Bod-Inc: N-082
Nider, Johannes
Manuale confessorum.
Analysis of Content
a2r Nider, Johannes: Manuale confessorum. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam iuxta beati Gregorii in suo Pastorali sententiam regimen animarum est ars artium . . .’ Explicit: in sentencia et scripto. Et tantum de confessorum . . .sufficit See N‑078.
f11v [First colophon.]
g2r Nider, Johannes: De morali lepra. Incipit: ‘[O]lim Deum legimus in Leuitico veteris testamenti mandasse sacerdotibus . . .’ Explicit: late distinctum est. Quod de lepra morali dicere proposueram christo duce expleui See Kaeppeli II 500-15 no. 2538; VL VI 971-7.
p8v [Second colophon.]
Imprint: Paris: Ulrich Gering, Martin Crantz, and Michael Friburger, 5 Apr. 1477. 4°.
Collation: a–e10 f12 g–o10 p8.
Types: Type: 90 G.
Leaves: 150 leaves, a1, f12, and g1 blank.
Line number: 30 lines (a2v).
Type area: Type area: 135 ×88 mm (a2v).
Remarks: Leaf a1 blank; a2r: ‘Eximij ſacre theologie ꝓfeſſoris fratris Iohānis | nyder ordinis . . . | . . .'; l. 4: ‘[Q]Voniā iuxta beati gregorij in ſuo pa | ſtorali ſententiā! regimē . . .'; f11v, l. 19: ‘xiſſe ſufficit; | Eximij ſacre theologie ꝓfeſſoris fratris Iohānis | nyder ordinis . . . | . . .'; l. 22: ‘ . . . feliciter finit. | Impreſſum Pariſius in ſole aureo.'; g1 blank; g2r: ‘Eximij ſacre theologie ꝓfessoris fratris . . .'; l. 4: ‘[O]Lim deum legimus in leuitico! vete | ris teſtamēti . . .'; p8v, l. 7: ‘Religioſi doctiſſimiqƺ viri fratris iohannis Ny- | der . . .'; l. 11: ‘ . . . completus eſt | pariſius per Martinū crantz, Vdalricum gering | et Michaelem friburger. Anno dominice natiui- | tatis Milleſimoquadringenteſimoſeptuageſimo- | ſeptimo, die quinta menſis aprilis.’
ISTC: in00180500
Hain: H 11844;
Proctor: Pr 7848;
Others: CIBN N‑111; Claudin I 76; Sheppard 6093.
LCN: 14468626
Copy number: N-082(1)
Bound with:
2. Petrus de Osoma, Commentaria in symbolum Quicunque vult. Paris: Ulrich Gering, [1478] (P‑206(1)).
Wanting the blank leaves a1, f12, and g1.
Binding: Eighteenth-century gold-tooled mottled calf; marbled-edged leaves; marbled pastedowns; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers. Front parchment pastedown now raised and used as an endleaf.
Size: 202 × 148 × 35 mm.
Size of leaf: 196 × 138 mm.
On a2r and g2r five- and six-line initials ‘Q' and ‘O' are supplied in red and blue. Other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; capitals touched with yellow wash.
Inscription partly cropped in the upper margin of a2r; same inscription in G‑093. ‘4 m 8' in black ink also in the upper margin of the same leaf.
Provenance: Nantes, Val de Loire, Franciscans; inscription on d7r of item 2: ‘du conuent des freres mineurs de Nantes'; see Bod-inc. G‑093. Pietro-Antonio Bolongaro-Crevenna (1735-1792); printed label of the sale (1789), part I lot 649; in the annotated catalogue marked down to van den Bergh for Fl. 1.10 (together with lot 650: Istruzione per la confessione). Purchased [from van den Bergh?] in 1790 for £0. 18. 0: see Books Purchased (1790), 2.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 4.11(?).
SHELFMARK: Auct. 1Q 5.10(1).
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