strip has been used at each end to cover the sewing of the boards. The front strip contains the text of a letter written in a fifteenth-century hand, from the vicar of Heinrich von Hoewen (†1462), Bishop of Constance 1436-62 (Gams 272), addressed to the pastor of ‘Aindurnen', stating that Elizabeth Köfflerin, Elizabeth Büttlin, []ina Stüpplerin, Ursula Bü[r?]ckerinn and []dam Hächlerin, are to be excommunicated for publica fornicatio. The contents of the back strip seem to begin in a similar way, but are written in a different fifteenth-century hand.

Occasional early marginal and interlinear annotations, also pointing hands, ‘nota' marks, and underlining in the text in red and blue, in the same type of colour which was used in the rubrication.

Two- to nine-line initials, some with extensions into the margins, are supplied in red, blue, or interlocked red and blue; paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue; capital strokes in red.

Provenance: Hilbrand Brandenburg (1442-1514). Buxheim, Bavaria, Carthusians, BVM; see Honemann, ‘Buxheim Collection', Bod25; inscription on A1r: ‘Liber Carthausien[sium] in Buchshaim prope Memmingenn proueniens a confratre nostro domino Hilpranndo Branndennburger de Bibracho continens vt infra oretur pro eo et pro quibus desiderauit'. Graf von Ostein, 1803. Presumably sold in 1883 by Graf Hugo von Waldbott-Bassenheim (1820-1895); not identified in Buxheim sale. Albert Cohn. Purchased from Cohn for 10 Marks; see Library Bills, 25 Feb. 1886.

SHELFMARK: Auct. 7Q 7.7.

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